439 research outputs found

    XTRA: The fast X-ray timing detector on XEUS

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    The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) has demonstrated that the dynamical variation of the X-ray emission from accreting neutron stars and stellar mass black holes is a powerful probe of their strong gravitational fields. At the same time, the X-ray burst oscillations at the neutron star spin frequency have been used to set important constraints on the mass and radius of neutron stars, hence on the equation of state of their high density cores. The X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy mission (XEUS), the potential follow-on mission to XMM-Newton, will have a mirror aperture more than ten times larger than the effective area of the RXTE proportional counter array (PCA). Combined with a small dedicated fast X-ray timing detector in the focal plane (XTRA: XEUS Timing for Relativistic Astrophysics), this collecting area will provide a leap in timing sensitivity by more than one order of magnitude over the PCA for bright sources, and will open a brand new window on faint X-ray sources, owing to the negligible detector background. The use of advanced Silicon drift chambers will further improve the energy resolution by a factor of ~6 over the PCA, so that spectroscopic diagnostics of the strong field region, such as the relativistically broadened Iron line, will become exploitable. By combining fast X-ray timing and spectroscopy, XTRA will thus provide the first real opportunity to test general relativity in the strong gravity field regime and to constrain with unprecedented accuracy the equation of state of matter at supranuclear density.Comment: To appear in X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond, ed. P. Kaaret, F. K. Lamb, & J. H. Swank (Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics). 8 pages, 10 figures, 1 in colo

    The spectral-timing properties of upper and lower kHz QPOs

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    Soft lags from the emission of the lower kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) of neutron star low mass X-ray binaries have been reported from 4U1608-522 and 4U1636-536. Those lags hold prospects for constraining the origin of the QPO emission. In this paper, we investigate the spectral-timing properties of both the lower and upper kHz QPOs from the neutron star binary 4U1728-34, using the entire Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer archive on this source. We show that the lag-energy spectra of the two QPOs are systematically different: while the lower kHz QPO shows soft lags, the upper kHz QPO shows either a flat lag-energy spectrum or hard variations lagging softer variations. This suggests two different QPO-generation mechanisms. We also performed the first spectral deconvolution of the covariance spectra of both kHz QPOs. The QPO spectra are consistent with Comptonized blackbody emission, similar to the one found in the time-averaged spectrum, but with a higher seed-photon temperature, suggesting that a more compact inner region of the Comptonization layer (boundary/spreading layer, corona) is responsible for the QPO emission. Considering our results together with other recent findings, this leads us to the hypothesis that the lower kHz QPO signal is generated by coherent oscillations of the compact boundary layer region itself. The upper kHz QPO signal may then be linked to less-coherent accretion-rate variations produced in the inner accretion disk, being detected when they reach the boundary layer.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Accretion flows around stellar mass black holes and neutron stars

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    In this review, I summarize the main X-ray/hard X-ray properties of the accretion flows around black holes and neutron stars based on recent broad-band spectral and timing observations performed by the BeppoSAX and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellites. Emphasizing the spectral and timing similarities observed between black holes and neutron stars, I discuss on the most likely accretion geometry and emission processes associated with hard and soft spectral states. For black holes, in the hard state, the accretion geometry is more likely made of a truncated disk and a hot inner flow, in which thermal Comptonization takes place. The truncated disk is likely to be the dominant source of seed photons, and the site for the production of the reflection component observed. In soft states, the disk now extends closer to the compact object and is brighter in X-rays. The hard X-ray emission occurs through Comptonization of disk photons on a thermal/non-thermal electron distribution, generated in magnetic flares above the accretion disk. For neutron stars, similar accretion geometry and emission mechanisms may apply but the unavoidable radiation from the neutron star surface adds yet another component in the X-ray spectrum. It also acts as an additional source of cooling for the Comptonizing cloud, leading to softer spectra in neutron stars than in black holes.Comment: to appear in Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe, Como, Italy, 16-19 Sep, 2003. 12 pages, 9 figure

    ECLAIRs: A microsatellite to observe the prompt optical and X-ray emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    ECLAIRs is a French microsatellite devoted to the observation of the prompt optical and X-ray emission of GRBs. For about 100 GRBs/yr, independent of their duration, ECLAIRs will provide high time resolution high sensitivity spectral coverage from a few eV up to ~50 keV and localization to ~5 arcsec in near real time. This capability is achieved by combining wide field optical and X-ray cameras sharing a common field of view (~1/6th of the sky) with the coded-mask imaging telescopes providing the triggers and the coarse localizations of the bursts. Given the delays to start ground-based observations in response to a GRB trigger, ECLAIRs is unique in its ability to observe the early phases (the first ~20 sec) of all GRBs at optical wavelengths. Furthermore, with its mode of operation, ECLAIRs will enable to search for optical and X-ray precursors expected from theoretical grounds. Finally ECLAIRs is proposed to operate simultaneously with GLAST on a synchronous orbit. This combination will ensure broad band spectral coverage from eV to GeV energies for the GRBs detected by the two satellites, ECLAIRs further providing their accurate localization to enable follow-up studies.Comment: Paper presented at the Woods Hole GRB conference on behalf of the ECLAIRs international consortium. 7 pages. 2 figures. AIP conference proceedings in pres

    kHz QPOs from the 2000 and 2010 X-ray transients located in the globular cluster Terzan 5: EXO1745-248 and IGR J17480-2446

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    EXO1745-248 is a transient neutron star low-mass X-ray binary located in the globular cluster Terzan 5. It was in outburst in 2000 and displayed during one Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observation a highly coherent quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at frequencies between 670 and 715 Hz. Applying a maximum likelihood method to fit the X-ray power density spectrum, we show that the QPO can be detected on segments as short as T=48 seconds. We find that its width is consistent with being constant, while previous analysis based on longer segment duration (200 s) found it variable. If the QPO frequency variations in EXO1745-248 follows a random walk (i.e. the contribution of the drift to the measured width increases like square root of T), we derive an intrinsic width of about 2.3 Hz. This corresponds to an intrinsic quality factor of about 297+/-50 at 691 Hz. We also show that Q is consistent with being constant between 2.5 and 25 keV. IGR J17480-2446 is another X-ray transient located in Terzan 5. It is a very interesting object showing accretion powered pulsations and burst oscillations at 11 Hz. We report on the properties of its kHz QPOs detected between October 18th and October 23rd, soon after the source had moved from the so-called Atoll to the Z state. Its QPOs are typical of persistent Z sources; in the sense that they have low Q factors (about 30) and low RMS amplitudes (about 5 %). The highest frequency (at 870 Hz), if orbital, sets a lower limit on the inner disk radius of about 18.5 km, and an upper limit to the dipole moment of the magnetic field 5 x 10^26 G cm^3.Comment: In preprint format, 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    X-ray Timing beyond the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer

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    With its ability to look at bright galactic X-ray sources with sub-millisecond time resolution, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) discovered that the X-ray emission from accreting compact stars shows quasi-periodic oscillations on the dynamical timescales of the strong field region. RXTE showed also that waveform fitting of the oscillations resulting from hot spots at the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars constrain their masses and radii. These two breakthroughs suddenly opened up a new window on fundamental physics, by providing new insights on strong gravity and dense matter. Building upon the RXTE legacy, in the Cosmic Vision exercise, testing General Relativity in the strong field limit and constraining the equation of state of dense matter were recognized recently as key goals to be pursued in the ESA science program for the years 2015-2025. This in turn identified the need for a large (10 m2 class) aperture X-ray observatory. In recognition of this need, the XEUS mission concept which has evolved into a single launch L2 formation flying mission will have a fast timing instrument in the focal plane. In this paper I will outline the unique science that will be addressed with fast X-ray timing on XEUS.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, COSPAR Colloquium "Spectra & Timing of Compact X-ray Binaries", January 17-20, 2005, Mumbai, India. Advances in Space Research, 2006, in pres
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