818 research outputs found
Interplanetary stream magnetism: Kinematic effects
The particle density, and the magnetic field intensity and direction are calculated in corotating streams of the solar wind, assuming that the solar wind velocity is constant and radial and that its azimuthal variations are not two rapid. The effects of the radial velocity profile in corotating streams on the magnetic fields were examined using kinematic approximation and a variety of field configurations on the inner boundary. Kinematic and dynamic effects are discussed
Interplanetary magnetic fields, their fluctuations, and cosmic ray variations
The cause of Forbush decreases is examined using neutron monitor data and measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field. It is found that for the period examined (Dec. 15, 1965 to April 23, 1966) large enhancements of the interplanetary magnetic field correlate well with decreases in cosmic ray intensity, while various parameters connected with the fluctuations in the field do not display such good correlation. The inference is drawn that Forbush decreases are not related to the turbulence or random motions in the field but to the large scale features of the field
Causes of forbush decreases and other cosmic ray variations
The relationship between neutron monitor variations and the intensity variations of the interplanetary magnetic field is studied, using Deep River data and IMP-series satellite data. In over 80% of the cases studied, identifiable depressions of the cosmic ray intensity are associated with magnetic field enhancements of several hours duration and intensity above 10 gamma. Conversely, each magnetic field enhancement has an identifiable effect (though not necessarily a marked depression) on the cosmic ray intensity. Long lasting Forbush decreases are found to be the consequence of the successive action of several such features. An explanation is presented and discussed
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A global approach to HIV-1 vaccine development
Summary A global human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) vaccine will have to elicit immune responses capable of providing protection against a tremendous diversity of HIV-1 variants. In this review, we first describe the current state of the HIV-1 vaccine field, outlining the immune responses that are desired in a global HIV-1 vaccine. In particular, we emphasize the likely importance of Env-specific neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies for protection against HIV-1 acquisition and the likely importance of effector Gag-specific T lymphocytes for virologic control. We then highlight four strategies for developing a global HIV-1 vaccine. The first approach is to design specific vaccines for each geographic region that include antigens tailor-made to match local circulating HIV-1 strains. The second approach is to design a vaccine that will elicit Env-specific antibodies capable of broadly neutralizing all HIV-1 subtypes. The third approach is to design a vaccine that will elicit cellular immune responses that are focused on highly conserved HIV-1 sequences. The fourth approach is to design a vaccine to elicit highly diverse HIV-1-specific responses. Finally, we emphasize the importance of conducting clinical efficacy trials as the only way to determine which strategies will provide optimal protection against HIV-1 in humans
Integro-Difference Equation for a correlation function of the spin- Heisenberg XXZ chain
We consider the Ferromagnetic-String-Formation-Probability correlation
function (FSFP) for the spin- Heisenberg XXZ chain. We construct a
completely integrable system of integro-difference equations (IDE), which has
the FSFP as a -function. We derive the associated Riemann-Hilbert problem
and obtain the large distance asymptotics of the FSFP correlator in some
limiting cases.Comment: 14 pages, latex+epsf, 1 figur
Hamiltonian formalism of the Landau-Lifschitz equation for a spin chain with full anisotropy
The Hamiltonian formalism of the Landau-Lifschitz equation for a spin chain
with full anisotropy is formulated completely, which constructs a stable base
for further investigations.Comment: 11page
The Crab pulsar light curve in the soft gamma ray range: FIGARO II results
The FIGARO II experiment (a large area, balloon borne, crystal scintillator detector working from 0.15 to 4.3 MeV) observed the Crab pulsar on 1990 Jul. 9 for about seven hours. The study of the pulse profile confirms some structures detected with a low significance during the shorter observation of 1986, and adds new important elements to the picture. In particular, between the two main peaks, two secondary peaks appear centered at phase values 0.1 and 0.3, in the energy range 0.38 to 0.49 MeV; in the same energy range, a spectral feature at 0.44 MeV, interpreted as a redshifted positron annihilation line, was observed during the same balloon flight in the phase interval including the second main peak and the neighboring secondary peak. If the phase interval considered is extended to include also the other secondary peak, the significance of the spectral line appears to increase
A solvable model of a random spin-1/2 XY chain
The paper presents exact calculations of thermodynamic quantities for the
spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain with random lorentzian intersite interaction and
transverse field that depends linearly on the surrounding intersite
interactions.Comment: 14 pages (Latex), 2 tables, 13 ps-figures included, (accepted for
publication in Phys.Rev.B
Out of equilibrium correlation functions of quantum anisotropic XY models: one-particle excitations
We calculate exactly matrix elements between states that are not eigenstates
of the quantum XY model for general anisotropy. Such quantities therefore
describe non equilibrium properties of the system; the Hamiltonian does not
contain any time dependence. These matrix elements are expressed as a sum of
Pfaffians. For single particle excitations on the ground state the Pfaffians in
the sum simplify to determinants.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; revtex. Minor changes in the text; list of
refs. modifie
Entanglement Entropy in Extended Quantum Systems
After a brief introduction to the concept of entanglement in quantum systems,
I apply these ideas to many-body systems and show that the von Neumann entropy
is an effective way of characterising the entanglement between the degrees of
freedom in different regions of space. Close to a quantum phase transition it
has universal features which serve as a diagnostic of such phenomena. In the
second part I consider the unitary time evolution of such systems following a
`quantum quench' in which a parameter in the hamiltonian is suddenly changed,
and argue that finite regions should effectively thermalise at late times,
after interesting transient effects.Comment: 6 pages. Plenary talk delivered at Statphys 23, Genoa, July 200
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