41 research outputs found
Moneta del comune e reddito sociale garantito
article publié sur le site culturel http://www.uninomade.org/L'ambizione di quest'articolo è quella di gettare le basi per una concezione della moneta del comune a partire da un'interrogazione omessa dalla teoria economica dei beni comuni. Quali sono, dunque, le condizioni capaci di attenuare il vincolo monetario al rapporto salariale e di favorire così lo sviluppo di forme di produzione alternative ai principi d'organizzazione sia del pubblico che del privato? Questa domanda richiede d'introdurre nella teoria del Comune il ruolo strutturante della moneta nei rapporti capitale-lavoro. L'esame del rapporto tra moneta e comune necessita, di conseguenza, di partire da una critica della teoria dei beni comuni dalla quale la moneta, come il lavoro, sono curiosamente assenti. La ragione di quest'assenza si trova nel fatto che questa concezione naturalista dei beni comuni accetta implicitamente uno dei postulati fondatori della teoria economica standard, ovvero la neutralità della moneta, concepita come un semplice strumento tecnico che facilita gli scambi, e non come la cristallizzazione di un rapporto sociale di potere. Su questa base, si tratterà di caratterizzare un approccio dinamico del comune al singolare nel quale la questione della moneta e delle mutazioni della divisione del lavoro occupa un posto centrale. Questo approccio fondato sulla triade lavoro-moneta-plusvalore servirà allora egualmente da filo conduttore per rianimare la controversia che aveva opposto Marx ai proudhoniani, precursori di un approccio della moneta come comune. Infine, fonderemo il nostro ragionamento sulle teorie marxiane del circuito per mostrare che il carattere specificamente monetario del rapporto capitale-lavoro costituisce l'unico punto di partenza adeguato per una riflessione sulla moneta del comune. Questa riflessione farà emergere perché la nozione di reddito sociale garantito corrisponde ad un'istituzione del comune volta a rendere la creazione monetaria endogena non solo al capitale ma anche alla riproduzione autonoma della forza lavoro
Imaging an acoustic waveguide from surface data in the time domain
International audienceThis paper deals with an inverse scattering problem in an acoustic waveguide. The data consist of time domain signals given by sources and receivers located on the boundary of the waveguide. After transforming the data to the frequency domain, the obstacle is then recovered by using a modal formulation of the Linear Sampling Method. The impact of many parameters are analyzed, such as the numbers of sources/receivers and the distance between them, the time shape of the incident wave and the number and the values of the frequencies that are used. Some numerical experiments illustrate such analysis
Linear Sampling Method applied to Non Destructive Testing of an elastic waveguide: theory, numerics and experiments
International audienceThis paper presents an application of the Linear Sampling Method to ultrasonic Non Destructive Testing of an elastic waveguide. In particular, the NDT context implies that both the solicitations and the measurements are located on the surface of the waveguide and are given in the time domain. Our strategy consists in using a modal formulation of the Linear Sampling Method at multiple frequencies, such modal formulation being justified theoretically in [1] for rigid obstacles and in [2] for cracks. Our strategy requires the inversion of some emission and reception matrices which deserve some special attention due to potential ill-conditioning. The feasibility of our method is proved with the help of artificial data as well as real data
The foundation of Marx's concept of value in the Manuscripts of 1844
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show how Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, which stand as his first systematic study of classical economists, transform the concept of labour as it had been developed by political economy against mercantilism and physiocracy. The current interpretations of the Marxian theory of value are first reviewed. The analysis of the Manuscripts then shows that the contribution of Hegelian philosophy lies in the definition of social labour in total opposition to the orthodox conception. This issue leads to a reexamination of the significance of these Manuscripts for the Marxian concept of value and its source, general and abstract labour
The foundation of Marx's concept of value in the Manuscripts of 1844
International audienceThe aim of this paper is to show how Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, which stand as his first systematic study of classical economists, transform the concept of labour as it had been developed by political economy against mercantilism and physiocracy. The current interpretations of the Marxian theory of value are first reviewed. The analysis of the Manuscripts then shows that the contribution of Hegelian philosophy lies in the definition of social labour in total opposition to the orthodox conception. This issue leads to a reexamination of the significance of these Manuscripts for the Marxian concept of value and its source, general and abstract labour
The foundation of Marx's concept of value in the Manuscripts of 1844
International audienceThe aim of this paper is to show how Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, which stand as his first systematic study of classical economists, transform the concept of labour as it had been developed by political economy against mercantilism and physiocracy. The current interpretations of the Marxian theory of value are first reviewed. The analysis of the Manuscripts then shows that the contribution of Hegelian philosophy lies in the definition of social labour in total opposition to the orthodox conception. This issue leads to a reexamination of the significance of these Manuscripts for the Marxian concept of value and its source, general and abstract labour
Ben Fine et Alfred Saad-Filho, The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics
Si des doutes pouvaient encore subsister sur le regain de vigueur de l’économie marxiste dans les pays anglo-saxons et asiatiques, cet Elgar Companion aura le mérite de les dissiper pour de bon. Par la richesse thématique de ses entrées notamment, l’ouvrage fait apparaître que la vitalité retrouvée du marxisme gagne désormais les disciplines les plus variées (économie, histoire et sociologie bien sûr, mais aussi sciences politiques, écologie, géographie, études de genre, études culturelles). ..
L’âge du nouveau taylorisme
L’entrée des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans les sites de production, et les transformations du travail industriel qui en résultent, ont inspiré des modèles de gestion en rupture avec les modes traditionnels d’organisation scientifique du travail. Le désaccord subsiste cependant chez les théoriciens du travail en France sur la nature même du taylorisme et la portée de son dépassement. Pourtant la variété des définitions du taylorisme procède d’une vision profondément commune de l’organisation scientifique du travail définie comme mode particulier de prescription et de contrôle du travailleur individuel. Il s’agit donc de cerner la nature du post-taylorisme en considérant l’évolution des modes de gestion du travail à partir de la figure du travailleur collectif et le taylorisme lui-même comme un ensemble de principes généraux de gestion du travailleur collectif à l’ère de la machinerie. Cela implique de bien distinguer entre ces principes et les méthodes particulières mises en œuvre dans l’OST. C’est ainsi que le modèle actuel de gestion des compétences fera apparaître sa fidélité aux principes de gestion tayloriens en les portant à leur forme d’application supérieure.The introduction of New Technologies within industries and the resulting changes in labour have inspired management models that mark a break with the traditional methods of scientific management. But a disagreement remains among the labour theorists on the nature and significance of the breaking with Taylorism. However the various definitions of Taylorism which are behind this disagreement comes from a deeply common vision of scientific management: a specific mode of prescription and control of the individual labourer. It is necessary to assess the issues of the debate on post-Taylorism by considering the evolution of labour management models from the figure of the collective worker and Taylorism itself as a set of general principles of the collective worker management at the era of machinery. This implies to clearly distinguish between these principles and the methods used in Scientific Management. In this way, the current Management Competency Model shows its faithfulness with Taylorist management principles by bringing them to their higher form of achievement.El ingreso de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en los sitios de producción, y las transformaciones del trabajo industrial resultantes, han inspirado modelos de gestión en ruptura con los modos tradicionales de organización científica del trabajo (OCT) en Francia sobre la naturaleza misma del taylorismos y la significación de su superación. Sin embargo la variedad de definiciones de taylorismo procede de una visión profundamente común de la organización científica del trabajo definida de un modo particular, de prescripción y de control del trabajador individual. Se trata entonces de captar la naturaleza del post-taylorismo considerando la evolución de los modos de gestión del trabajo a partir de la figura del trabajador colectivo y del taylorismo en si mismo como un conjunto de principios generales de gestión del trabajador colectivo en la era de la mecanización. Eso implica tratar de distinguir bien entre esos principios y los métodos particulares puestos en practica en la OCT. Es así que el modelo actual de gestión de las competencias hace aparecer su fidelidad a los principios de gestión tayloriana y los conduce a una forma de aplicación superior
Money in the Grundrisse
The chapter on Money in the Grundrisse shows clearly that the presentation of the nature, properties and functions of money is opposed to the monetary theory of Utopian socialism. Marx emphasizes easily that the exchange value spontaneously objectifies itself in a money distinct from the commodity, but he needs to establish that the distribution of labour activities is mediated by the exchange of labour products under commodity mode of production, to make appear the confusion at the core of the Proudhonians’ reform between exchange of living labour and exchange of labour products and then, the necessity that money embodies itself in a specific commodity.Marx, Utopian socialism, monetary theory, money as commodity
PLUS.WP7 Paris Sopolabs
The dataset consists of summaries of the two social policy laboratory (Sopolab) sessions conducted in Paris. The goal of the labs was to engage variety of stakeholders and to trigger a debate on problems, challenges and possible policy solutions related to platform work, including to disseminate PLUS results and to produce shared policy proposals and disseminate best practices.
“PLUS_16D_PLUS.WP7 Paris Sopolabs_Labour_20220509” gives an overview of the local level SoPo lab on the topic "Labour Rights and organization in Platform Economy”. Several stakeholders engaged with platform economy were recruited to discuss issues related to labour organization and platform workers’ rights in the context of COVID19 pandemic.
“PLUS_16D_PLUS.WP7 Paris Sopolabs_Welfare_20220509” gives an overview of the local level SoPo lab on the topic “How to innovate Welfare for Platform Workers”. It aimed to identify practical initiatives that can be taken to extend welfare and social security coverage for platform workers