2,499 research outputs found
Phenomenology of SIDIS unpolarized cross sections and azimuthal asymmetries
I review the phenomenology of unpolarized cross sections and azimuthal
asymmetries in semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering (SIDIS). The general
theoretical framework is presented and the validity of the Gaussian model is
discussed. A brief account of the existing analyses is provided.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at "Transversity 2011", Veli
Losinj, Croati
Understanding transversity: present and future
I review the present state of knowledge concerning transversity distributions
and related observables. In particular, I discuss the phenomenology of
transverse asymmetries in e p\uparrow, p p\uparrow, p\uparrow p\uparrow and
pbar \uparrow p\uparrow scattering, and the perspectives of ongoing and future
research.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, plenary talk at SPIN 2004 (Trieste), to be
published in the Proceeding
Spin and total angular momentum of the glue
We briefly review the present theoretical and experimental knowledge on
Delta_g and J_g.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Proceed. Second International Conference on
Perspectives in Hadronic Physics. Miramare - Trieste, Italy, May 199
Azimuthal asymmetries in unpolarized Drell-Yan processes and the Boer-Mulders distributions of antiquarks
Using a previous extraction of the quark Boer-Mulders distributions from
semiinclusive deep inelastic scattering data, we fit the unpolarized Drell-Yan
data on the asymmetry, determining the antiquark Boer-Mulders
distributions. A good agreement with the data is found in the region of low
, where the transverse-momentum factorization approach applies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Double hadron lepto-production in the current and target fragmentation regions
We study the inclusive production of two hadrons in deep inelastic processes,
l N ---> l h_1 h_2 X, with h_1 in the current fragmentation region (CFR) and
h_2 in the target fragmentation region (TFR). Assuming a factorized scheme, the
recently introduced polarized and transverse momentum dependent fracture
functions couple to the transverse momentum dependent fragmentation functions.
This allows the full exploration of the fracture functions for transversely
polarized quarks. Some particular cases are considered.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
Transverse-Spin and Transverse-Momentum Effects in High-Energy Processes
The state of the art concerning transverse-spin and transverse-momentum
phenomena in hard hadronic reactions is reviewed. An account is given of
single-spin and azimuthal asymmetries in semiinclusive deep inelastic
scattering, e^+ e^- annihilation, Drell-Yan production, and hadroproduction.
The ongoing experiments and the main theoretical frameworks are described in
the first part of the paper. The second part is devoted to the experimental
findings and their phenomenological interpretations. A brief discussion of the
perspectives of future measurements is finally presented.Comment: 95 page
Extracting the transversity distributions from single-hadron and dihadron production
We present a point-by-point determination of the valence transversity
distributions from two different types of processes: single-hadron production
and dihadron production, both in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and
e+e- annihilation. The extraction is based on some simple assumptions and does
not require any parametrization. The transversity distributions obtained from
Collins effect in single-hadron production and from interference effects in
dihadron production are found to be compatible with each other.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; added reference
SIDIS in the target fragmentation region: polarized and transverse momentum dependent fracture functions
The target fragmentation region of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
is described at leading twist, taking beam and target polarizations into
account. The formalism of polarized and transverse-momentum dependent fracture
functions is developed and the observables for some specific processes are
presented.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Some equations modified and text shortened; main
conclusions unchange
The Boer-Mulders effect in unpolarized SIDIS: an analysis of the COMPASS and HERMES data on the asymmetry
We present a phenomenological analysis of the asymmetry
recently measured by the COMPASS and HERMES collaborations in unpolarized
semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. In the kinematical regimes explored
by these experiments the asymmetry arises from transverse-spin and intrinsic
transverse-momentum effects. We consider the leading-twist contribution,
related to the so-called Boer-Mulders transverse-polarization distribution
, and the twist-4 Cahn contribution, involving
unpolarized transverse-momentum distribution functions. We show that a
reasonably good fit of the data is achieved with a Boer-Mulders function
consistent with the main theoretical expectations. Our conclusion is that the
COMPASS and HERMES measurements represent the first experimental evidence of
the Boer-Mulders effect in SIDIS.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, published version in PR
On the cos 2 phi asymmetry in unpolarized leptoproduction
We investigate the origin of the cos 2 phi azimuthal asymmetry in unpolarized
semiinclusive DIS. The contributions to this asymmetry arising from the
intrinsic transverse motion of quarks are explicitly evaluated, and predictions
for the HERMES and COMPASS kinematic regimes are presented. We show that the
effect of the leading-twist Boer-Mulders function h_1^perp(x, k_T^2), which
describes a correlation between the transverse momentum and the transverse spin
of quarks, is quite significant and may also account for a part of the cos 2
phi asymmetry measured by ZEUS in the perturbative domain.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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