27,068 research outputs found
Furlable antenna
An improved furlable antenna particularly suited for use in a celestial space environment is described. The antenna is characterized by an actuator comprising an elastomeric member of an annular configuration, an annular array of uniformly spaced antenna ribs rigidly affixed at the base ends to an actuator which enables it to be supported for pivotal displacement from a deployed configuration. The ribs are radially extended from the actuator to a furled configuration. The ribs are extended parallel to the axis of the actuator with flexible reflecting web affixed to the ribs, with angularly spaced bearing blocks
Electronic noise in charge sensitive preamplifiers for X-ray spectroscopy and the benefits of a SiC input JFET
A comprehensive summary and analysis of the electronic noise affecting the resolution of X-ray, γ-ray and particle counting spectroscopic systems which employ semiconductor detectors and charge sensitive preamplifiers is presented. The noise arising from the input transistor of the preamplifier and its contribution to the total noise is examined. A model for computing the noise arising from the front-end transistor is also presented and theoretical calculations comparing the noise contribution of transistors made of different materials are discussed, emphasizing the advantages of wide bandgap transistor technology
Beyond Landauer erasure
In thermodynamics one considers thermal systems and the maximization of
entropy subject to the conservation of energy. A consequence is Landauer's
erasure principle, which states that the erasure of 1 bit of information
requires a minimum energy cost equal to where is the temperature
of a thermal reservoir used in the process and is Boltzmann's constant.
Jaynes, however, argued that the maximum entropy principle could be applied to
any number of conserved quantities which would suggest that information erasure
may have alternative costs. Indeed we showed recently that by using a reservoir
comprising energy degenerate spins and subject to conservation of angular
momentum, the cost of information erasure is in terms of angular momentum
rather than energy. Here we extend this analysis and derive the minimum cost of
information erasure for systems where different conservation laws operate. We
find that, for each conserved quantity, the minimum resource needed to erase 1
bit of memory is where is related to the average
value of the conserved quantity. The costs of erasure depend, fundamentally, on
both the nature of the physical memory element and the reservoir with which it
is coupled.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Is coherence catalytic?
Quantum coherence, the ability to control the phases in superposition states
is a resource, and it is of crucial importance, therefore, to understand how it
is consumed in use. It has been suggested that catalytic coherence is possible,
that is repeated use of the coherence without degradation or reduction in
performance. The claim has particular relevance for quantum thermodynamics
because, were it true, it would allow free energy that is locked in coherence
to be extracted . We address this issue directly with a
careful analysis of the proposal by berg. We find that coherence
be used catalytically, or even repeatedly without limit.Comment: 23 pages with 2 figure
Minimum-error discrimination between three mirror-symmetric states
We present the optimal measurement strategy for distinguishing between three
quantum states exhibiting a mirror symmetry. The three states live in a
two-dimensional Hilbert space, and are thus overcomplete. By mirror symmetry we
understand that the transformation {|+> -> |+>, |-> -> -|->} leaves the set of
states invariant. The obtained measurement strategy minimizes the error
probability. An experimental realization for polarized photons, realizable with
current technology, is suggested.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Transition state theory and the dynamics of hard disks
The dynamics of two and five disk systems confined in a square has been
studied using molecular dynamics simulations and compared with the predictions
of transition state theory. We determine the partition functions Z and
Z^\ddagger of transition state theory using a procedure first used by Salsburg
and Wood for the pressure. Our simulations show this procedure and transition
state theory are in excellent agreement with the simulations. A generalization
of the transition state theory to the case of a large number of disks N is made
and shown to be in full agreement with simulations of disks moving in a narrow
channel. The same procedure for hard spheres in three dimensions leads to the
Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann formula for their alpha relaxation time.Comment: 1 new author, new simulations and figures, less speculation. Now 6
pages, 6 figures, 1 animation. Animation may be viewed at
Antisymmetric multi-partite quantum states and their applications
Entanglement is a powerful resource for processing quantum information. In
this context pure, maximally entangled states have received considerable
attention. In the case of bipartite qubit-systems the four orthonormal
Bell-states are of this type. One of these Bell states, the singlet Bell-state,
has the additional property of being antisymmetric with respect to particle
exchange. In this contribution we discuss possible generalizations of this
antisymmetric Bell-state to cases with more than two particles and with
single-particle Hilbert spaces involving more than two dimensions. We review
basic properties of these totally antisymmetric states. Among possible
applications of this class of states we analyze a new quantum key sharing
protocol and methods for comparing quantum states
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Temperature dependence of the average electron-hole pair creation energy in Al0.8Ga0.2As
The temperature dependence of the average energy consumed in the creation of an electron-hole pair in the wide bandgap compound semiconductor Al 0.8Ga0.2As is reported following X-ray measurements made using an Al0.8Ga0.2As photodiode diode coupled to a low-noise charge-sensitive preamplifier operating in spectroscopic photon counting mode. The temperature dependence is reported over the range of 261 K-342 K and is found to be best represented by the equation ε AlGaAs 7.327-0.0077 T, where εAlGaAs is the average electron-hole pair creation energy in eV and T is the temperature in K. © 2013 © 2013 Author(s)
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