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Geologic quadrangle map no. 47
Process Steps: 1. Either: a) a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the map provided the Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin was converted from pdf to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or b) a paper map was scanned and saved in TIFF at 200 dots per inch (dpi) and the original map size. The TIFF file was then opened in Adobe Photoshop, converted from RGB or other multiband mode to Indexed Color or Grayscale, rotated so that the top map neat line was horizontal, set to 200 dpi, and clipped to the neat lines, removing the map collar. A version with the map collar was retained. 2. Using tools within ArcGIS 10.2, both the collared and collarless Indexed Color TIF images were then either: a) georeferenced to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 14, North American Datum 1927 (NAD27) coordinates using a digital 1:24,000 U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle index map from the Texas Natural Resources Information Services as the referencing layer or b) georeferenced to World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) geographic coordinates using the map corner coordinates for reference. Keyhole Markup Language (KML, KMZ) and GeoPDF map versions were created from these georeferenced maps by tools and export options in ArcGIS.
Up to five different georeferenced versions of the original map and, when available, the map pamphlet, are available for download. The versions, as distinguished by Download File name, are: 1) Mapname.pdf: a GeoPDF of the collarless map referenced to UTM zone 14 coordinates relative to the NAD27 datum. The acronym "GAT" (Geologic Atlas of Texas) indicates the source and a map original available only at a small scale (1:250,000). 2) Mapname.kmz: a KML version of the collarless map for viewing in Google Earth. The spatial reference is geographic coordinates relative to the WGS84 datum. 3) Mapname_GCSWGS84_collarless.zip: zipped files that include a collarless map in TIFF format and ancillary ArcGIS v. 10.2 georeferencing files and metadata. The spatial reference is geographic coordinates relative to the WGS84 datum. 4) Mapname_UTM_collarless.zip: a zipped file that includes a collarless map in TIFF format and ancillary ArcGIS v. 10.2 georeferencing files and metadata. The spatial reference is UTM zone 14 coordinates relative to the NAD27 datum. 5) Mapname_with_collar.zip: the same as above but with the map collar still intact. 6) Mapname_pamphlet.pdf: a copy of the map pamphlet in PDF format.
Any file name beginning with "GAT" indicates a map that was clipped from the Geologic Atlas of Texas (scale 1:250,000), the only published source for that area, and thus a much smaller-scale map than all other quadrangles.
Further metadata for each map version are available in Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)-compliant metadata file within the zip files, or in the document properties of the GeoPDF and KML files when opened in Adobe Acrobat or Google Earth."For use by Barton Spring Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) Central Texas geologic mapping project"Scanned and georeferenced version of Barnes, V.E., 1978, Geologic map of the Round Mountain quadrangle, Blanco, Burnet, and Llano counties. Texas: University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-0047, scale 1:24,000.UT Librarie
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Dry Branch Quadrangle, Gillespie and Kerr Counties, Texas
To obtain a print version of this publication visit: https://store.beg.utexas.edu/ and search for: GQ0017.
Accompanied by 1 fold-out map, with text : Geologic Map of the Dry Branch Quadrangle, Kerr and Gillespie Counties, TexasDry Branch quadrangle is in the Edwards Plateau province southwest of the Llano region. It is near the margin of the plateau, and Johnson Creek and some of its tributaries, such as Dry Branch, Falls Branch, Fessington Branch, and Welch Branch, have cut into the plateau in the southern part of the quadrangle.
The geology of the Dry Branch quadrangle is shown on a planimetric map, and the only topographic map available is the reconnaissance 30-minute Kerrville quadrangle. Elevations ranging between 1,819 and 2,254 feet were determined during traversing for control, but neither the highest nor the lowest elevation was reached. However, it is estimated that the relief within the quadrangle is about 460 feet, ranging between about 1,800 and 2,260 feet.
The quadrangle is mostly within the Guadalupe River drainage basin and is drained by Johnson Creek and its tributaries, such as Fall Branch, Dry Branch, Fessington Branch, Welch Branch, Smith Branch, Rough Hollow, and Bad Man Draw. Klein Branch and Scott Branch, tributaries of the Pedernales River, drain the northeastern portion of the quadrangle.
Dry Branch quadrangle is on the southwestern side of the Llano uplift, and Cretaceous rocks crop out in all of the quadrangle. The depth to faulted and gently dipping Paleozoic rocks is probably only a few hundred feet beneath the more deeply incised streams. Essentially horizontal Cretaceous rocks form the outcrops in the quadrangle.
Broad discussions of the stratigraphic, structural, economic, and geophysical problems of the region are given in references cited below. This publication on the Dry Branch quadrangle is one of a series of similar publications, an index to which is shown on the opposite page. The reader is referred to the index map to locate other quadrangles mentioned in the present text.UT LibrariesBureau of Economic Geolog
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Design, Performance, and Calibration of CMS Hadron-Barrel Calorimeter Wedges
Extensive measurements have been made with pions, electrons and muons on four production wedges of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) hadron barrel (HB) calorimeter in the H2 beam line at CERN with particle momenta varying from 20 to 300 GeV/c. Data were taken both with and without a prototype electromagnetic lead tungstate crystal calorimeter (EB) in front of the hadron calorimeter. The time structure of the events was measured with the full chain of preproduction front-end electronics running at 34 MHz. Moving-wire radioactive source data were also collected for all scintillator layers in the HB. These measurements set the absolute calibration of the HB prior to first pp collisions to approximately 4%
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