623 research outputs found

    Margherita Grassini Sarfatti critica d\u2019arte 1919-1939. Mart, Archivio del \u2018900, Fondo Margherita Sarfatti

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    Studio, trascrizione, analisi e pubblicazione degli scritti e delle note di critica d'arte redatti da Margherita Sarfatti e conservati presso l'Archivio del \u2018900 del Mart di Rovereto Il progetto di ricerca si \ue8 concentrato sull'analisi del Fondo Margherita Sarfatti, per lo pi\uf9 inedito, conservato presso l'Archivio del '900 del Mart di Rovereto. Il patrimonio documentario, acquisito dal Museo trentino nel 2009, \ue8 stato conservato per tutta la vita dall\u2019autrice e ne ha seguito in parte gli spostamenti. Il Fondo consta di oltre 3.000 documenti inediti di corrispondenza personale, scritti preparatori per pubblicazioni e conferenze, testi di altri autori, ritagli stampa e un ricco patrimonio fotografico. Eccettuata la raccolta di ritagli stampa, si tratta nella maggioranza dei casi di materiale manoscritto o dattiloscritto autografo, inedito, e riferibile all'attivit\ue0 di studio e preparazione dei numerosi articoli e saggi pubblicati da Margherita Sarfatti durante la sua prolifica carriera di critica d'arte e promotrice culturale. Sono oggetto di questo studio i documenti conservati nella serie 3, dedicata agli scritti e ricca di un patrimonio di 194 fascicoli e 15 quaderni di appunti personali. Pi\uf9 specificamente, all\u2019interno di questa serie, la ricerca si \ue8 concentrata sulla sottosezione 3.3, che raccoglie 98 fascicoli denominati \u201cMateriale preparatorio per articoli e conferenze\u201d. I testi di argomento storico- artistico sono stati oggetto di analisi puntuale e trascrizione. Cronologicamente, la ricerca si \ue8 concentrata sul ventennio 1919-39, che rappresenta il periodo pi\uf9 intenso di Sarfatti nell\u2019ambito della critica d\u2019arte, parallelamente alla sua ascesa e poi declino dal ruolo di \u201cregina nazionale senza corona\u201d, secondo la nota definizione data da Alma Mahler nel 1928. I numerosi materiali recuperati a Rovereto hanno consentito di stilare il primo elenco, mai realizzato, sicuramente non esaustivo ma gi\ue0 molto ampio, delle importanti partecipazioni a convegni, conferenze e presentazioni di mostre, tenuti da Sarfatti, in Italia e all\u2019estero, non solo quale promotrice del movimento novecentista o quale illustre critica d\u2019arte, ma talvolta anche come ambasciatrice culturale del Fascismo all\u2019estero. Infine, una sezione \ue8 costituita dal significativo corpus di interventi dedicati alle arti decorative e all\u2019architettura. Lo studio del fondo roveretano ha permesso anche un significativo aggiornamento della bibliografia di Sarfatti, di argomento storico-artistico, il cui corpus consta di oltre 700 pubblicazioni tra volumi a stampa e articoli su giornali e riviste. Infine, il patrimonio documentario depositato al Mart comprende la Biblioteca personale di Margherita, o almeno quella parte che dalla villa del Soldo e dagli eredi \ue8 arrivata in deposito nell\u2019archivio trentino, ricca di circa 400 pubblicazioni tra cataloghi, testi monografici e riviste. Il lavoro \ue8 impostato secondo un ordine cronologico degli avvenimenti ma propone anche un taglio tematico, teso ad individuare la nascita e lo sviluppo di alcuni temi e concetti ricorrenti nella poetica di Sarfatti critica d\u2019arte, senza trascurare la sua poliedrica attivit\ue0 verso le diverse forme espressive e le differenti correnti artistiche. Fulcro ed esito dell\u2019analisi \ue8 il testo pi\uf9 importante scritto dall\u2019autrice su questi temi, \u201cStoria della pittura moderna\u201d edito nel 1930, che costituisce un momento cruciale per Margherita, quale punto di arrivo delle ricerche degli anni venti e momento di partenza per le battaglie critiche nel corso degli anni trenta.Study, transcription, analysis and publication of the writings and notes on art criticism made by Margherita Sarfatti and preserved at Archives of '900, Mart Museum, Rovereto, Italy The research project focuses on the analysis of the Fund Margherita Sarfatti, mostly unpublished, preserved in the Archives of the '900's at Mart Museum in Rovereto, Italy. The Archive, acquired by the Museum of Trentino in 2009, has been preserved for life by the author and followed in part her moves. The Fund consists of over 3,000 unpublished documents of personal correspondence, written in preparation for publications and conferences, texts by other authors, press clippings and a rich photographic heritage. Except for the collection of press cuttings, it is in most cases of autograph and unpublished manuscripts or typewritten documents, and it refers to the activity of study and preparation of numerous articles and essays edited by Margherita Sarfatti during her prolific career as an art critic and cultural promoter. The research involves especially the documents kept in the series 3, dedicated to the writings, of 194 files and 15 personal notebooks. More specifically, in this series, the research has focused on subsection 3.3, which collects 98 files of preparatory material for articles and conferences. The texts of art-historical subject are presented with detailed analysis and transcription. Chronologically, the research is focused on the decades 1919-39, which represents the most intense period of Sarfatti in the field of art criticism, parallel to her rise and then decline in the role of "national uncrowned queen" according to the famous definition given by Alma Mahler in 1928. The numerous materials collected in Mart Archive allowed to draw up the first list, ever made, certainly not exhaustive but already very large, of the important participation in conferences, lectures and presentations of exhibitions, held by Sarfatti, in Italy and abroad, not only as a promoter of the movement Novecento italiano or as a distinguished art critic, but sometimes also as a cultural ambassador of Fascism internationally. Moreover, a section of the research examines a significant group of texts dedicated to decorative arts and architecture. The study of the Fund in Rovereto has also allowed a significant update of Sarfatti's' bibliography on art-historical subjects, whose corpus consists of over 700 publications, including printed books and articles in newspapers and magazines. Finally, the documentary heritage deposited at Mart includes the personal Library of Margherita, or at least that part of it that from the villa Il Soldo and the heirs arrived in storage to the collections of Mart Museum, rich of about 400 publications including catalogs, monographs and journals. The work is set in a chronological order of events but also offers a cutting theme, aimed at identifying the origin and development of some recurring themes and concepts in the poetics of Sarfatti art criticism, without neglecting her multifaceted activities towards different expressive form and various artistic movements. Main focus and outcome of the analysis is the most important text written by the author on these issues, \u201cStoria della pittura moderna\u201d, published in 1930, which represents a crucial time for Margherita Sarfatti as a point of arrival of the research of the twenties and as a start for the critical battles carried on during the thirties

    Medición de cromo en agua

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    Medición de cromo en agua por espectrofotometrí

    Determinación de color en agua de consumo. Avances

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    Determinación de color en agua de consumo. Avances

    Differentiation- and stress-dependent nuclear cytoplasmic redistribution of myopodin, a novel actin-bundling protein

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    We report the cloning and functional characterization of myopodin, the second member of the synaptopodin gene family. Myopodin shows no significant homology to any known protein except synaptopodin. Northern blot analysis resulted in a 3.6-kb transcript for mouse skeletal and heart muscle. Western blots showed an 80-kD signal for skeletal and a 95-kD signal for heart muscle. Myopodin contains one PPXY motif and multiple PXXP motifs. Myopodin colocalizes with α-actinin and is found at the Z-disc as shown by immunogold electron microscopy. In myoblasts, myopodin shows preferential nuclear localization. During myotube differentiation, myopodin binds to stress fibers in a punctuated pattern before incorporation into the Z-disc. Myopodin can directly bind to actin and contains a novel actin binding site in the center of the protein. Myopodin has actin-bundling activity as shown by formation of latrunculin-A–sensitive cytosolic actin bundles and nuclear actin loops in transfected cells expressing green fluorescent protein–myopodin. Under stress conditions, myopodin accumulates in the nucleus and is depleted from the cytoplasm. Nuclear export of myopodin is sensitive to leptomycin B, despite the absence of a classical nuclear export sequence. We propose a dual role for myopodin as a structural protein also participating in signaling pathways between the Z-disc and the nucleus

    CX3CR1+ interstitial dendritic cells form a contiguous network throughout the entire kidney

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) interface innate and adaptive immunity in nonlymphoid organs; however, the exact distribution and types of DC within the kidney are not known. We utilized CX3CR1GFP/+ mice to characterize the anatomy and phenotype of tissue-resident CX3CR1+ DCs within normal kidney. Laser-scanning confocal microscopy revealed an extensive, contiguous network of stellate-shaped CX3CR1+ DCs throughout the interstitial and mesangial spaces of the entire kidney. Intravital microscopy of the superficial cortex showed stationary interstitial CX3CR1+ DCs that continually probe the surrounding tissue environment through dendrite extensions. Flow cytometry of renal CX3CR1+ DCs showed significant coexpression of CD11c and F4/80, high major histocompatibility complex class II and FcR expression, and immature costimulatory but competent phagocytic ability indicative of tissue-resident, immature DCs ready to respond to environment cues. Thus, within the renal parenchyma, there exists little immunological privilege from the surveillance provided by renal CX3CR1+ DCs, a major constituent of the heterogeneous mononuclear phagocyte system populating normal kidney

    Determinación de cromo en agua de consumo

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    Determinación de cromo en agua de consumo

    A Comprehensive and Systematic Diagnostic Campaign for a New Acquisition of Contemporary Art—The Case of Natura Morta by Andreina Rosa (1924–2019) at the International Gallery of Modern Art Ca’ Pesaro, Venice

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    A multi-analytical approach has been employed to investigate the painting Natura Morta (1954–1955) by Andreina Rosa (1924–2019) to assess the state of conservation and to understand more about the painting materials and techniques of this artwork, which was recently donated by the painter’s heirs to the International Gallery of Modern Art Ca’ Pesaro (Venice-Italy). A comprehensive and systematic diagnostic campaign was carried out, mainly adopting non-invasive imaging and spectroscopic methods, such as technical photography, optical microscopy, Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy (HIS), fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), External Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ER-FTIR), and Raman spectroscopies. Microsamples, collected from the edges of the canvas in areas partially detached, were studied by Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). By crossing the information gained, it was possible to make inferences about the composition of the groundings and the painted layers, the state of conservation of the artwork, and the presence of degradation phenomena. Hence, the present study may be of interest for conservation purposes as well as for enhancing the artistic activity of Andreina Rosa. The final aim was to provide useful information for the Gallery which recently included this painting in its permanent collection

    Banff Digital Pathology Working Group: Going digital in transplant pathology.

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    The Banff Digital Pathology Working Group (DPWG) was formed in the time leading up to and during the joint American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics/Banff Meeting, September 23-27, 2019, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At the meeting, the 14th Banff Conference, presentations directly and peripherally related to the topic of "digital pathology" were presented; and discussions before, during, and after the meeting have resulted in a list of issues to address for the DPWG. Included are practice standardization, integrative approaches for study classification, scoring of histologic parameters (eg, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy and inflammation), algorithm classification, and precision diagnosis (eg, molecular pathways and therapeutics). Since the meeting, a survey with international participation of mostly pathologists (81%) was conducted, showing that whole slide imaging is available at the majority of centers (71%) but that artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning was only used in ≈12% of centers, with a wide variety of programs/algorithms employed. Digitalization is not just an end in itself. It also is a necessary precondition for AI and other approaches. Discussions at the meeting and the survey highlight the unmet need for a Banff DPWG and point the way toward future contributions that can be made

    The Application of Digital Pathology to Improve Accuracy in Glomerular Enumeration in Renal Biopsies.

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    BACKGROUND: In renal biopsy reporting, quantitative measurements, such as glomerular number and percentage of globally sclerotic glomeruli, is central to diagnostic accuracy and prognosis. The aim of this study is to determine the number of glomeruli and percent globally sclerotic in renal biopsies by means of registration of serial tissue sections and manual enumeration, compared to the numbers in pathology reports from routine light microscopic assessment. DESIGN: We reviewed 277 biopsies from the Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE) digital pathology repository, enumerating 9,379 glomeruli by means of whole slide imaging. Glomerular number and the percentage of globally sclerotic glomeruli are values routinely recorded in the official renal biopsy pathology report from the 25 participating centers. Two general trends in reporting were noted: total number per biopsy or average number per level/section. Both of these approaches were assessed for their accuracy in comparison to the analogous numbers of annotated glomeruli on WSI. RESULTS: The number of glomeruli annotated was consistently higher than those reported (p CONCLUSIONS: Although glass slides were not available for direct comparison to whole slide image annotation, this study indicates that routine manual light microscopy assessment of number of glomeruli is inaccurate, and the magnitude of this error is proportional to the total number of glomeruli

    The Application of Digital Pathology to Improve Accuracy in Glomerular Enumeration in Renal Biopsies

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    In renal biopsy reporting, quantitative measurements, such as glomerular number and percentage of globally sclerotic glomeruli, is central to diagnostic accuracy and prognosis. The aim of this study is to determine the number of glomeruli and percent globally sclerotic in renal biopsies by means of registration of serial tissue sections and manual enumeration, compared to the numbers in pathology reports from routine light microscopic assessment
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