65 research outputs found
The Insurer's Duty of Good Faith: Is the Path Now Clear for the Introduction of New Remedies?
Insuring Cargoes in the New Era- Impact of the Insurance Act 2015 on Standard Cargo Clauses/Wordings
Use of Big Data Analytics and Sensor Technology in Consumer Insurance Context- Legal and Practical Challenges
Insurers are increasingly utilising big data analytics and artificial intelligence in rating risks and customising insurance products particularly in consumer insurance context. The primary aim of this article is to elaborate to what extent the legal rules in force could ensure that consumers are not treated unfairly as a result of the use of such disruptive technologies. Relevant insurance law principles and doctrines are also considered as part of this analysis. The article concludes that despite the protection provided to consumers by data and consumer protection legislation, unregulated and unlimited use of data analytics and algorithms in the risk assessment process could create significant difficulties for consumers. It is argued that further regulation, especially making regular audits essential for insurers employing such technologies in risk assessment process, is required. The article also finds that the use of artificial intelligence in customising insurance products does not present similar degree of difficulties for consumers
This article intends to analyse the appropriateness of the reforms introduced by the Insurance Act 2015 from legal, risk assessment and management perspectives
A New International Regime for Carriage of Goods by Sea: Contemporary, Certain, Inclusive, and Efficient or Just Another One for the Shelves?
"Reforming Insurance Warranties - Are we finally Moving Forward" published as Chapter 7 in Reforming Marine and Commercial Insurance Law (Informa, 2008) pp. 127-154
"Compensation for Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources" published as Chapter 4 in Pollution at Sea: Law and Liability, (Informa Law, 2012), pp 59-79
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