14 research outputs found
Microscopic nonequilibrium theory of double-barrier Josephson junctions
We study nonequilibrium charge transport in a double-barrier Josephson
junction, including nonstationary phenomena, using the time-dependent
quasiclassical Keldysh Green's function formalism. We supplement the kinetic
equations by appropriate time-dependent boundary conditions and solve the
time-dependent problem in a number of regimes. From the solutions,
current-voltage characteristics are derived. It is understood why the
quasiparticle current can show excess current as well as deficit current and
how the subgap conductance behaves as function of junction parameters. A
time-dependent nonequilibrium contribution to the distribution function is
found to cause a non-zero averaged supercurrent even in the presence of an
applied voltage. Energy relaxation due to inelastic scattering in the
interlayer has a prominent role in determining the transport properties of
double-barrier junctions. Actual inelastic scattering parameters are derived
from experiments. It is shown as an application of the microscopic model, how
the nature of the intrinsic shunt in double-barrier junctions can be explained
in terms of energy relaxation and the opening of Andreev channels.Comment: Accepted for Phys. Rev.
Proximity Effect and Multiple Andreev Reflections in Chaotic Josephson junctions
We study the dc-current transport in a voltage biased superconductor-chaotic
dot-superconductor junction with an induced proximity effect(PE) in the dot. It
is found that for a Thouless energy of the dot smaller than the
superconducting energy gap , the PE is manifested as peaks in the
differential conductance at voltages of order away from the even
subharmonic gap structures . These peaks are
insensitive to temperatures but are suppressed by a weak
magnetic field. The current for suppressed PE is independent of and
magnetic field and is shown to be given by the Octavio-Tinkham-Blonder-Klapwijk
theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Non-Equilibrium Quasiclassical Theory for Josephson Structures
We present a non-equilibrium quasiclassical formalism suitable for studying
linear response ac properties of Josephson junctions. The non-equilibrium
self-consistency equations are satisfied, to very good accuracy, already in
zeroth iteration. We use the formalism to study ac Josephson effect in a
ballistic superconducting point contact. The real and imaginary parts of the ac
linear conductance are calculated both analytically (at low frequencies) and
numerically (at arbitrary frequency). They show strong temperature, frequency,
and phase dependence. Many anomalous properties appear near phi = pi. We
ascribe them to the presence of zero energy bound states.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Final version to appear in PR
Current noise in long diffusive SNS junctions in the incoherent MAR regime
Spectral density of current fluctuations at zero frequency is calculated for
a long diffusive SNS junction with low-resistive interfaces. At low
temperature, T << Delta, the subgap shot noise approaches linear voltage
dependence, S=(2/ 3R)(eV + 2Delta), which is the sum of the shot noise of the
normal conductor and voltage independent excess noise. This result can also be
interpreted as the 1/3-suppressed Poisson noise for the effective charge q =
e(1+2Delta/eV) transferred by incoherent multiple Andreev reflections (MAR). At
higher temperatures, anomalies of the current noise develop at the gap
subharmonics, eV = 2Delta/n. The crossover to the hot electron regime from the
MAR regime is analyzed in the limit of small applied voltages.Comment: improved version, to be published in Phys. Rev.