14,069 research outputs found
Two-photon detuning and decoherence in cavity electromagnetically induced transparency for quantized fields
The interaction of a quantized field with three-level atoms in
configuration inside a two-mode cavity is analyzed in the small noise
approximation. The atoms are in a two-photon detuning with respect to the
carriers of the field. We calculate the stationary quadrature noise spectrum of
the field outside the cavity in the case where the input probe field is a
squeezed state and the input pump field is a coherent state. The mean value of
the field is unaltered in all the analysis: the atoms shows electromagnetically
induced transparency (EIT). The effect of the atoms' base level decoherence in
the cavity output field is also studied. It is found that the output field is
very sensitive to two-photon detuning.Comment: 8 page
The role of secondary Reggeons in central meson production
We estimate the contribution of f_2 trajectory exchange to the central \eta
and \eta^\prime production. It is shown that secondary Reggeons may give a
large contribution to processes of double diffractive meson production at high
energy.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 5 figure
A study of the f0(1370), f0(1500), f0(2000) and f2(1950) observed in the centrally produced 4pi final states
The production and decay properties of the f0(1370), f0(1500), f0(2000) and
f2(1950) have been studied in central pp interactions at 450 GeV/c. The dPT,
phi and |t| distributions of these resonances are presented. For the J = 0
states, the f0(1370) and f0(2000) have similar dPT and phi dependences. These
are different to the dPT and phi dependences of the f0(980), f0(1500) and
f0(1710). For the J = 2 states the f2(1950) has different dependences to the
f2(1270) and f2'(1520). This shows that the dPT and phi dependences are not
just J phenomena.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 4 Figure
Systematization of tensor mesons and the determination of the glueball
It is shown that new data on the -resonances in the mass
range MeV support the linearity of the -trajectories,
where is the radial quantum number of quark--antiquark state. In this way
all vacancies for the isoscalar tensor -mesons in the range up to 2450
MeV are filled in. This allows one to fix the broad -state with
MeV and MeV as the lowest tensor glueball. PACS
numbers: 14.40.-n, 12.38.-t, 12.39.-MkComment: 10 pages, 1 figur
Feedback in a cavity QED system for control of quantum beats
Conditional measurements on the undriven mode of a two-mode cavity QED system
prepare a coherent superposition of ground states which generate quantum beats.
The continuous system drive induces decoherence through the phase interruptions
from Rayleigh scattering, which manifests as a decrease of the beat amplitude
and an increase of the frequency of oscillation. We report recent experiments
that implement a simple feedback mechanism to protect the quantum beat. We
continuously drive the system until a photon is detected, heralding the
presence of a coherent superposition. We then turn off the drive and let the
superposition evolve in the dark, protecting it against decoherence. At a later
time we reinstate the drive to measure the amplitude, phase, and frequency of
the beats. The amplitude can increase by more than fifty percent, while the
frequency is unchanged by the feedback.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, ICAP 2012 23rd International Conference on
Atomic Physic
Experimental evidence for a vector-like behaviour of Pomeron exchange
Evidence is presented that the Pomeron act as a non-conserved vector current.
A study has been made of the azimuthal angle phi, which is defined as the angle
between the pT vectors of the two outgoing protons, in the reaction pp ->
pp(X0) for those resonances (X0) which are compatible with being produced by
double Pomeron exchange. These distributions have been compared with a model
which describes the Pomeron as a non-conserved vector current and a qualitative
agreement is found. In addition, when one of the particles exchanged is known
to have spin 0, namely pi-Pomeron exchange, the phi distribution is flat.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 4 Figure
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