4 research outputs found
Additional file 2 of Different color regulation mechanism in willow barks determined using integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses
Additional file 2: TableS6. The metabolites identified in positive ion mode
Additional file 4 of Different color regulation mechanism in willow barks determined using integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses
Additional file 4: Table S8. The differential expressed genes identified inwillow barks
Additional file 3 of Different color regulation mechanism in willow barks determined using integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses
Additional file 3: Table S7. The metabolites identified in negative ionmode
Additional file 1 of Different color regulation mechanism in willow barks determined using integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses
Additional file 1: TableS1. Information on all metabolites. Table S2. Up- and downregulatedmetabolites. Table S3. RNA-sequencing profiles. Table S4. Number of up- anddownregulated differentially expressed genes. Table S5. The primers designedfor RT-qPCR