37 research outputs found

    Theoretical X-ray absorption spectroscopy database analysis for oxidised 2D carbon nanomaterials

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    In this work we provide a proof of principle for a theoretical methodology to identify functionalisation patterns in oxidised carbon 2D nanomaterials. The methodology is based on calculating a large number of X-ray absorption spectra of individually excited carbon atoms in different chemical environments using density functional theory. Since each resulting spectrum gives a fingerprint of the local electronic structure surrounding the excited atom, we may relate each spectrum to the functionalisation pattern of that excited atom up to a desired neighbourhood radius. These functionalisation pattern-specific spectra are collected in a database, that allows fast composition of X-ray absorption spectra for arbitrary structures in density functional theory quality. Finally, we present an exemplary application of the database approach to estimate the relative amount of functional groups in two different experimental samples of carbon nanomaterials

    Electron-correlation driven capture and release in double quantum dots

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    We recently predicted that the interatomic Coulombic electron capture (ICEC) process, a long-range electron correlation driven capture process, is achievable in gated double quantum dots (DQDs). In ICEC an incoming electron is captured by one QD and the excess energy is used to remove an electron from the neighboring QD. In this work we present systematic full three-dimensional electron dynamics calculations in quasi-one dimensional model potentials that allow for a detailed understanding of the connection between the DQD geometry and the reaction probability for the ICEC process. We derive an effective one-dimensional approach and show that its results compare very well with those obtained using the full three-dimensional calculations. This approach substantially reduces the computation times. The investigation of the electronic structure for various DQD geometries for which the ICEC process can take place clarify the origin of its remarkably high probability in the presence of two-electron resonances

    Controlled energy-selected electron capture and release in double quantum dots

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    Highly accurate quantum electron dynamics calculations demonstrate that energy can be efficiently transferred between quantum dots. Specifically, in a double quantum dot an incoming electron is captured by one dot and the excess energy is transferred to the neighboring dot and used to remove an electron from this dot. This process is due to long-range electron correlation and shown to be operative at rather large distances between the dots. The efficiency of the process is greatly enhanced by preparing the double quantum dot such that the incoming electron is initially captured by a two-electron resonance state of the system. In contrast to atoms and molecules in nature, double quantum dots can be manipulated to achieve this enhancement. This mechanism leads to a surprisingly narrow distribution of the energy of the electron removed in the process which is explained by resonance theory. We argue that the process could be exploited in practice.Comment: Lette

    Ground and excited state charge transfer at aqueous nanodiamonds

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    Nanodiamonds (NDs) are unique carbonaceous materials with exceptionally high stability, hardness, and notable electronic properties. Their applications in photocatalysis, biomedicine, and energy materials are usually carried out in aqueous environments, where they interact with aqueous adsorbates. Especially, electron density may rearrange from the diamond material toward oxidative adsorbates such as oxygen, which is known as charge transfer doping. In this article, we quantify the charge transfer doping for NDs with inhomogeneous surface coverings (hydroxyl, fluorine, and amorphous carbon), as well as NDs doped with heteroatoms (B, Si, N) using hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The transfer doping magnitude is largely determined by the NDs' highest occupied molecular orbital energies, which can in turn be modified by the surface covering and doping. However, local modifications of the ND structures do not have any local effects on the magnitude of the charge transfer. We furthermore analyze the impact of aqueous adsorbates on the excited states of an aqueous ND in the context of photocatalysis via time-dependent DFT. Here, we find that the excited electrons are biased to move in the direction of the respective oxidative adsorbate. Surprisingly, we find that also unreactive species such as nitrous oxide may attract the excited electrons, which is probably due to the positive partial charge that is induced by the local N O solvation geometry

    Jellyfish: A modular code for wave function-based electron dynamics simulations and visualizations on traditional and quantum compute architectures

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    Ultrafast electron dynamics have made rapid progress in the last few years. With Jellyfish, we now introduce a program suite that enables to perform the entire workflow of an electron-dynamics simulation. The modular program architecture offers a flexible combination of different propagators, Hamiltonians, basis sets, and more. Jellyfish can be operated by a graphical user interface, which makes it easy to get started for nonspecialist users and gives experienced users a clear overview of the entire functionality. The temporal evolution of a wave function can currently be executed in the time-dependent configuration interaction method (TDCI) formalism, however, a plugin system facilitates the expansion to other methods and tools without requiring in-depth knowledge of the program. Currently developed plugins allow to include results from conventional electronic structure calculations as well as the usage and extension of quantum-compute algorithms for electron dynamics. We present the capabilities of Jellyfish on three examples to showcase the simulation and analysis of light-driven correlated electron dynamics. The implemented visualization of various densities enables an efficient and detailed analysis for the long-standing quest of the electron–hole pair formation

    Ground and excited state charge transfer at aqueous nanodiamonds

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    Nanodiamonds (NDs) are unique carbonaceous materials with exceptionally high stability, hardness, and notable electronic properties. Their applications in photocatalysis, biomedicine, and energy materials are usually carried out in aqueous environments, where they interact with aqueous adsorbates. Especially, electron density may rearrange from the diamond material toward oxidative adsorbates such as oxygen, which is known as charge transfer doping. In this article, we quantify the charge transfer doping for NDs with inhomogeneous surface coverings (hydroxyl, fluorine, and amorphous carbon), as well as NDs doped with heteroatoms (B, Si, N) using hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The transfer doping magnitude is largely determined by the NDs' highest occupied molecular orbital energies, which can in turn be modified by the surface covering and doping. However, local modifications of the ND structures do not have any local effects on the magnitude of the charge transfer. We furthermore analyze the impact of aqueous adsorbates on the excited states of an aqueous ND in the context of photocatalysis via time-dependent DFT. Here, we find that the excited electrons are biased to move in the direction of the respective oxidative adsorbate. Surprisingly, we find that also unreactive species such as nitrous oxide may attract the excited electrons, which is probably due to the positive partial charge that is induced by the local N (Formula presented.) O solvation geometry

    Three-Electron Dynamics of the Interparticle Coulombic Decay in Doubly Excited Clusters with One-Dimensional Continuum Confinement

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    A detailed analysis of the electronic structure and decay dynamics in a symmetric system with three electrons in three linearly aligned binding sites representing quantum dots (QDs) is given. The two outer A QDs are two-level potentials and can act as (virtual) photon emitters, whereas the central B QD can be ionized from its one level into a continuum confined on the QD axis upon absorbing virtual photons in the inter-Coulombic decay (ICD) process. Two scenarios in such an ABA array are explored. One ICD process is from a singly excited resonance state, whose decay releasing one virtual photon we find superimposed with resonance energy transfer among both A QDs. Moreover, the decay-process manifold for a doubly excited (DE) resonance is explored, in which collective ICD among all three sites and excited ICD among the outer QDs engage. Rates for all processes are found to be extremely low, although ICD rates with two neighbors are predicted to double compared to ICD among two sites only. The slowing is caused by Coulomb barriers imposed from ground or excited state electrons in the A sites. Outliers occur on the one hand at short distances, where the charge transfer among QDs mixes the possible decay pathways. On the other hand, we discovered a shape resonance-enhanced DE-ICD pathway, in which an excited and localized B∗ shape resonance state forms, which is able to decay quickly into the final ICD continuum

    Hydration Structure of Diamondoids from Reactive Force Fields

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    Diamondoids are promising materials for applications in catalysis and nanotechnology. Since many of their applications are in aqueous environments, to understand their function it is essential to know the structure and dynamics of the water molecules in their first hydration shells. In this study, we adapt a reactive force field (ReaxFF) for atomistically resolved molecular dynamics simulations of hydrated diamondoids to characterize their interfacial water structure. We parametrize the force field and validate the water structure against geometry-optimized structures from density functional theory. We compare the results to water structures around diamondoids with all partial charges set to zero, and around charged smooth spheres, and find qualitatively similar water structuring in all cases. However, the response of the water molecules is most sensitive to the partial charges in the atomistically resolved diamondoids. From the systematic exclusion of atomistic detail, we can draw generic conclusions about the nature of the hydrophobic effect at nanoparticle interfaces and link it to the interfacial water structure. The interactions between discrete partial charges on short length scales affect the hydration structures strongly, but the hydrophobic effect seems to be stable against these short scale surface perturbations. Our methods and the workflow we present are transferable to other hydrocarbons and interfacial systems

    Проект создания умных парковок с применением технологии IoT в системе sharing economy

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    Целью работы является выявление механизмов организации и создания бизнес-модели проекта умного паркинга с применением технологии IoT в системе экономики совместного потребления. В результате исследования были получены данные о возможности и целесообразности реализации проекта как стартапа, представлен механизм организации и создания бизнес-модели проекта умной парковки с применением технологии IoT в экономике совместного потребления.The aim of the work is to identify mechanisms for organizing and creating a business model for a smart parking project using IoT technology in the shared consumption economy. The study data were obtained on the possibility and feasibility of the project as a startup, presented mechanism for organizing and creating business models project a smart parking using IoT technologies in joint consumption economy

    Photo-excited charge transfer from adamantane to electronic bound states in water

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    Aqueous nanodiamonds illuminated by UV light produce free solvated electrons, which may drive high-energy reduction reactions in water. However, the influence of water conformations on the excited-state electron-transfer mechanism are still under debate. In this work, we offer a theoretical study of charge-transfer states in adamantane-water structures obtained by linear-response time-dependent density-functional theory. Small water clusters with broken hydrogen bonds are found to efficiently bind the electron from adamantane. A distinction is made with respect to the nature of the water clusters: some bind the electron in a water cavity, others along a strong permanent total dipole. These two types of bound states are more strongly binding, the higher their electron affinity and their positive electrostatic potential, the latter being dominated by the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of the isolated water clusters. Structural sampling in a thermal equilibrium at room temperature via molecular dynamics snapshots confirms under which conditions the underlying waters clusters can occur and verifies that broken hydrogen bonds in the water network close to adamantane can create traps for the solvated electron