14 research outputs found
Relativistic time delay analysis of pulsar signals near ultra-compact objects
The upcoming discoveries of pulsars orbiting the center of the Milky Way will
present unparalleled opportunities to examine the causal structure of the
spacetime geometry of Sagittarius A*. In this paper, we investigate the fully
relativistic propagation time delay of pulsar signals in the
Joshi-Malafarina-Narayan (JMN-1) and Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) spacetimes.
This delay arises basically from the spacetime curvatures in the vicinity of
these ultra-compact objects, induced by the intense gravitational field near
the Galactic Center (GC). Using the principles of gravitational lensing, we
compute the arrival time of photons originating from a pulsar in orbit around
the GC. To validate our approach, we compare our time delay analysis of the
Schwarzschild black hole with the corresponding delay in the post-Newtonian
framework. Subsequently, we find that the propagation time of pulsar signal is
greater and lesser for the given horizon-less ultra-compact objects for direct
and indirect propagation respectively. Therefore, our results suggest quite
significant propagation time delay differences in JMN-1 and JNW spacetimes,
when compared to the Schwarzschild black hole case. This can be inferred as a
possible distinguishing feature for these ultra-compact objects' geometries.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Influence of primary hair and plasma on intensity distribution of black hole shadows
In this paper, we investigate the influence of primary hair () on the
shadows of hairy Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes obtained
through gravitational decoupling. In the context of hairy Schwarzschild black
holes, either has no effect or consistently enlarges the photon sphere
radius. Notably, even when it violates the strong energy condition, it can
decrease the radius. For Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes, an additional matter
field consistently expands the photon sphere radius, potentially reaching ,
akin to the pure Schwarzschild case. Remarkably, we demonstrate that black
holes can exist even when overcharged (), casting shadows. Specific
intensity calculations reveal consistently reduces it in both scenarios.
Furthermore, we investigate the impact of pressureless plasma, finding
exerts a stronger influence on visible size than plasma. These results can help
in our understanding of theoretical models of black hole shadows and can be
tested by comparison with the images obtained by EHT collaboration.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Imaging ultra-compact objects with radiatively inefficient accretion flows
Recent Event Horizon Telescope observations of M87* and Sgr A* strongly
suggests the presence of supermassive black hole at their respective cores. In
this work, we use the semi-analytic Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows
(RIAF) model to investigate the resulting images of Joshi-Malafarina-Narayan
(JMN-1) naked singularity and the Schwarzschild BH. We aim at choosing the
JMN-1 naked singularity model and compare the synchrotron images with the
Schwarzschild solution to search any distinct features which can distinguish
the two objects and find alternative to the black hole solution. We perform
general relativistic ray-tracing and radiative transfer simulations using
Brahma code to generate synchrotron emission images utilising thermal
distribution function for emissivity and absorptivity. We investigate effects
in the images by varying inclination angle, disk width and frequency. The
shadow images simulated by the JMN-1 model closely resemble those generated by
the Schwarzschild black hole. When we compare these images, we find that the
disparities between them are minimal. We conduct simulations using various
plasma parameters, but the resulting images remain largely consistent for both
scenarios. This similarity is evident in the horizontal cross-sectional
brightness profiles of the two instances. Notably, the JMN-1 model exhibits
slightly higher intensity in comparison to the Schwarzschild black hole. We
conclude that JMN-1 presents itself as a viable substitute for the black hole
scenario. This conclusion is not solely grounded in the fact that they are
indistinguishable from their respective shadow observations, but also in the
consideration that JMN-1 emerges as an end state of a continual gravitational
collapse. This paradigm not only allows for constraints on spacetime but also
provides a good probe for the nature of the central compact object.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 7 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap
with arXiv:2202.0058
Energy extraction from Janis-Newman-Winicour naked singularity
In general, energy extraction methods such as the Penrose process and the
magnetic Penrose process are thought to be reliant on the existence of an
ergoregion. Inside an ergoregion, there are negative energy states that allow a
particle to extract energy and escape to an observer at infinity. In this
paper, we considered the electromagnetic field in the rotating
Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) spacetime. This concept is feasible because an
accretion disc forms an electromagnetic field around compact objects. After
that, we briefly examine negative energy orbits and their significance in
energy extraction. The ergoregion is absent in a rotating JNW geometry, but we
show that the effective ergoregion is there. The change in a negative energy
orbit concerning the magnetic field (B), spin parameter (a), and electric
charge (Q) is analyzed. We find that the total energy extraction efficiency
within this process can be around for the rotating JNW naked
singularity.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figure
Naked Singularity as a Possible Source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
The source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) remains one of the
greatest mysteries in astrophysics. Their possible source can be the galactic
nuclei, where the ultra-high gravity region plays a crucial role. Cosmic rays
are extremely energetic particles that travel through space with energies
exceeding , but their origin is still a mystery despite years of
studies and observations. In view of this, in this work, we studied the
Joshi-Malafarina-Narayan (JMN-1) naked singularity as a natural particle
accelerator. We derived the necessary expressions to find center of mass energy
when two particles collide. We have obtained results showing that center of
mass energy of the two particles will reach to Planck energy scale. This will
form a microscopic black hole which will decay in Hawking radiation, having
energy on the order of from the ultra-high gravity region of Sgr
A*. These outgoing highly energetic particles from the naked singularity could
be the possible sources of UHECRs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
Precession of timelike bound orbits in Kerr spacetime
Astrometric observations of S-stars provide a unique opportunity to probe the
nature of Sagittarius-A* (Sgr-A*). In view of this, it has become important to
understand the nature and behavior of timelike bound trajectories of particles
around a massive central object. It is known now that whereas the Schwarzschild
black hole does not allow the negative precession for the S-stars, the naked
singularity spacetimes can admit the positive as well as negative precession
for the bound timelike orbits. In this context, we study the perihelion
precession of a test particle in the Kerr spacetime geometry. Considering some
approximations, we investigate whether the timelike bound orbits of a test
particle in Kerr spacetime can have negative precession. In this paper, we only
consider low eccentric timelike equatorial orbits. With these considerations,
we find that in Kerr spacetimes, negative precession of timelike bound orbits
is not allowed.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figure
Horizon-scale tests of gravity theories and fundamental physics from the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A
Horizon-scale images of black holes (BHs) and their shadows have opened an
unprecedented window onto tests of gravity and fundamental physics in the
strong-field regime. We consider a wide range of well-motivated deviations from
classical General Relativity (GR) BH solutions, and constrain them using the
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of Sagittarius A (Sgr A),
connecting the size of the bright ring of emission to that of the underlying BH
shadow and exploiting high-precision measurements of Sgr A's
mass-to-distance ratio. The scenarios we consider, and whose fundamental
parameters we constrain, include various regular BHs, string-inspired
space-times, violations of the no-hair theorem driven by additional fields,
alternative theories of gravity, novel fundamental physics frameworks, and BH
mimickers including well-motivated wormhole and naked singularity space-times.
We demonstrate that the EHT image of Sgr A places particularly stringent
constraints on models predicting a shadow size larger than that of a
Schwarzschild BH of a given mass, with the resulting limits in some cases
surpassing cosmological ones. Our results are among the first tests of
fundamental physics from the shadow of Sgr A and, while the latter appears
to be in excellent agreement with the predictions of GR, we have shown that a
number of well motivated alternative scenarios, including BH mimickers, are far
from being ruled out at present.Comment: 82 pages, 47 figures, 50+ models tested. v3: fixed a few figures,
clarified several points, included various analytical expressions for shadow
sizes within the different models, added a few references, included a summary
table (Table II). Version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum
Tidal forces in the Simpson-Visser black-bounce and wormhole spacetimes
The concept of regular black holes has gained attention in recent years,
especially in the context of quantum gravity theories. In these theories, the
existence of singularities is paradoxical as they represent a breakdown of the
laws of physics. Motivated by the recent developments in this area, we study
the tidal force effects in one such family of regular geometries described by
the Simpson-Visser metric. We find the radial and angular force profiles for a
radially in-falling particle in this spacetime and calculate the variation of
the geodesic separation vector with the radial coordinate using two different
initial conditions. These results are then compared with that of Schwarzschild
black hole spacetime. We show that for a regular black hole, both radial and
angular tidal forces show a peak outside the horizon and then fall to
ultimately switch their behavior from stretching to compression and vice-versa.
Also, they are finite at unlike the Schwarzschild spacetime. It is also
seen that the angular deviation profile shows an oscillating behavior for a
particular initial condition. Our analysis can be used to distinguish between
regular black hole, one-way and two-way wormholes and a singular black hole
spacetimes.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure