6,607 research outputs found

    Lower bounds for the density of locally elliptic It\^{o} processes

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    We give lower bounds for the density pT(x,y)p_T(x,y) of the law of XtX_t, the solution of dXt=σ(Xt)dBt+b(Xt)dt,X0=x,dX_t=\sigma (X_t) dB_t+b(X_t) dt,X_0=x, under the following local ellipticity hypothesis: there exists a deterministic differentiable curve xt,0tTx_t, 0\leq t\leq T, such that x0=x,xT=yx_0=x, x_T=y and σσ(xt)>0,\sigma \sigma ^*(x_t)>0, for all t[0,T].t\in \lbrack 0,T]. The lower bound is expressed in terms of a distance related to the skeleton of the diffusion process. This distance appears when we optimize over all the curves which verify the above ellipticity assumption. The arguments which lead to the above result work in a general context which includes a large class of Wiener functionals, for example, It\^{o} processes. Our starting point is work of Kohatsu-Higa which presents a general framework including stochastic PDE's.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000000458 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Filamentary structure in the Orion molecular cloud

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    A large scale 13CO map (containing 33,000 spectra) of the giant molecular cloud located in the southern part of Orion is presented which contains the Orion Nebula, NGC1977, and the LI641 dark cloud complex. The overall structure of the cloud is filamentary, with individual features having a length up to 40 times their width. This morphology may result from the effects of star formation in the region or embedded magnetic fields in the cloud. We suggest a simple picture for the evolution of the Orion-A cloud and the formation of the major filament. A rotating proto-cloud (counter rotating with respect to the galaxy) contians a b-field aligned with the galaxtic plane. The northern protion of this cloud collapsed first, perhaps triggered by the pressure of the Ori I OB association. The magnetic field combined with the anisotropic pressure produced by the OB-association breaks the symmetry of the pancake instability, a filament rather than a disc is produced. The growth of instabilities in the filament formed sub-condensations which are recent sites of star formation

    A generic construction for high order approximation schemes of semigroups using random grids

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    Our aim is to construct high order approximation schemes for general semigroups of linear operators Pt,t0P_{t},t\geq 0. In order to do it, we fix a time horizon TT and the discretization steps hl=Tnl,lNh_{l}=\frac{T}{n^{l}},l\in \mathbb{N} and we suppose that we have at hand some short time approximation operators QlQ_{l} such that Phl=Ql+O(hl1+α)P_{h_{l}}=Q_{l}+O(h_{l}^{1+\alpha }) for some α>0\alpha >0. Then, we consider random time grids Π(ω)={t0(ω)=0<t1(ω)<...<tm(ω)=T}\Pi (\omega )=\{t_0(\omega )=0<t_{1}(\omega )<...<t_{m}(\omega )=T\} such that for all 1km1\le k\le m, tk(ω)tk1(ω)=hlkt_{k}(\omega )-t_{k-1}(\omega )=h_{l_{k}} for some lkNl_{k}\in \mathbb{N}, and we associate the approximation discrete semigroup PTΠ(ω)=Qln...Ql1.P_{T}^{\Pi (\omega )}=Q_{l_{n}}...Q_{l_{1}}. Our main result is the following: for any approximation order ν\nu , we can construct random grids Πi(ω)\Pi_{i}(\omega ) and coefficients cic_{i}, with i=1,...,ri=1,...,r such that Ptf=i=1rciE(PtΠi(ω)f(x))+O(nν) P_{t}f=\sum_{i=1}^{r}c_{i}\mathbb{E}(P_{t}^{\Pi _{i}(\omega )}f(x))+O(n^{-\nu}) % with the expectation concerning the random grids Πi(ω).\Pi _{i}(\omega ). Besides, Card(Πi(ω))=O(n)\text{Card}(\Pi _{i}(\omega ))=O(n) and the complexity of the algorithm is of order nn, for any order of approximation ν\nu. The standard example concerns diffusion processes, using the Euler approximation for~QlQ_l. In this particular case and under suitable conditions, we are able to gather the terms in order to produce an estimator of PtfP_tf with finite variance. However, an important feature of our approach is its universality in the sense that it works for every general semigroup PtP_{t} and approximations. Besides, approximation schemes sharing the same α\alpha lead to the same random grids Πi\Pi_{i} and coefficients cic_{i}. Numerical illustrations are given for ordinary differential equations, piecewise deterministic Markov processes and diffusions

    Riesz transform and integration by parts formulas for random variables

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    We use integration by parts formulas to give estimates for the LpL^p norm of the Riesz transform. This is motivated by the representation formula for conditional expectations of functionals on the Wiener space already given in Malliavin and Thalmaier. As a consequence, we obtain regularity and estimates for the density of non degenerated functionals on the Wiener space. We also give a semi-distance which characterizes the convergence to the boundary of the set of the strict positivity points for the density

    On the distance between probability density functions

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    We give estimates of the distance between the densities of the laws of two functionals FF and GG on the Wiener space in terms of the Malliavin-Sobolev norm of FG.F-G. We actually consider a more general framework which allows one to treat with similar (Malliavin type) methods functionals of a Poisson point measure (solutions of jump type stochastic equations). We use the above estimates in order to obtain a criterion which ensures that convergence in distribution implies convergence in total variation distance; in particular, if the functionals at hand are absolutely continuous, this implies convergence in L1L^{1} of the densities