4,491 research outputs found

    Resistance of Soybean Genotypes to Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae): Antixenosis and Antibiosis Characterization

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    Injury by herbivores is a major biotic stress that limits soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] crop production. Among the main soybean insect pests, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner is responsible for causing significant economic damage in soybean. The primary management strategy for this insect is chemical control and use of Bt transgenic soybean. Alternative strategies, such as host plant resistance, are considered an efficient and less-aggressive method, especially in association with other strategies as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. In this study, we evaluated 30 soybean genotypes to verify antixenosis expression through oviposition, attractiveness, and food consumption tests. From this, we selected 13 promising genotypes to verify the possible presence of antibiosis. Our results suggest that antixenosis was found in genotypes ‘TMG 133’ RR, ‘TMG 1179’ RR, ‘IAC 19’, ‘IAC 17’, ‘IAC 100’, D75-10169, and IAC 78-2318. By influence on behavior and negative impact on larval viability, antixenosis and antibiosis were indicated for the genotypes IAC 74-2832, ‘IAC 19’, ‘IAC 17’, ‘IAC 100’, and PI 274454. ‘TMG 7062’ IPRO was found to provide antibiosis resistance by negatively affecting larval development and viability. Because of reduced food consumption by larvae, antixenosis was indicated for ‘IAC 24’. These genotypes should be considered in soybean breeding programs focusing on soybean resistance to A. gemmatalis

    Subthreshold and near-threshold kaon and antikaon production in proton-nucleus reactions

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    The differential production cross sections of K^+ and K^- mesons have been measured at the ITEP proton synchrotron in p+Be, p+Cu collisions under lab angle of 10.5^0, respectively, at 1.7 and 2.25, 2.4 GeV beam energies. A detailed comparison of these data with the results of calculations within an appropriate folding model for incoherent primary proton-nucleon, secondary pion-nucleon kaon and antikaon production processes and processes associated with the creation of antikaons via the decay of intermediate phi mesons is given. We show that the strangeness exchange process YN->NNK^- gives a small contribution to the antikaon yield in the kinematics of the performed experiment. We argue that in the case when antikaon production processes are dominated by the channels with KK^- in the final state, the cross sections of the corresponding reactions are weakly influenced by the in-medium kaon and antikaon mean fields.Comment: 24 pages. accepted for publication at J.Phys.

    Feeding behavior of \u3ci\u3eAphis glycines\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on soybeans exhibiting antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance resistance

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    Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of soybean in North America. Plant resistance is a valuable tool for the management of this pest, and a better understanding of the interactions between aphid and soybeans expressing varying levels and different categories of resistance can assist in the development of aphid resistant or tolerant genotypes. The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to evaluate the feeding behavior of A. glycines (biotype 1) on 4 soybean genotypes: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contains Rag1 gene and exhibits antibiosis); (2) PI 200538 (contains Rag2 gene and exhibits antixenosis); (3) KS4202 (exhibits tolerance); and (4) ‘SD76RR’ (susceptible to aphid). Aphids spent shorter periods in the sieve element phase on ‘Dowling’ and exhibited a greater number of pathway phases, non-probing events, and a longer time in nonprobing events in PI 200538 and ‘Dowling.’ For ‘SD76RR’ and KS4202, aphids demonstrated more sustained phloem ingestion, spent shorter time in non-probing events, and exhibited fewer pathway phases and potential drops. These results indicate that resistance factors are present in the phloem of ‘Dowling.’ For PI 200538, it is suggested that antixenotic factors are involved in resistance to A. glycines. Because KS4202 is tolerant to biotype 1 of A. glycines, the suitability of this genotype was expected already. This study provides important data that contribute to the understanding of how soybean aphids (biotype 1) feed on soybean genotypes with various aphid resistant genes and categories. In addition to assisting in the distinction between resistance categories, these results are useful in soybean breeding programs focusing on developing genotypes with greater resistance to insects. Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) é uma das principais pragas da cultura da soja na América do Norte. Dentre as técnicas de manejo da praga, a resistência de plantas a insetos se destaca como uma ferramenta valiosa. Assim, uma melhor compreensão sobre as interações entre o afídeo e plantas de soja que expressam variáveis níveis e diferentes categorias de resistência, pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de genótipos resistentes ao inseto. A técnica de EPG foi utilizada para avaliar o comportamento alimentar de A. glycines (biótipo 1) em 4 genótipos de soja: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contém gene Rag1 e expressa antibiose); (2) PI 200538 (contém gene Rag2 e expressa antixenose); (3) KS4202 (expressa tolerância); e (4) ‘SD76RR’ (suscetível ao afídeo). Os afídeos demonstraram curtos períodos de alimentação na fase de seiva em ‘Dowling’ e exibiram uma grande quantidade de fases de caminhamento estiletar, número de períodos de não-prova e longos período de não-prova em PI 200538 e ‘Dowling.’ Para ‘SD76RR’ e KS4202, os afídeos mostraram um maior período de alimentação em vasos do floema, apresentaram curtos períodos de não-prova e exibiram poucas fases de caminhamento estiletar, além de menor número de quedas de potencial. Os resultados indicam que fatores de resistência estão presentes nos vasos floemáticos de ‘Dowling.’ Para PI200538, sugere-se que fatores antixenóticos estão envolvidos na resistência a A. glycines. Uma vez que KS4202 expressa tolerância ao biótipo 1 de A. glycines, a adequabilidade deste genótipo como fonte de alimento para o inseto já era esperada. Este estudo fornece importantes dados que contribuem para um melhor entendimento de como o pulgão-da-soja (biótipo 1) se alimentam de plantas de soja portadoras de diferentes genes e categorias de resistência. Além de auxiliar na distinção entre as categorias de resistência, esses resultados podem ser úteis em programas de melhoramento de soja, com intuito de selecionar genótipos mais resistentes a insetos

    Conceptual design of accelerator driven systems with light ion beams

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    The superior energy efficiency of light ion beams instead of proton beams for energy production in accelerator driven systems (ADS) is demonstrated. The energy efficiency is characterized by the energy gain calculated as the ratio of the energy released in the target to the energy spent for the beam acceleration. The energy deposited in the target is obtained via Geant4 simulation. A method to calculate the energy spent for the beam acceleration by scaling from the data for a reference beam is presented. The influence of the target structure on the energy efficiency of 0.5 - 4 GeV proton beams and 0.25 1 AGeV light ion beams is studied. The target consists of rods with different composition (metal, oxide, carbide) and different levels of enrichment in order to implement the target with a criticality coefficient keff of 0.96 - 0.97, which ensure safe operation. The influence of the rod dimensions, the coolant and converter on the neutron spectrum and energy released are analysed

    Feeding behavior of \u3ci\u3eAphis glycines\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on soybeans exhibiting antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance resistance

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    Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of soybean in North America. Plant resistance is a valuable tool for the management of this pest, and a better understanding of the interactions between aphid and soybeans expressing varying levels and different categories of resistance can assist in the development of aphid resistant or tolerant genotypes. The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to evaluate the feeding behavior of A. glycines (biotype 1) on 4 soybean genotypes: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contains Rag1 gene and exhibits antibiosis); (2) PI 200538 (contains Rag2 gene and exhibits antixenosis); (3) KS4202 (exhibits tolerance); and (4) ‘SD76RR’ (susceptible to aphid). Aphids spent shorter periods in the sieve element phase on ‘Dowling’ and exhibited a greater number of pathway phases, non-probing events, and a longer time in nonprobing events in PI 200538 and ‘Dowling.’ For ‘SD76RR’ and KS4202, aphids demonstrated more sustained phloem ingestion, spent shorter time in non-probing events, and exhibited fewer pathway phases and potential drops. These results indicate that resistance factors are present in the phloem of ‘Dowling.’ For PI 200538, it is suggested that antixenotic factors are involved in resistance to A. glycines. Because KS4202 is tolerant to biotype 1 of A. glycines, the suitability of this genotype was expected already. This study provides important data that contribute to the understanding of how soybean aphids (biotype 1) feed on soybean genotypes with various aphid resistant genes and categories. In addition to assisting in the distinction between resistance categories, these results are useful in soybean breeding programs focusing on developing genotypes with greater resistance to insects. Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) é uma das principais pragas da cultura da soja na América do Norte. Dentre as técnicas de manejo da praga, a resistência de plantas a insetos se destaca como uma ferramenta valiosa. Assim, uma melhor compreensão sobre as interações entre o afídeo e plantas de soja que expressam variáveis níveis e diferentes categorias de resistência, pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de genótipos resistentes ao inseto. A técnica de EPG foi utilizada para avaliar o comportamento alimentar de A. glycines (biótipo 1) em 4 genótipos de soja: (1) ‘Dowling’ (contém gene Rag1 e expressa antibiose); (2) PI 200538 (contém gene Rag2 e expressa antixenose); (3) KS4202 (expressa tolerância); e (4) ‘SD76RR’ (suscetível ao afídeo). Os afídeos demonstraram curtos períodos de alimentação na fase de seiva em ‘Dowling’ e exibiram uma grande quantidade de fases de caminhamento estiletar, número de períodos de não-prova e longos período de não-prova em PI 200538 e ‘Dowling.’ Para ‘SD76RR’ e KS4202, os afídeos mostraram um maior período de alimentação em vasos do floema, apresentaram curtos períodos de não-prova e exibiram poucas fases de caminhamento estiletar, além de menor número de quedas de potencial. Os resultados indicam que fatores de resistência estão presentes nos vasos floemáticos de ‘Dowling.’ Para PI200538, sugere-se que fatores antixenóticos estão envolvidos na resistência a A. glycines. Uma vez que KS4202 expressa tolerância ao biótipo 1 de A. glycines, a adequabilidade deste genótipo como fonte de alimento para o inseto já era esperada. Este estudo fornece importantes dados que contribuem para um melhor entendimento de como o pulgão-da-soja (biótipo 1) se alimentam de plantas de soja portadoras de diferentes genes e categorias de resistência. Além de auxiliar na distinção entre as categorias de resistência, esses resultados podem ser úteis em programas de melhoramento de soja, com intuito de selecionar genótipos mais resistentes a insetos

    Evaluating categories of resistance in soybean genotypes from the United States and Brazil to \u3ci\u3eAphis glycines\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), the soybean aphid, has become an important pest of soybeans, leading to significant yield losses in the United States. Host plant resistance is a viable alternative for managing A. glycines. The objectives of this study were to identify and categorize sources of resistance in soybean to A. glycines on genotypes from the United States and Brazil. An antixenosis assay was initially conducted with 8 genotypes to evaluate attractiveness to A. glycines. The selected soybean genotypes were further evaluated in a colonization assay to investigate the resistance of the genotypes at V1 (fully developed leaves at unifoliate node, 1st trifoliate leaf unrolled) and V3 (fully developed leaf at 2nd trifoliate node, 3rd trifoliate leaf unrolled) stages. An antibiosis assay was also conducted, in which multiple biological parameters of A. glycines were recorded. In the antixenosis assay, PI 200538, IAC 24, and IAC 17 genotypes were least attractive to adults of A. glycines, indicating moderate levels of antixenosis. The colonization assay showed that genotypes infested at the V3 stage had greater resistance when compared with the respective plants infested at the V1 stage. In addition, high levels of antibiosis to A. glycines were found in UX 2569-159, PI 200538, and PI 243540 genotypes. The identification of soybeans with resistance to A. glycines is of importance for the integrated pest management of this insect pest in the United States. Moreover, this research represents the first report on potential sources of resistance to A. glycines in soybeans from Brazil. O pulgão-da-soja, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), tornou-se uma importante praga da soja, levando a significativas perdas de produção nos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). A resistência de plantas é considerada uma alternativa viável para o manejo de A. glycines. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar e categorizar fontes de resistência em soja a A. glycines, avaliando genótipos dessa leguminosa do Brasil e EUA. Um ensaio de antixenose foi conduzido inicialmente com oito genótipos de soja a fim de avaliar a atratividade de A. glycines. Os genótipos selecionados foram posteriormente avaliados em um ensaio de colonização, visando verificar sua resistência nos estádios V1 (folhas do primeiro nó totalmente desenvolvidas; primeiro trifólio aberto) e V3 (folhas do segundo trifólio totalmente desenvolvidas; folhas do terceiro trifólio abertas). Um ensaio de antibiose também foi realizado, avaliando-se diversos parâmetros biológicos de A. glycines. No ensaio de antixenose, os genótipos PI 200538, IAC 24 e IAC 17 foram menos atrativos a adultos de A. glycines, indicando níveis moderados de antixenose. O ensaio de colonização mostrou que genótipos de soja infestados no estádio V3 apresentam maior resistência em comparação com plantas infestadas no estádio V1. Em adição, este estudo constatou altos níveis de antibiose para A. glycines nos genótipos UX 2569-159, PI 200538 e PI 243540. A identificação de genótipos de soja com resistência a A. glycines é importante para os programas de manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) nos EUA. Em adição, esta pesquisa apresenta o primeiro registro de genótipos de soja brasileiros como potenciais fontes de resistência ao pulgão-da-soja