48 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Methods of Quantitation for Carbamazepine

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    Carbamazepine is an early anticonvulsant still used today in the treatment of several forms of epilepsy. An active metabolite in the human body contributes to its pharmacological effect. Carbamazepine metabolism has high inter-individual variability, such that it is relatively difficult to establish a direct link between dose and concentration, or between concentration and pharmacological effect. Carbamazepine is thus a good candidate for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Good UV specific absorbance and high plasmatic concentrations allow for the use of UV detection, which is often more accessible than other methods of detection. This paper presents several methods used for the detection of carbamazepine in plasma, methods that are capable of detecting drug and metabolites at adequate levels/ acceptance criteria. These methods have possible application not only in pharmacokinetic, bioequivalence, and permeability studies, but also in the therapeutic drug monitoring of carbamazepine

    Postpartum depression: Prevention and multimodal therapy

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    A woman goes through many biological (hormonal, physical), psychological (emotional), and socio-cultural changes during pregnancy. Furthermore, changes also occur in the mother\u27s familial and interpersonal world after childbirth. While some mothers have positive emotions at birth, such as joy and pleasure, others complain of negative experiences varying from sadness and depression to psychosis. Thus, the risk of depression is higher for women during the postpartum period, having a tendency to decrease in most cases over the first 2 weeks after delivery. Unfortunately, this favorable evolution does not happen in about 1 in 4-7 women, who develops postpartum depression. Postpartum depression has generally the same features as any common depressive episode encountered at any other time in life. However, assessment of depressive symptoms in the parental period implies not only general tools (such as the Depression Scale of the Center for Epidemiological Studies or the Beck Depression Inventory), but also a specific evaluation using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Taking into account all changes that occur during the peripartum period, a multimodal approach for postpartum depression would be recommended, including an appropriate lifestyle (walks, ambient environments), counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and finally antidepressant medication when required. As a conclusion, postpartum depression may range from a mild and reversible episode to a severe and persistent form. Antepartum and postpartum screening, an early diagnosis, and a tailored approach to depression are essential for better results and prognosis related to both mother and child

    Considerations on the Psychological Status of the Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy

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    The psychological impact on patients suffering radical cystectomy is twofold - (both that of the underlying neoplastic disease and that measured by the quality of life subsequent to surgery) and increases as the urinary derivation technique is less physiological and affects more the local anatomy. Although there are numerous questionnaires that assess the quality of life of patients with cancer (HRQoL - health related QoL), not many probe bladder cancer morbidity or correlate the different types of urinary diversionsā€™ impact on QoL (quality of life). We analyzed 39 cases in our clinic who underwent radical cystectomy between August 2013 and August 2014. Different diversions were performed, as follows: for 24 patients a cutaneous ureterostomy was performed, in 10 cases a Mainz II pouch, in 3 cases a Bricker derivation and in 2 patients a Studer neobladder was performed. In these patients, QoL - Cancer Version and FACT-BL questionnaires were administered and were followed for an initial period of 2 years. According to our survey, the Bricker derivation is best tolerated, followed by neobladder and the Mainz II pouch

    Differences Between Men and Women with Total Laryngectomy

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    The larynx is one of the organs that is usually involved in the tumor growth in the head and neck region and it is the second site of malignant neoplasia of the respiratory tract after the lungs. It is a well-known fact that larynx cancer is more often present in male population, with a ratio of 3:1 male/female because of the higher rate of tobacco and alcohol use. The issues related to total laryngectomy are the loss of voice, swallowing rehabilitation, reeducation of breathing through the tracheostomy, psychological alterations and social pressure. Women tend to be more affected by the presence of the tracheostomy, since general physical aspect is a major concern for modern women. Also, the emotional status of women is a plays a major role for the adherence to the therapy plan. The response to total laryngectomy by men and women is similar with slight differences in physical aspect and social reinsertion

    Determination of Tramadol in human plasma by HPLC with fluorescence detection

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    Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic, atypical opioid, and although it is generally considered as a medicinal drug with a low potential for dependence, there is growing evidence of tramadol abuse in some countries. The ultraviolet detection is not suitable for analysis of tramadol in plasma, due to the lack of sensitivity and selectivity. However, it was shown that tramadol has a weak fluorescence, and the latest techniques for determination of tramadol in plasma include liquid chromatographic methods with fluorescence detection (FL). The objective of the paper was to develop a HPLC-FL method applicable for quantification of tramadol in human plasma.The separation was achieved by reverse phase HPLC method, using as stationary phase C18 ā€“ KromasilĀ® column and a mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile:0.1% formic acid (20:80). The fluorescence detection has been applied with Ī»ex/em= 280/310 nm. A solid phase extraction procedure using C18 cartridge was carried out. The linearity of the method has been demonstrated in the range of both therapeutic and toxic plasma tramadol levels (concentrations of 0.100 ā€“ 1Āµg/mL). The selectivity, precision, and accuracy of the method have been demonstrated. The limit of detection (LOD= 0.010 Āµg/mL) and the limit of quantification (LOQ = 0.100 Āµg/mL) have been established.The proposed method can be used to assess tramadol levels in human plasma in pharmacokinetic studies, as well as in overdose cases. The utility of the method for the quantification of therapeutic levels of tramadol has been shown on the plasma samples from the patients with tramadol treatment as analgesic (doses ranging from 100 mg to 400 mg/day).The developed method is rapid, using simple experimental conditions and an accurate and short extraction procedure

    Indocyanine green utility in sentinel node detection for cervical cancer patients

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    With wide implementation of screening tests for the Human Papilloma Virus, the number of diagnosed cases of premalignant or early stages of cervical cancer has increased considerably. As a consequence, surgeonsā€™ attention has focused on determining how best to limit the surgical procedure so the benefits of the procedure will not be surpassed by postoperative morbidity. In this respect, extended lymph node dissection, routinely associated so far with cervical cancer patients, has in the last decades been replaced with sentinel node detection and biopsy. Initially performed through radiocolloid injection, this method has undergone permanent changes in order to maximize its efficacy and safety. Although the laparoscopic approach had been widely used in the past, a new method has been proposed, i.e., the use of indocyanine green injection, which has yielded promising results for sentinel node detection in the early stages of cervical carcinoma. This paper reviews the literature of the most relevant studies conducted on this topic

    Comparative cytotoxicity study of nicotine and cotinine on MRC-5 cell line

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    Nicotine has several health hazards regarding carcinogenic potential. It also imparts increased risk for respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal disorders. Several mechanisms have been proposed for the carcinogenic potential, including effects on cell proliferation, inducing oxidative stress, DNA mutation, or inhibition of apoptosis. The cotinine metabolite is generally thought to have effects similar to nicotine in some experimental systems. The purpose of this study was to assess the nicotine and cotinine cytotoxicity on MRC-5 lung fibroblasts. The pulmonary fibroblasts were treated with various concentrations of nicotine or cotinine (in the range 1 ĀµM ā€“ 2 mM) for 24 or 48 h and analyzed for cell viability by MTT test. The results indicated that high nicotine concentrations (2 mM) induced marked cell death (about 50%) in MRC-5 cell line. Cotinine showed lower toxicity than nicotine on the MRC-5 cells. In contrast to nicotine treatment, cells treated with cotinine continued to proliferate after the 48h incubation period

    The psychological influence of the diagnosis of breast cancer on therapeutic options selection

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    The therapeutic management decision-making process for breast cancer is complex, and is influenced by multiple factors including patient age, comorbidities, ethnicity, education, and availability of immediate or delayed reconstruction options. Our study analysed 276 patients diagnosed with breast cancer in the ā€œColțeaā€ Clinical Hospital between 2014 and 2015. Mean patients age was 61.24, median 62, with a range of 31 to 89 years. Younger age was associated with a less advanced local disease and younger patients were more likely to choose and benefit from conservative surgery. Most patients (61.76%) came from rural areas. Place of origin had a significant influence on the tumor size at the time of diagnosis (3.9 cm vs. 1.8cm) as well as on the choice of surgical procedure. Personalized treatment management plans that include aesthetic satisfaction coupled with oncological safety should be the objectives of contemporary breast surgery. Patient age is so important to the decision making process that it has been proposed as a determinant of educational and counselling strategies. From our experience, young patients from urban areas were more proactive patients. They were diagnosed earlier and more involved in treatment decisions compared with patients from rural areas, who generally did not question the surgeonā€™s opinion. Factors that influence the decision-making process likely include age, socioeconomic status, availability of radiotherapy, the necessity of periodic follow-up and the concern about recurrence

    Appendicular mass ā€“ a rare form of tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis is in the top 10 causes of death worldwide, being one of the most deadly infectious diseases. It is estimated that one of three people from the entire earth population has a latent infection with M tuberculosis. This aerobic bacterium possesses the ability to persist in host tissues for years and to begin replication once immunity declines. The lungs are most frequent site of infection as the Mycobacterium tuberculosis is carried by aerosol droplets and is commonly transmitted by respiratory route. The second way of transmission is by contaminated food. Intestinal contamination coexists with pulmonary tuberculosis and only 10% represent primitive enteric diseases. The ileocecal region is involved most frequently. Even in this context isolated appendicular involvement remains rare. We report the case of appendicular tuberculosis in a 17-year-old woman with no evidence of other location of disease elsewhere in the body

    Psychological profile of laryngectomized patients

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    Larynx cancer is one of the most susceptible form of cancer susceptible to induce alteration of the patientā€™s psychological profile due to the social role that the larynx has in communication. Oral communication is severely impaired even after voice rehabilitation of the laryngectomized patients, so that the social rehabilitation is somewhat not only a medical but also a social problem. The psychological profile of these patients is altered in a way that dealing with the disease is sometimes neglected and the interaction with the outside world in terms of oral communication is totally abandoned. The starting point for depression in these cases is the acknowledgement of the disease and is, in some cases, the entire medical environment. Facial scarring, the inability to verbally interact with other human, as well as the presence of the tracheostoma, are all deciding factors in the presence of a low self-esteem for these particular patients. Psychological counseling is a mandatory approach for laryngectomized patients, in order to improve their ability to cope with cancer and providing better recovery chances