28,725 research outputs found
Relating Noncommutative SO(2,3) Gravity to the Lorentz-Violating Standard-Model Extension
We consider a model of noncommutative gravity that is based on a spacetime
with broken local SO(2,3) symmetry. We show that the torsion-free version of
this model is contained within the framework of the Lorentz-violating
Standard-Model Extension. We analyze in detail the relation between the
torsion-free, quadratic limits of the broken SO(2,3) model and the
Standard-Model Extension. As part of the analysis,we construct the relevant
geometric quantities to quadratic order in the metric perturbation around a
flat background.Comment: 10 pages, accepted in Symmetr
MEMS reagent and sample handling procedure: Feasibility of viral antibody detection by passive immune agglutination
An attempt was made to develop a test requiring no preadsorption steps for the assessment of antibodies to rubella and mumps viruses using the passive immune agglutination (PIA) method. Both rubella and mumps antigens and antibodies were prepared. Direct PIA tests, using rubella antigen-coated beads, and indirect PIA tests, using rubella antibody-coated beads, were investigated. Attempts, using either method, were unsuccessful. Serum interference along with nonspecific agglutination of beads by the rubella antigen resulted in no specific response under the test conditions investigated. A new, highly sensitive approach, the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test system, is recommended to overcome the nonspecificity. This system is a logical outgrowth of some of the solid phase work done on MEMS and represents the next generation tests system that can be directly applied to early disease detection and monitoring
Ks band secondary eclipses of WASP-19b and WASP-43b with the Anglo-Australian Telescope
We report new Ks band secondary eclipse observations for the hot-Jupiters
WASP-19b and WASP-43b. Using the IRIS2 infrared camera on the Anglo-Australian
Telescope (AAT), we measured significant secondary eclipses for both planets,
with depths of 0.287 -0.020/+0.020% and 0.181 -0.027/+0.027% for WASP-19b and
WASP-43b respectively. We compare the observations to atmosphere models from
the VSTAR line-by-line radiative transfer code, and examine the effect of C/O
abundance, top layer haze, and metallicities on the observed spectra. We
performed a series of signal injection and recovery exercises on the observed
light curves to explore the detection thresholds of the AAT+IRIS2 facility. We
find that the optimal photometric precision is achieved for targets brighter
than Kmag = 9, for which eclipses as shallow as 0.05% are detectable at >5
sigma significance.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 10 figure
Limits on violations of Lorentz Symmetry from Gravity Probe B
Generic violations of Lorentz symmetry can be described by an effective field
theory framework that contains both general relativity and the standard model
of particle physics called the Standard-Model Extension (SME). We obtain new
constraints on the gravitational sector of the SME using recently published
final results from Gravity Probe B. These include for the first time an upper
limit at the 10^(-3) level on the time-time component of the new tensor field
responsible for inducing local Lorentz violation in the theory, and an
independent limit at the 10^(-7) level on a combination of components of this
tensor field.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
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Pollination services in the UK: how important are honeybees?
Pollination services are known to provide substantial benefits to human populations and agriculture in particular. Although many species are known to provide pollination services, honeybees (Apis mellifera) are often assumed to provide the majority of these services to agriculture. Using data from a range of secondary sources, this study assesses the importance of insect pollinated crops at regional and national scales and investigates the capacity of honeybees to provide optimal pollination services to UK agriculture. The findings indicate that insect pollinated crops have become increasingly important in UK crop agriculture and, as of 2007, accounted for 20% of UK cropland and 19% of total farmgate crop value. Analysis of honeybee hive numbers indicates that current UK populations are only capable of supplying 34% of pollination service demands even under favourable assumptions, falling from 70% in 1984. In spite of this decline, insect pollinated crop yields have risen by an average of 54% since 1984, casting doubt on long held beliefs that honeybees provide the majority of pollination services. Future land use and crop production patterns may further increase the role of pollination services to UK agriculture, highlighting the importance of measures aimed at maintaining both wild and managed species
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Influence of surgery and rehabilitation conditioning on psychophysiological fitness
The purpose of this study was to assess changes in psychophysiological fitness following reconstructive knee surgery and early phase (2.5 months) physical rehabilitation. Nine patients (7 male, 2 female; mean age, 29.9 years) electing to undergo anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery (central third, bone-patella tendon-bone graft) were assessed on four separate assessment occasions post-surgery. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed significant condition (injured/non-injured leg) by test occasion (2 weeks pre-surgery and 6, 8 and 10 weeks post-surgery) interactions for knee ligamentous compliance (anterior tibiofemoral displacement), peak force and electromechanical delay associated with the knee flexors of the injured and noninjured legs (F3,24 = 4.7 to 6.6; p < 0.01), together with individualized emotional profile disturbance scores that were significantly less at 10 weeks post-surgery compared to pre-surgery, 6 weeks and 8 weeks post-surgery (F3,24 = 7.6; p < 0.01). Spearman rank correlation coefficients identified significant relationships between musculoskeletal fitness and emotional profile scores at pre-surgery (r = 0.69–0.72; p < 0.05) and at 8 weeks post-surgery (r = 0.70–0.73; p < 0.05). The 6 Bi-POMS subscales and the 12 ERAIQ responses found inconsistent patterns of response and relationships across the assessment occasions. Overall, the patterning of changes and associations amongst emotional performance profile discrepancy scores in conjunction with those scores from indices of musculoskeletal fitness performance capability offered important support for the efficacy of an approach which integrates self-perceptive and objective measurements of fitness capability during rehabilitation following surgery to a synovial joint
AVIRIS data characteristics and their effects on spectral discrimination of rocks exposed in the Drum Mountains, Utah: Results of a preliminary study
Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data collected over a geologically diverse field site and over a nearby calibration site were analyzed and interpreted in efforts to document radiometric and geometric characteristics of AVIRIS, quantify and correct for detrimental sensor phenomena, and evaluate the utility of AVIRIS data for discriminating rock types and identifying their constituent mineralogy. AVIRIS data acquired for these studies exhibit a variety of detrimental artifacts and have lower signal-to-noise ratios than expected in the longer wavelength bands. Artifacts are both inherent in the image data and introduced during ground processing, but most may be corrected by appropriate processing techniques. Poor signal-to-noise characteristics of this AVIRIS data set limited the usefulness of the data for lithologic discrimination and mineral identification. Various data calibration techniques, based on field-acquired spectral measurements, were applied to the AVIRIS data. Major absorption features of hydroxyl-bearing minerals were resolved in the spectra of the calibrated AVIRIS data, and the presence of hydroxyl-bearing minerals at the corresponding ground locations was confirmed by field data
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An Evaluation of a Battery of Functional and Structural Tests as Predictors of Likely Risk of Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Purpose: To evaluate the ability of visual function and structural tests to identify the likely risk of progression from early/intermediate to advanced AMD, using the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) simplified scale as a surrogate for risk of progression. The secondary aim was to determine the relationship between disease severity grade and the observed functional and structural deficits. Methods: A total of 100 participants whose AMD status varied from early to advanced were recruited. Visual function was assessed using cone dark adaptation, 14 Hz flicker and chromatic threshold tests and retinal structure was assessed by measuring drusen volume and macular thickness. The predictive value of the tests was estimated using ordinal regression analysis. Group comparisons were assessed using analysis of covariance. Results: Change in cone dark adaptation (cone Ï„) and yellow-blue (YB) chromatic sensitivity were independent predictors for AMD progression risk (cone Ï„, pseudo R2 = 0.35, P < 0.001; YB chromatic threshold, pseudo R2 = 0.16, P < 0.001). The only structural predictor was foveal thickness (R2 = 0.05, P = 0.047). Chromatic sensitivity and cone dark adaptation were also the best functional tests at distinguishing between severity groups. Drusen characteristics clearly differentiated between participants with early and advanced disease, but were not able to differentiate between those with early AMD and controls. Mean differences in retinal thickness existed between severity groups at the foveal (P = 0.040) and inner (P = 0.001) subfields. Conclusions: This study indicates that cone Ï„, YB chromatic threshold and foveal thickness are independent predictors of likely risk of AMD progression
Analysis and application of digital spectral warping in analog and mixed-signal testing
Spectral warping is a digital signal processing transform which shifts the frequencies contained within a signal along the frequency axis. The Fourier transform coefficients of a warped signal correspond to frequency-domain 'samples' of the original signal which are unevenly spaced along the frequency axis. This property allows the technique to be efficiently used for DSP-based analog and mixed-signal testing. The analysis and application of spectral warping for test signal generation, response analysis, filter design, frequency response evaluation, etc. are discussed in this paper along with examples of the software and hardware implementation
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