2,424 research outputs found
Investigating antecedents and consequences of corporate communication management
This paper analyses the influences of managerial communication, marketing communication and organizational communication on corporate communication. In addition, this paper shows how corporate communication management influences organizational performance. This research also investigates the role of corporate leadership in moderating the relationship between corporate communication and organizational performance. Three categories of antecedents, namely, management communication, marketing communication and organizational communication are gathered from the literature. Direct consequences and indirect consequences through relevant mediators are identified. Future research directions are also offered. The compendium of antecedents and consequences of Corporate Communication Management (CCM) can be used by corporate communication practitioners for their segmentation and target stakeholders
Abstract. SMP Nasional Banau Kota Ternate is one of the private schools under Yayasan Pendidikan Nasional (YPN) Maluku Utara, located in Kalumata, South Ternate subdistrict, Ternate City. SMP Nasional Banau Kota Ternate was continues to strive to improve educational services for its students, according to the expectations of the local community. One of the factors that hinders the learning process and educational activities in schools is bullying among students. Bullying of students occurs face-to-face and through social media platforms. The objectives of this community service is to increase positive attitudes in preventing bullying behavior among students at school. The implementation of the socialization and declaration SMP Nasional Banau Kota TernateĀ was carried out smoothly and in an orderly manner, all participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this program. Implementation of a series of outreach and declarations as an anti-bullying school is able to build positive attitudes of students in preventing bullying behavior in schools. The bullying prevention socialization and anti-bullying school declarations as a preventive effort against acts of violence in schools be carried out continuous, consistent, well-planned, and involve relevant stakeholders.Ā Abstrak. SMP Nasional Banau Kota Ternate adalah salah satu sekolah swasta di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Nasional (YPN) Maluku Utara, terletak di kelurahan Kalumata kecamatan Ternate Selatan, Kota Ternate. SMP Nasional Banau terus berupaya meningkatkan pelayanan pendidikan kepada peserta didiknya sesuai dengan tuntutan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Salah satu faktor yang masih menghambat proses belajar dan aktivitas pendidikan di sekolah adalah kasus bullying di kalangan siswa. Bullying terhadap siswa tidak hanya terjadi secara face-to-face, juga terjadi pada platform media sosial. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap positif siswa dalam mencegah prilaku bullying pada kalangan siswa di sekolah. Pelaksanaan seluruh rangkaian sosialisasi dan deklarasi SMP Nasional Banau Kota Ternate berlangsung lancar dan tertib, seluruh peserta sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini. Pelaksanaan seluruh rangkaian sosialisasi dan deklarasi sebagai sekolah anti bullying mampu membangun sikap-sikap positif siswa dalam mencegah prilaku bullying di sekolah. Sosialisasi pencegahan bullying dan deklarasi sekolah anti bullying sebagai upaya preventif terhadap tindak kekerasan di sekolah perlu dilaksanakan secara terus menerus dan konsisten, dan terncana, serta melibatkan stakeholder terkait.Ā
The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Science Teacher Candidates in Technology-Based Learning
The 21st century requires science teacher candidates to be skilled in using technology in learning. Science teacher candidate who is carrying out field practice experiences by applying technology-based learning must also have high self-efficacy and OCB. This study aimed to analyze self-efficacy's effect on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of science teacher candidates in technology-based learning. This research was conducted among the candidate of science teachers at Mataram Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram as many as 78 science teachers. The sampling technique used is probability sampling. The data collection used is the distribution of self-efficacy and OCB questionnaires. Data analysis used descriptive and inferential statistics in simple linear regression tests in the form of t-tests and significance. To measure self-efficacy using indicators of magnitude, generality, and strength, while to measure Organizational Citizenship Behavior using indicators of Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, and Civic Virtue. The results showed that the t-count value of 6.284 was greater than the t-table of 1.665. The significance value also shows 0.03. This shows that the significance value is smaller than the value of 0.05. The results of the hypothesis test indicate that the self-efficacy of science teacher candidates has a significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in technology-based learningAbstrak: Abad ke-21 menuntut calon guru IPA harus terampil menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Calon guru IPA yang melaksanakan pengalaman praktik lapangan dengan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi juga harus memiliki self-efficacy dan OCB yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) calon guru IPA dalam pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada calon guru IPA di Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram Mataram sebanyak 78 orang guru IPA. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah probability sampling. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penyebaran kuesioner self-efficacy dan OCB. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial dalam uji regresi linier sederhana berupa uji-t dan signifikansi. Untuk mengukur self-efficacy menggunakan indikator magnitude, generality, dan strength, sedangkan untuk mengukur Organizational Citizenship Behavior menggunakan indikator Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportmanship, Courtesy, dan Civic Virtue. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung sebesar 6,284 lebih besar dari nilai t tabel sebesar 1,665. Nilai signifikansi juga menunjukkan 0,03. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari nilai 0,05. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri calon guru IPA berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada pembelajaran berbasis teknologi.
Assessing ageist behaviors of Indonesian adult persons using the Relating to Older People Evaluation (ROPE) survey
Ageism is one of the abandoned psychosocial problems that adult persons were doing age discrimination to the elderly. This study is to describe the prevalence of ageist behaviors amongst adult persons in Makassar city, Indonesia. The method was used a cross-sectional survey design. The Relating to Older People Evaluation (ROPE) survey has been used as an instrument to assess ageist behaviors. One hundred adult persons responded (response rate (RR) 100%). Positive ageist behaviors show that respondents hold doors open for elderly because of their age (93%), enjoy conversations with elderly because of their age (99%), and ask an elderly for advice because of their age (98%).Ā Negative behaviors such as talking louder or slower to old people because of their age (95%), use simple words when talking to old people (99 %), and when an old person has an ailment, they may said, 'that's normal at your age' (96%). Adult persons report engaging in ageist behaviors that potentially harm the mental health of the elderly. This survey can be a reference to solve negative behaviors for older people
Hubungan Politik Antarkerajaan: Gowa dengan Bone, Soppeng, Wajo (Tellumpocco)
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antar Kerajaan Gowa dengan Wajo. Kemudian kajian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan melalui empat tahap, yaitu: heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi, penjelasannya dengan menggunakan deskriptif analitis. Dari hasi penelitian menunjukkan hubungan Gowa dengan Wajo dimulai dimana Gowa merupakan kerajaan yang cukup besar, sehingga dengan kekuatan dan kebesarannya berhasil menaklukkan kerajaan-kerajaan lainnya termasuk Kerajaan Wajo. Dengan demikian status Wajo sebagai palili bagi Gowa. Wajo sangat setia dan taat dalam menjalin hubungan dengan Gowa, karena baginya Gowa lebih baik dan lebih jelas dibanding dengan Bone. Meskipun pada awalnya Wajo melakukan perlawanan terhadap Gowa dengan dibantu Bone, dan Soppeng namun Gowa tidak terkalahkan. Bahkan Bone Soppeng Wajo membentuk persekutuan (tellumpoccoe) untuk menghadapi Gowa, namun tidak berhasil, sehingga Wajo menjadi ata (budak) bagi Gowa. Bahkan ketiga kerajaan ini diserang (musu selleng) untuk memeluk Islam. Hubungan keduanya terjalin sangat baik berbagai perjanjian antar kedua kerajaan ini, demikian juga dengan peperangan Gowa dengan Bone, Wajo, ikut membantu Gowa
The Influence of the Al-Quran Integrated Differential Learning Model on the Critical Thinking Ability of Prospective Elementary School Teachers
This research aims to evaluate the influence of the Al-Quran integrated differential learning model on elementary school students' critical thinking abilities. The quasi-experimental method was used involving two groups, namely the experimental group who received intervention using this model, and the control group who took part in conventional learning. Data was collected through a description test that measured various indicators of critical thinking abilities before and after the intervention. The results of the analysis show a significant increase in critical thinking skills in the experimental group, with the integration of the Al-Quran providing additional deep spiritual value and relevance in the learning process. The implication is the importance of integrating spiritual values āāin the educational curriculum to enrich students' learning experiences holistically
Reproductive Biology Of Pokea Clam Batissa Violacea Var. Celebensis, Von Martens 1897 At Lasolo Estuary, Southeast Sulawesi
Pokea clam Batissa violacea var. celebensis von Martens 1897 that inhabits the substrates of some estuaries in Southeast Sulawesi has a tendency to have different reproductive pattern. The aim of this study was to determine the sex ratio, gonadal maturity stage (TKG), gonadal maturity index (IKG) and the size at first gonad maturity of pokea in Lasolo estuary, Southeast Sulawesi. Samples were randomly collected using a traditional fishing gear called tangge. Sex ratio, TKG, IKG, and the size at first gonad maturity were determined using standard methods and formulas and then analyzed using Chi Square, quantitative description and non-linear regression. The results showed that the number of males were higher than the numbers of females, ranging from 71.85-89.84% and 10.16-28.15%, respectively. Gonadal maturity development of male and female occured simultaneously. Early gonadal maturity stage began in January. Spawning occurs twice, beginning with maturity in April and spawning in May and then again maturity in July and spawning in July until October. IKG values of male and female were relatively the same ranging from 2.56-31.92. The males matured earlier than the females at size 1.95 cm and 2.15 cm, respectively
Pembelajaran Kooperatif Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Sosial Dan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Sekolah Multietnis
Pendidikan multikultural menawarkan pengajaran yang mengakomodasi perbedaan dalam wadah yang harmonis, toleran dan saling menghargai. Wujud pendidikan multikultural di antaranya dengan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif yang berbasis pada keberagaman keragaman etnis, yakni pembelajaran yang menjunjung tinggi nilai heterogenitas, pluralitas dan keragaman etnik, yang diharapkan menjadi pilar bagi keharmonisan bermasyarakat di Kota Ternate. Karena itu, pada sekolah multietnis perlu dirancang pembelajaran kooperatif yang tidak hanya memudahkan bagi siswa memahami materi pelajaran, tetapi juga mampu meningkatkan kesadaran siswa agar berprilaku humanis, pluralis dan demokratis. Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) sintaksnya memberi peluang untuk meningkatkan aktivitas siswa, interaksi antarsiswa, serta dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dalam pelajaran biologi. Sedangkan pembelajaran Reading Guestioning and Answering (RQA) diharapkan dapat memaksa siswa membaca dan memahami isi bacaan, serta menemukan isi bacaan yang substansial atau sangat substansial. Perpaduan pembelajaran TPS dan RQA yang diterapkan pada sekolah multietnis di Kota Ternate, khususnya jenjang SMA, memiliki potensi untuk: (1) mengembangkan sikap sosial siswa, dan (2) meningkatkan penguasaan konsep mata pelajaran Biologi
This study aims to determine how much influence between Moving Average Convergence Dicergence (MACD) and Moving Average (MA) on the decision to buy shares of investors in the Capital Market Study Group of Muhammadiyah University of Buton during the period 2018 to 2019. This research uses quantitative methods, data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Respondent in this study were 50 people. The process of data analysis in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that based on the F test the two independent variabels simultaneously influence the dependent variabel. Based on the T test, the variabel X1 (MACD technical analysis) has a significance value of 0,000 smaller than the significance value of 0,05, meaning the variabel X1 (MACD technical analysis) significantly influences the stock purchase decision, while for the X2 variabel (MA technical analysis) has a significant value of 0,000 smaller than the significance value 0,05, meaning that the variabel X2 (MA technical analysiss) significantly influences the stock purchase decision. Based on the test results the coefficient of determination R value of 0,880 or 88% means that the variabels X1 (technical analysis of MACD) and X2 (technical analysis of MA) have an effect of 88% and 12% are influenced by other unknown variabels
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