17 research outputs found
The Effect of using Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Students’ Listening Ability of Indonesian Academy of Secretary and Management (ASMI) Citra Nusantara Banjarmasin
This paper aims at finding out whether or not Problem Based Learning (PBL) can improve students’ listening ability. This research was experimental research, which aims to find out the effect of using Problem Based Learning (PBL) model for improving students’ listening ability. The population of this research were the sixth semester students of Indonesian Academy of Secertary and Management Indonesia (ASMI) Citra Nusantara Banjarmasin. Sample are students mayoring Financial management 1 as experimental group and students mayoring Financial Management 2 as control group. It is obtained by using purposive sampling. Experimental group was taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model consist of 22 students. While control group was taught by using conventional model consist of 23 students. The instrument of this research was TOEIC Listening Comprehension Test. Problem Based Learning (PBL) model was more effective to improve students’ listening ability at Indonesian Academy of Secertary and Management Indonesia (ASMI) Citra Nusantara Banjarmasin than conventional model. It was indicated by the result of independent sample t-test, it was found the sig. (2 tailed) value was 0.000 < 0.05. It meant that, H0 was rejected, and Ha was accepted. Furthermore, it can be interpreted that there was significance difference on students’ listening ability between experimental group and the control group. In group statistics table said that the mean of experimental group was 275.91. It was higher than the mean of control group 194.57. It could be stated that Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in teaching listening could improve the students' listening ability better than the conventional model
Vocational High School was designed to prepare the students to be ready to work after they graduate. In Vocational High School, students must have an appropriate competence based on their major. English becomes very important in this school since most of jobs in the workplace put English proficiency both written and spoken. Giving materials in Vocational High School must be appropriated to the students’ needs for their work place future. Module becomes one of effective media in teaching learning, the statement above was strengthened by Mayer’ theory in Lasmiyati (2014) stated that module is relatively short self-contained independent unit of instructional designed to achieve a limited set of specific and well-defined educational objectives. This research aimed to analyze the students’ perspective toward implementation of ESP module for Tourism Industry students in English teaching learning. This research was a qualitative descriptive, the online interview sheet that form of google form used as a research instrument in collecting data. The data analyzed qualitatively by explaining the result descriptively. The findings showed that the English book used in SMKN 4 sampit was too general. And the English teacher who tough in Tourism Industry Program found difficulty of English teaching that related to the English materials. The next finding showed that, the English skills were most be needed by the Tourism Industry students were speaking and writing. And the result suggested that the English materials in Tourism Industry Program in SMKN 4 Sampit sould be developed based on syllabus used and students’ needs
Students’ Perception of the Use of Google Classroom in Teaching Intensive English Class for the First Year College Students During Pandemic COVID-19
The spread of COVID-19 pandemic has made the biggest disturbance of education systems in history. Many schools and universities around the world are closing down. In Indonesia, the government decides a distance learning system using online learning. Many platforms of digital sources have been implemented by many schools and universities, one of them is using Google Classroom. This research aimed to know the students’ perception of using Google Classroom in teaching Intensive English Class during this pandemic by applying descriptive qualitative method. The subject of the research was one of the classes on Intensive English Class program at University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin named IEC "Paris" Class, they were all the first year students academic year 2019/2020 consisted of 22 students. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. The findings showed that the students’ perception of using Google Classroom in teaching Intensive English Class was in good level. It can be seen from the students’ positive response in responding the questionnaire statements about using Google Classroom. Google Classroom might be used as a media in teaching English for the students to be more interested and active, especially during this New Normal.
Students’ Perception of Using E-book to Improve Literacy Skill at the English Education Department of UNISKA Banjarmasin
This research aimed to explore the students’ perception of using e-book to improve literacy skill. It was quantitative method by using survey design. The sample in this research was the third-semester students at the English Education Department of UNISKA Banjarmasin in the academic year 2022/2023. In collecting the data, the close ended questionnaire was used to explore the students’ perceptions of using e-book to improve literacy skill. There were 20 statements which divided into four indicators, namely: 1) motivation and interest, 2) effectiveness, 3) flexibility, and 4) preferences. It was found that most of the students attained positive perception on the motivation and interest, effectiveness, and preferences. Then, they had very positive perception on the flexibility. Moreover, the overall result of the students’ perception showed that the highest percentage was agreed with 54% and the mean score was 3.98. It can be concluded that most of the students on the third-semester at the English Education Department of UNISKA Banjarmasin in the academic year 2022/2023 agreed and they attained positive perception of using e-book to improve literacy skill
An Analysis of Speech Act In Award-Winning Short Movie (The English Teacher-2020)
English has become an international language that plays an essential role in communication. One way of communicating is speaking, which is practised in all parts of life. So, humans need to learn the language for the way communication occurs to get a piece of information. This implies that the relationship of a speech determines its form and function. Pragmatics is closely related to the study of language and communication in society, particularly speech acts. The purpose of this study is to determine the speech act applied by the actor in The English Teacher films. This study focuses on analyzing the speech performance in the film The English Teacher. This study examines the illocutionary; representatives or assertive, directives, commission, expressive, and declarations produced in the film The English Teacher. The researcher investigates the dialogue scripts of the performers in The English Teacher films. Data collection and analysis were conducted using the qualitative research method. Qualitative research is research that processes descriptive data from the subject in the form of written or spoken language. In qualitative research, the researcher employs sampling technique or targeted sampling to collect specific information about the topic of study. the results show that The forms of illocutionary speech acts in the film “the English Teacher” include representative, directive, expressive and commission speeches. The most dominant form of speech act in the film "The English Teacher" is a representative speech act with a total of 20 representative speech act
The COVID-19 new normal struck and almost paralyzed all countries including Indonesia in terms of social and economic activities. At present, the Indonesian government has imposed warnings and prohibitions on leaving homes, working, or going to school. Many schools and universities around the world are closing down. The Indonesian government decides a distance learning system using online learning. Online learning is playing a crucial role during this COVID-19 new normal, it aims to help instructors, schools, and universities facilitate student learning during periods of universities and schools’ closure. This research aimed to know the students’ perception toward English online learning on intensive English course for the first year students at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin during COVID-19 new normal by applying descriptive qualitative method. Seventy-four students were chosen as respondents of the research taken from four groups of 92, 93, 94, and 95 of the first year students’ academic year 2020/2021 of Intensive English Course at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Questionnaire was used to collect the data and the data were calculated in percentage. The result indicated that the most students are interested in online learning. Online learning is considered to be more fun and flexible. Therefore, it was proven that the students had positive perceptions on English online learning during COVID-19 new normal
Faktor Penentu Kemampuan Mahasiswa dalam Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris
Universitas sangat penting dalam mempersiapkan siswa untuk sukses didunia kerja. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa pelatihan bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi juga dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan lulusan dengan kompetensi bahasa Inggris yang dibutuhkan untuk pekerjaan tertentu (English for Occupational Purpose). Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa mahasiswa yang mendaftar di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UPR memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang lemah. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memilih 15 mahasiswa untuk dijadikan responden. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemahiran bahasa Inggris jurusan Pendidikan Biologi di FKIP UPR. Kuisoner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian deskriptif ini. Untuk analisis data menggunakan teknik Tabulasi. Metode ini melibatkan pengolahan data ke dalam format tabel. Terdapat empat variabel yang mempengaruhi kemampuan bahasa Inggris peserta Prodi Pendidikan Biologi, demikian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini. 1) Kemampuan menyimak, dalam hal ini mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan membedakan pengucapan (pronounciation) kata-kata yang didengarnya; 2) Kemampuan berbicara, dalam hal ini persyaratan untuk menggunakan grammar yang benar ketika berbicara dan rasa gugup karena tidak terbiasa berbicara berdampak pada kemampuan mahasiswa; 3) Kemampuan menulis, dimana ketidakmampuan untuk menghasilkan dan mengorganisasikan ide-ide sehingga mempengaruhi kemampuan mahasiswa; 4) Kemampuan membaca, dimana ketidakmampuan untuk memahami isi bacaan sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan mahasiswa. Kata kunci—English for Occupational Purpose, Keterampilan Berbahasa Inggris, Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Abstract  Universities play a crucial role in preparing students to compete in the workforce. This demonstrates that English instruction in higher institutions is also geared toward ensuring that students have the English proficiency required for various occupations (English for Occupational Purpose). It is well recognized that students enrolled in the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP UPR, have limited English proficiency. As a result, 15 students were chosen to participate in the study as respondents. This study seeks to identify the factors that influence the English language proficiency of FKIP UPR Biology Education students. This is a descriptive study for which a questionnaire was utilized to collect data. The tabulation technique is used to analyze the data by transforming the data into tabular format. According to the findings of this study, four factors influence the English language proficiency of Biology Education Study Program students: 1) Listening ability, wherein students have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of the words they hear; 2) Speaking ability, wherein the influencing factors are the demand for using proper grammar in speaking and feeling very nervous because they are not used to speaking; 3) Writing ability, wherein what affects students' abilities is the difficulty in developing and compiling ideas; 4) Reading ability, where the inability to understand the content of the reading has a significant impact on students' ability. Keywords—English for Occupational Purpose, English Language Skills, English Master
This research was highly concerned on the study ethnography of communication, i.e. in the way of speaking a language. The objective was on learn realization of English speech acts in the class interaction between students and lecturer(s). The study conducted in the English Education Study Program of Palangka Raya University. The method applied was a communication ethnography based on the social phenomena of empirical facts in terms of illocutionary speech acts of directives. It is a qualitative research focusing on the speakers’ utterances. Data collected using the Spradley’s ethnography method. Data analysis using the model of Hymes’ communication analysis, including: analysis of communication situation, communication events, communication acts, and Spradley’s analysis of cultural theme. The first finding and the novelty showed that the realization of directive speech act had been the most dominant one. This finding proved that the illocutionary speech act of directives has a higher social status in an interaction. The use of speech acts of directives proved that it was closely related with the context of situation and culture of the speaker(s) whereas the higher(s) had dominated the lower(s). Finally, directive speech act was used to control the class to be interactive by the lecturer(s)
Implementation Of Contrastive Analysis To Overcome The Difficulties of Learning English Pronunciation Sub-Skill
This research was conducted to investigate and understandpronunciation problems, which is the sub-skill of speaking in the first semester students of the UPR FKIP English Education Study Programthrough contrastive analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyzepronunciation errors in English words and the causes of the errors made bystudents who were the research subjects. The design used in this study topresent the data is descriptive qualitative. The results of data analysis wereclassified into consonant errors (consonants), vowels (vowels), and vowels(diphthongs) and the causes why these errors occured.Based on the results of data analysis, the English segmental soundsthat were difficult to pronounce by students of the English Education StudyProgram semester I in the academic year 2020/2021 were 1) long vowels ortense vowels (i:, u:, ?:, ?:, ?:]; 2) short vowels soundor lax vowels lowvowel sound [æ], and neutral vowel (schwa) [?]; 3) the sound of diphthongs(double vowels), namely rising diphthongs [??] and falling diphthongs [??],[e?], and [??]; and 4) fricative consonant sounds [f, v, z, ?, ð, ?, ?].The causes of difficulty in learning pronunciation of Englishsegmental sounds are 1) differences in Indonesian and English soundsystems and 2) lack of knowledge of the English sound system.This research was conducted to investigate and understand pronunciation problems, which is the sub-skill of speaking in the first semester students of the UPR FKIP English Education Study Program through contrastive analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyze pronunciation errors in English words and the causes of the errors made by students who were the research subjects. The design used in this study to present the data is descriptive qualitative. The results of data analysis were classified into consonant errors (consonants), vowels (vowels), and vowels (diphthongs) and the causes why these errors occured.
Based on the results of data analysis, the English segmental sounds that were difficult to pronounce by students of the English Education Study Program semester I in the academic year 2020/2021 were (1) long vowels or tense vowels (i:, u:, ?:, ?:, ?:]; (2) short vowels soundor lax vowels low vowel sound [æ], and neutral vowel (schwa) [?]; (3) the sound of diphthongs (double vowels), namely rising diphthongs [??] and falling diphthongs [??], [e?], and [??]; and (4) fricative consonant sounds [f, v, z, ?, ð, ?, ?].
The causes of difficulty in learning pronunciation of English segmental sounds are (1) differences in Indonesian and English sound systems and (2) lack of knowledge of the English sound system
The Effect of British Council for Teens Website on Students’ Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN-1 Palangka Raya
English vocabulary is crucial. However, students struggled with vocabulary. This study examined how the British Council for Teens website affected Senior High School tenth-graders’ English vocabulary. This website taught English vocabulary using topic-related graphics and audio. This pre-experimental investigation used a one-group pre- and post-test. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose the SMAN-1 Palangka Raya X-6 class. Data was collected via a short answer test. Pre- and post-tests were provided. The researcher circulated a questionnaire to assess the British Council for Teens website’s impact on vocabulary learning. The Paired Sample T-Test in SPSS version 25 was used to examine the data at 5% (0.05). T-test analysis accepted Ha and rejected Ho. Hence, British Council for Teens improved SMAN-1 Palangka Raya tenth graders’ English vocabulary. The British Council for Teens website’s favorable questionnaire result supported that. Consequently, this website was effective on expanding students’ English vocabulary