338 research outputs found
On production and asymmetric focusing of flat electron beams using rectangular capillary discharge plasmas
A method for the asymmetric focusing of electron bunches, based on the active
plasma lensing technique is proposed. This method takes advantage of the strong
inhomogeneous magnetic field generated inside the capillary discharge plasma to
focus the ultrarelativistic electrons. The plasma and magnetic field parameters
inside the capillary discharge are described theoretically and modeled with
dissipative magnetohydrodynamic computer simulations enabling analysis of the
capillaries of rectangle cross-sections. Large aspect ratio rectangular
capillaries might be used to transport electron beams with high emittance
asymmetries, as well as assist in forming spatially flat electron bunches for
final focusing before the interaction point.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Laser beam coupling with capillary discharge plasma for laser wakefield acceleration applications
One of the most robust methods, demonstrated up to date, of accelerating
electron beams by laser-plasma sources is the utilization of plasma channels
generated by the capillary discharges. These channels, i.e., plasma columns
with a minimum density along the laser pulse propagation axis, may optically
guide short laser pulses, thereby increasing the acceleration length, leading
to a more efficient electron acceleration. Although the spatial structure of
the installation is simple in principle, there may be some important effects
caused by the open ends of the capillary, by the supplying channels etc., which
require a detailed 3D modeling of the processes taking place in order to get a
detailed understanding and improve the operation. However, the discharge
plasma, being one of the most crucial components of the laser-plasma
accelerator, is not simulated with the accuracy and resolution required to
advance this promising technology. In the present work, such simulations are
performed using the code MARPLE. First, the process of the capillary filling
with a cold hydrogen before the discharge is fired, through the side supply
channels is simulated. The main goal of this simulation is to get a spatial
distribution of the filling gas in the region near the open ends of the
capillary. A realistic geometry is used for this and the next stage
simulations, including the insulators, the supplying channels as well as the
electrodes. Second, the simulation of the capillary discharge is performed with
the goal to obtain a time-dependent spatial distribution of the electron
density near the open ends of the capillary as well as inside the capillary.
Finally, to evaluate effectiveness of the beam coupling with the channeling
plasma wave guide and electron acceleration, modeling of laser-plasma
interaction was performed with the code INF&RNOComment: 11 pages, 9 figure
Inclusive jet cross section in collisions at TeV
The inclusive jet differential cross section has been measured for jet
transverse energies, , from 15 to 440 GeV, in the pseudorapidity region
0.10.7. The results are based on 19.5 pb of data
collected by the CDF collaboration at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The data
are compared with QCD predictions for various sets of parton distribution
functions. The cross section for jets with GeV is significantly
higher than current predictions based on O() perturbative QCD
calculations. Various possible explanations for the high- excess are
discussed.Comment: 8 pages with 2 eps uu-encoded figures Submitted to Physical Review
Measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry in W-boson decays produced in p-pbar collisions
We describe a measurement of the charge asymmetry of leptons from W boson
decays in the rapidity range 0 enu, munu events from
110+/-7 pb^{-1}of data collected by the CDF detector during 1992-95. The
asymmetry data constrain the ratio of d and u quark momentum distributions in
the proton over the x range of 0.006 to 0.34 at Q2 \approx M_W^2. The asymmetry
predictions that use parton distribution functions obtained from previously
published CDF data in the central rapidity region (0.0<|y_l|<1.1) do not agree
with the new data in the large rapidity region (|y_l|>1.1).Comment: 13 pages, 3 tables, 1 figur
Search for charged Higgs decays of the top quark using hadronic tau decays
We present the result of a search for charged Higgs decays of the top quark,
produced in collisions at 1.8 TeV. When the charged
Higgs is heavy and decays to a tau lepton, which subsequently decays
hadronically, the resulting events have a unique signature: large missing
transverse energy and the low-charged-multiplicity tau. Data collected in the
period 1992-1993 at the Collider Detector at Fermilab, corresponding to
18.70.7~pb, exclude new regions of combined top quark and charged
Higgs mass, in extensions to the standard model with two Higgs doublets.Comment: uuencoded, gzipped tar file of LaTeX and 6 Postscript figures; 11 pp;
submitted to Phys. Rev.
Observation of Hadronic W Decays in t-tbar Events with the Collider Detector at Fermilab
We observe hadronic W decays in t-tbar -> W (-> l nu) + >= 4 jet events using
a 109 pb-1 data sample of p-pbar collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV collected with
the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). A peak in the dijet invariant mass
distribution is obtained that is consistent with W decay and inconsistent with
the background prediction by 3.3 standard deviations. From this peak we measure
the W mass to be 77.2 +- 4.6 (stat+syst) GeV/c^2. This result demonstrates the
presence of two W bosons in t-tbar candidates in the W (-> l nu) + >= 4 jet
channel.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
Measurement of the Associated Production Cross Section in Collisions at TeV
We present the first measurement of associated direct photon + muon
production in hadronic collisions, from a sample of 1.8 TeV
collisions recorded with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Quantum
chromodynamics (QCD) predicts that these events are primarily from the Compton
scattering process , with the final state charm quark producing
a muon. Hence this measurement is sensitive to the charm quark content of the
proton. The measured cross section of is compared to a
leading-order QCD parton shower model as well as a next-to-leading-order QCD
calculation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures Added more detailed description of muon
background estimat
Search for Chargino-Neutralino Associated Production at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider
We have searched in collisions at = 1.8 TeV for events
with three charged leptons and missing transverse energy. In the Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model, we expect trilepton events from
chargino-neutralino (\chione \chitwo) pair production, with subsequent decay
into leptons. We observe no candidate , ,
or events in 106 pb integrated
luminosity. We present limits on the sum of the branching ratios times cross
section for the four channels: \sigma_{\chione\chitwo}\cdot
BR(\chione\chitwo\to 3\ell+X) 81.5 \mgev\sp and
M_\chitwo > 82.2 \mgev\sp for , ~\mgev\sp and
M_\squark= M_\gluino.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figure
Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions at CDF
We have used 106 pb^-1 of data collected in proton-antiproton collisions at
sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV by the Collider Detector at Fermilab to measure jet angular
distributions in events with two jets in the final state. The angular
distributions agree with next to leading order (NLO) predictions of Quantum
Chromodynamics (QCD) in all dijet invariant mass regions. The data exclude at
95% confidence level (CL) a model of quark substructure in which only up and
down quarks are composite and the contact interaction scale is Lambda_ud(+) <
1.6 TeV or Lambda_ud(-) < 1.4 TeV. For a model in which all quarks are
composite the excluded regions are Lambda(+) < 1.8 TeV and Lambda(-) < 1. 6
TeV.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, LaTex, using epsf.sty. Submitted to
Physical Review Letters on September 17, 1996. Postscript file of full paper
available at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub96/cdf3773_dijet_angle_prl.p
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