530 research outputs found

    The noise properties of stochastic processes and entropy production

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    Based on a Fokker-Planck description of external Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise and cross-correlated noise processes driving a dynamical system we examine the interplay of the properties of noise processes and the dissipative characteristic of the dynamical system in the steady state entropy production and flux. Our analysis is illustrated with appropriate examples.Comment: RevTex, 1 figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A semiclassical theory of quantum noise in open chaotic systems

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    We consider the quantum evolution of classically chaotic systems in contact with surroundings. Based on â„Ź\hbar-scaling of an equation for time evolution of the Wigner's quasi-probability distribution function in presence of dissipation and thermal diffusion we derive a semiclassical equation for quantum fluctuations. This identifies an early regime of evolution dominated by fluctuations in the curvature of the potential due to classical chaos and dissipation. A stochastic treatment of this classical fluctuations leads us to a Fokker-Planck equation which is reminiscent of Kramers' equation for thermally activated processes. This reveals an interplay of three aspects of evolution of quantum noise in weakly dissipative open systems; the reversible Liouville flow, the irreversible chaotic diffusion which is characteristic of the system itself, and irreversible dissipation induced by the external reservoir. It has been demonstrated that in the dissipation-free case a competition between Liouville flow in the contracting direction of phase space and chaotic diffusion sets a critical width in the Wigner function for quantum fluctuations. We also show how the initial quantum noise gets amplified by classical chaos and ultimately equilibrated under the influence of dissipation. We establish that there exists a critical limit to the expansion of phase space. The limit is determined by chaotic diffusion and dissipation. Making use of appropriate quantum-classical correspondence we verify the semiclassical analysis by the fully quantum simulation in a chaotic quartic oscillator.Comment: Plain Latex, 27 pages, 6 ps figure, To appear in Physica

    Proučavanje kozmološkog modela Bianchi-IX u Lyra geometriji

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    Some cosmological phenomena are studied from modified Einstein\u27s equations based on Lyra geometry in Bianchi-IX space-time. We study the model in the presence of a massless scalar field with a flat potential.Neke se kozmološke pojave tumače Einsteinovim jednadžbama zasnovanim na Lyra geometriji u vremenu-prostoru Bianchi-IX. Proučavamo taj model u prisutnosti bezmasenog skalarnog polja sa stalnim potencijalom

    Interference of stochastic resonances: Splitting of Kramers' rate

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    We consider the escape of particles located in the middle well of a symmetric triple well potential driven sinusoidally by two forces such that the potential wells roll as in stochastic resonance and the height of the potential barrier oscillates symmetrically about a mean as in resonant activation. It has been shown that depending on their phase difference the application of these two synchronized signals may lead to a splitting of time averaged Kramers' escape rate and a preferential product distribution in a parallel chemical reaction in the steady state

    Awareness of vaccination status and its predictors among working people in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: Adult vaccination status may be difficult to obtain, often requiring providers to rely on individual patient recall. To determine vaccination status awareness and the sociodemographic predictors of awareness for tetanus, hepatitis A and B, tick born encephalitis (TBE) and influenza vaccination. METHODS: Multivariate analyses were used to evaluate a questionnaire survey of 10 321 employees (4070 women and 6251 men aged 15–72 years) of two companies in Switzerland. RESULTS: Among 10 321 respondents, 75.5% reported knowing their tetanus vaccination status, 64.1% hepatitis A, 61.1% hepatitis B, 64.3% TBE and 71.9% influenza. Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 employees were not aware of their vaccination status. Differences in awareness for the five vaccinations considered correlated with gender and language. These differences persisted in multivariate analyses. CONCLUSION: Women employees, German-speaking employees and employees who paid more attention to their diet were more often aware of their vaccination status. A more reliable and readily accessible data source for vaccination status is needed in order to capitalize on opportunities to update vaccinations among Swiss employees

    Generalized quantum Fokker-Planck, diffusion and Smoluchowski equations with true probability distribution functions

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    Traditionally, the quantum Brownian motion is described by Fokker-Planck or diffusion equations in terms of quasi-probability distribution functions, e.g., Wigner functions. These often become singular or negative in the full quantum regime. In this paper a simple approach to non-Markovian theory of quantum Brownian motion using {\it true probability distribution functions} is presented. Based on an initial coherent state representation of the bath oscillators and an equilibrium canonical distribution of the quantum mechanical mean values of their co-ordinates and momenta we derive a generalized quantum Langevin equation in cc-numbers and show that the latter is amenable to a theoretical analysis in terms of the classical theory of non-Markovian dynamics. The corresponding Fokker-Planck, diffusion and the Smoluchowski equations are the {\it exact} quantum analogues of their classical counterparts. The present work is {\it independent} of path integral techniques. The theory as developed here is a natural extension of its classical version and is valid for arbitrary temperature and friction (Smoluchowski equation being considered in the overdamped limit).Comment: RevTex, 16 pages, 7 figures, To appear in Physical Review E (minor revision

    Insulin like growth factor 2 (Igf2) and its receptor gene (Igf2r) showed opposite expression in diploid parthenogenetic embryos in Capra hircus

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    The present research work was proposed to compare the expression of development related genes (Igf2 and Igf2r) among diploid parthenogenetic (DIP), female sexed in vivo and female sexed in vitro produced embryonic cell colony. The good quality caprine oocytes were matured in presence of cytochalasin B (CCB) and activated by ethanol (7%) for 5 min followed by incubation with 2 mM 6-dimethyl amino purine (DMAP) for 4 h for DIP embryos production and embryo development was recorded. We have explored comparative expression profile of paternally (Igf2r) and maternally (Igf2) imprinted genes among DIP, female sexed IVF and female sexed in vivo derived embryos. Embryonic cell colony were developed from 8–16 and morula stage DIP, IVF and in vivo derived embryos and these colonies were used for studying the paternal and maternal imprinted genes. Overall, we observed higher expression of maternally expressed genes (Igf2r) in DIP compared to in vivo and IVF derived embryonic cell colony. The expression of paternal genes (Igf2) was low in DIP compared to in vivo and IVF derived embryonic cell colony

    Necdin and neuronatin genes expression among diploid parthenogenetic, IVF and in vivo derived female sexed embryos during preimplantation development in goat

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    The present research work was undertaken to compare the expression of necdin (Ndn) and neuronatin (Nnat) genes among diploid parthenogenetic (DIP), female sexed in vivo and female sexed in vitro produced embryonic cell colony. The good quality caprine oocytes were matured in presence of cytochalasin B (CCB) and activated by ethanol (7%) for 5 min followed by incubation with 2mM 6-dimethyl amino purine (DMAP) for 4 hrs for DIP embryos production. Embryonic cell colony were developed from 8–16 and morula stage DIP, IVF and in vivo derived embryos and these colonies were used for studying the Ndn and Nnat gene expression. There was no expression of Ndn gene in both the stages of DIP embryos, while this gene was expressed almost similarly in IVF and in vivo derived 8–16 cell stages but down regulated significantly in morula of IVF compared to in vivo derived embryonic cell colony. The Nnat gene expression was absent in in vivo derived 8–16 cell and morula stage embryos, while it was expressed in both the stages of DIP and IVF embryos. Further, it was observed that the expression of this gene was significantly lower in DIP embryos of both the stages as compared to IVF one. There was no significant difference of this gene expression between 8–16 cell and morula of DIP but morula of IVF showed significantly higher expression than 8–16 cell stage
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