229 research outputs found

    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development

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    This research has been carried out within the R+D+i project ‘University Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport. Opportunity for social inclusion’, reference PID2019-105916RB-I00. In addition, funding has also been obtained from the Spanish Sports Council, through the RIADIS Research Network with reference code 03/UPB/20.Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education and High School (specializing in Physical Education) were involved. Specifically, we aimed to assess the impact of this training program on three dimensions related to Environmental Education (knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes). Its effect was also examined bearing in mind students’ sex, age and educational profile (sportive and educational). Mixed-methods were used: for the quantitative approach, data were collected with the Environmental Attitude in Physical Activities in Natural Environments validated scale; for the qualitative approach individual reflective diaries completed by students that attended the program were analyzed. The results show positive effects on the students regarding the three dimensions of Environmental Education, for both the sportive and educational training profiles. The quantitative results do not present significant differences concerning the gender variable, although the qualitative information shows that female students perceived a greater environmental sensitivity during their practices. Regarding the age variable, significant differences are found in the youngest students with an educational profile. To conclude, the study ratifies that the program carried out generated improvements in terms of knowledge, behaviors and attitudes toward the environment and sustainable development. Future research should use larger samples and consider other variables related to education for sustainability.PID2019-105916RB-I00Spanish Sports Council 03/UPB/2

    Implications of BREEAM Sustainability Assessment on the Design of Hotels

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    This original research paper analyses the actual and important topic of the implications of BREEAM sustainability assessment on the design of hotels and it is a personal response to “The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development” and its influence on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The paper aims to examine the influence of the sustainable assessment method BREEAM on the design of hotels by using seven case studies and studying the changes that were implemented in order to achieve their targets. Qualitative data were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews and analyzing the supplied documentation. The authors notice that the results revealed that a BREEAM approach might limit the design of the hotels but, including the right measures at the early design stage of the project, the target can be easily achieved

    Promoting the Sustainable Recovery of Hospitality in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Comparative Study to Optimize the Servicescapes

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    As COVID-19 spread throughout the world, the hospitality and tourism sectors were hard hit as no other industry. For this reason, the UNWTO developed the One Planet Vision as a response to a sustainable recovery of the tourism sector. At present, when people are starting to travel and stay at hotels again, it is important to analyze what their expectations are of hotels to move forward in the post-pandemic era. For instance, empirical research has been developed to examine people’s sentiments toward servicescapes, and a comparative study is presented between 2020 and 2022. Findings contribute to the research by identifying new servicescape attributes during a health crisis. These also lead to practical implications by proposing a scale to evaluate customers’ perceptions and to increase their wellbeing and resilience. The current research is one of the first studies to collaborate with the One Planet Vision by empirically proposing improvements in the servicescapes of hotels for a responsible recovery

    Real-world data of fulvestrant as first-line treatment of postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer

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    Goals of endocrine therapy for advanced breast cancer (ABC) include prolonging survival rates, maintaining the quality of life, and delaying the initiation of chemotherapy. We evaluated the effectiveness of fulvestrant as first-line in patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive ABC with relapse during or after adjuvant anti-estrogenic therapy in real-world settings. Retrospective, observational study involving 171 postmenopausal women with ER-positive ABC who received fulvestrant as first-line between January 2011 and May 2018 in Spanish hospitals. With a median follow-up of 31.4 months, the progression-free survival (PFS) with fulvestrant was 14.6 months. No differences were seen in the visceral metastatic (14.3 months) versus non-visceral (14.6 months) metastatic subgroup for PFS. Overall response rate and clinical benefit rate were 35.2% and 82.8%. Overall survival was 43.1 months. The duration of the clinical benefit was 19.2 months. Patients with ECOG performance status 0 at the start of treatment showed a significant greater clinical benefit rate and overall survival than with ECOG 1-2. Results in real-world settings are in concordance with randomized clinical trials. Fulvestrant continues to demonstrate clinical benefits in real-world settings and appears be well tolerated as first-line for the treatment of postmenopausal women with ER-positive ABC

    A pyrF auxotrophic mutant of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 impaired in its symbiotic interactions with soybean and other legumes

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    Transposon Tn5-Mob mutagenesis allowed the selection of a Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 mutant derivative (SVQ 292) that requires the presence of uracil to grow in minimal media. The mutated gene, pyrF, codes for an orotidine-5´- monophosphate decarboxylase (EC Mutant SVQ 292 and its parental prototrophic mutant HH103 showed similar Nod-factor and lipopolysaccharide profiles. The symbiotic properties of mutant SVQ 292 were severely impaired with all legumes tested. Mutant SVQ 292 formed small ineffective nodules on Cajanus cajan and abnormal nodules (pseudonodules) unable to fix nitrogen on Glycine max (soybean), Macroptitlium atropurpureum, Indigofera tinctoria, and Desmodium canadense. It also did not induce any macroscopic response in Macrotyloma axillare roots. The symbiotic capacity of SVQ 292 with soybean was not enhanced by the addition of uracil to the plant nutritive solution. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(3):169-176

    Estimulación de la médula espinal en dolor neuropático refractario en adultos: evaluación de la eficacia, efectividad, seguridad y eficiencia en la neuropatía diabética dolorosa y los síndromes de la cirugía fallida de columna y de dolor regional complejo

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    Medul·la espinal; Dolor neuropàtic; Estimulació elèctricaMédula espinal; Dolor neuropático; Estimulación eléctricaSpinal cord; Neuropathic pain; Electrical stimulationAquest informe té com a objectiu avaluar la seguretat, l’eficàcia/efectivitat i el cost-efectivitat de la SCS en adults per al tractament del dolor neuropàtic refractari associat a la neuropatia diabètica dolorosa (NDD) i a les síndromes de fallida de la cirurgia d’esquena (FBSS per les seves sigles en anglès, failed back surgery syndrome) i de dolor regional complex (CRPS per les seves sigles en anglès, complex regional pain syndrome) com a tècnica coadjuvant i en comparació amb els tractaments convencionals.Este informe tiene el objectivo de evaluar la seguridad, la eficacia/efectividad y el coste-efectividad de la SCS en adultos para el tratamiento del dolor neuropático refractario asociado a la neuropatía diabética dolorosa (NDD) y a los síndromes de la cirugía fallida de columna (FBSS por sus siglas en inglés, failed back surgery syndrome) y de dolor regional complejo (CRPS por sus siglas en inglés, complex regional pain syndrome) como técnica coadyuvante y en comparación con los tratamientos convencionales.The aim of this HTA report is to evaluate the safety, efficacy/effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of SCS in adults to treat refractory neuropathic pain associated with painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN, NDD in Spanish), failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) as an adjuvant technique and in comparison with conventional treatments

    Tratado de derechos reales. Tomo II Propiedad y posesión

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    La presente investigación está referida al análisis de los dos principales derechos reales: la posesión y la propiedad, y es la continuación de la investigación concluida denominada Tratado de derechos reales, tomo I, teoría de los bienes y los derechos reales. Esta parte de la investigación corresponde al desarrollo de dos de sus principales instituciones. Así, se comienza con el análisis sociojurídico de la posesión (poder hecho) como derecho transitorio (temporal y momentáneo), para luego entrar al desarrollo de la propiedad (poder de derecho) como derecho definitivo (permanente y total), ambas instituciones reconocidas como situaciones jurídicas de gran trascendencia en las relaciones jurídicas patrimoniales, protegidas por la ley a través de mecanismos de defensa

    Terapia de neuromodulación periférica PENS (Peripheral electrical nerve stimulation) como tratamiento del dolor crónico refractario de origen neuropático en adultos: evaluación de la seguridad, la eficacia, la efectividad clínica y el coste-efectividad

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    Teràpia de neuromodulació perifèrica; Dolor crònic; NeuropatiaTerapia de neuromodulación periférica; Dolor crónico; NeuropatíaPeripheral neuromodulation therapy; Chronic pain; NeuropathyL’objectiu d’aquest informe és avaluar la seguretat, l’eficàcia, l’efectivitat clínica i el cost-efectivitat de la PENS com a teràpia coadjuvant per a tractar el DN perifèric crònic refractari en adults, en comparació amb el tractament habitual farmacològic o altres tècniques de neuroestimulació. També s’estableix com a objectiu definir els criteris de selecció de pacients que podrien beneficiar-se de la tècnica i indicacions de tractament.El objetivo del presente informe es el de evaluar la seguridad, la eficacia, la efectividad clínica y el coste-efectividad de la PENS como terapia coadyuvante para tratar el DN periférico crónico refractario en adultos, en comparación con el tratamiento habitual farmacológico u otras técnicas de neuroestimulación. También se establece como objetivo definir los criterios de selección de pacientes que podrían beneficiarse de la técnica e indicaciones de tratamiento.The aim of this report is to evaluate the safety, efficacy, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of PENS as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of chronic refractory peripheral NP in adults, compared with standard pharmacological treatment or other neurostimulation techniques. It also aims to define the selection criteria for patients who may benefit from the technique and the indications for treatment