6,544 research outputs found

    An optimal control approach to pilot/vehicle analysis and Neal-Smith criteria

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    The approach of Neal and Smith was merged with the advances in pilot modeling by means of optimal control techniques. While confirming the findings of Neal and Smith, a methodology that explicitly includes the pilot's objective in attitude tracking was developed. More importantly, the method yields the required system bandwidth along with a better pilot model directly applicable to closed-loop analysis of systems in any order

    Investigation of the kinetics of crystallization of molten binary and ternary oxide systems Quarterly status report, 1 Mar. - 30 Nov. 1968

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    Glass composition preparation and research on crystallization kinetics of molten binary and ternary oxide systems of glas

    ¿Filosofía de la educación?

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    Bajo Palabra, Revista de Filosofí

    Investigation of the kinetics of crystallization of molten binary and ternary oxide systems Quarterly status report, 1 Dec. 1967 - 29 Feb. 1968

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    Reaction kinetics of crystallized molten binary and ternary oxide glass making composition

    Weak Gravitational Flexion

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    Flexion is the significant third-order weak gravitational lensing effect responsible for the weakly skewed and arc-like appearance of lensed galaxies. Here we demonstrate how flexion measurements can be used to measure galaxy halo density profiles and large-scale structure on non-linear scales, via galaxy-galaxy lensing, dark matter mapping and cosmic flexion correlation functions. We describe the origin of gravitational flexion, and discuss its four components, two of which are first described here. We also introduce an efficient complex formalism for all orders of lensing distortion. We proceed to examine the flexion predictions for galaxy-galaxy lensing, examining isothermal sphere and Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) profiles and both circularly symmetric and elliptical cases. We show that in combination with shear we can precisely measure galaxy masses and NFW halo concentrations. We also show how flexion measurements can be used to reconstruct mass maps in 2-D projection on the sky, and in 3-D in combination with redshift data. Finally, we examine the predictions for cosmic flexion, including convergence-flexion cross-correlations, and find that the signal is an effective probe of structure on non-linear scales.Comment: 17 pages, including 12 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Peking and People\u27s Wars

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    FlowR: Aspect oriented programming for information flow control in ruby

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    This paper reports on our experience with providing Information Flow Control (IFC) as a library. Our aim was to support the use of an unmodified Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud infrastructure by IFC-aware web applications. We discuss how Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) overcomes the limitations of RubyTrack, our first approach. Although use of AOP has been mentioned as a possibility in past IFC literature we believe this paper to be the first illustration of how such an implementation can be attempted. We discuss how we built FlowR (Information Flow Control for Ruby), a library extending Ruby to provide IFC primitives using AOP via the Aquarium open source library. Previous attempts at providing IFC as a language extension required either modification of an interpreter or significant code rewriting. FlowR provides a strong separation between functional implementation and security constraints which supports easier development and maintenance; we illustrate with practical examples. In addition, we provide new primitives to describe IFC constraints on objects, classes and methods that, to our knowledge, are not present in related work and take full advantage of an object oriented language (OO language). The experience reported here makes us confident that the techniques we use for Ruby can be applied to provide IFC for any Object Oriented Program (OOP) whose implementation language has an AOP library.This is the final version published by ACM in Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Modularity (MODULARITY '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 37-48, available from the ACM Digital Library here: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2577080.2577090

    Hong Kong International Violence Against Women Survey

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    Final Report of the 2006 Hong Kong IVAW