4,057 research outputs found
Anti-de Sitter branes with Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond-Ramond backgrounds
We review some facts about AdS2xS2 branes in AdS3xS3 with a Neveu-Schwarz
background, and consider the case of Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. We compute the
spectrum of quadratic fluctuations in the low-energy approximation and discuss
the open-string geometry.Comment: 8 pages, uses JHEP3.cl
(Half) a Lecture on D-branes
This is a concise foreword to, rather than a review of D-brane physics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex. To appear in Proceedings of the Workshop on Gauge
Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity (Imperial College,
London, July 1996). Two misprints in eqs. (3.24) and (3.25) correcte
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