68 research outputs found
Optimal Local Approximation Spaces for Generalized Finite Element Methods with Application to Multiscale Problems
The paper addresses a numerical method for solving second order elliptic
partial differential equations that describe fields inside heterogeneous media.
The scope is general and treats the case of rough coefficients, i.e.
coefficients with values in . This class of coefficients
includes as examples media with micro-structure as well as media with multiple
non-separated length scales. The approach taken here is based on the the
generalized finite element method (GFEM) introduced in \cite{107}, and
elaborated in \cite{102}, \cite{103} and \cite{104}. The GFEM is constructed by
partitioning the computational domain into to a collection of
preselected subsets and constructing finite dimensional
approximation spaces over each subset using local information. The
notion of the Kolmogorov -width is used to identify the optimal local
approximation spaces. These spaces deliver local approximations with errors
that decay almost exponentially with the degrees of freedom in the
energy norm over . The local spaces are used within the
GFEM scheme to produce a finite dimensional subspace of
which is then employed in the Galerkin method. It is shown that the error in
the Galerkin approximation decays in the energy norm almost exponentially
(i.e., super-algebraicly) with respect to the degrees of freedom . When
length scales "`separate" and the microstructure is sufficiently fine with
respect to the length scale of the domain it is shown that
homogenization theory can be used to construct local approximation spaces with
exponentially decreasing error in the pre-asymtotic regime.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, updated references, sections 3 and 4 typos
corrected, minor text revision, results unchange
Sampling-based Approximations with Quantitative Performance for the Probabilistic Reach-Avoid Problem over General Markov Processes
This article deals with stochastic processes endowed with the Markov
(memoryless) property and evolving over general (uncountable) state spaces. The
models further depend on a non-deterministic quantity in the form of a control
input, which can be selected to affect the probabilistic dynamics. We address
the computation of maximal reach-avoid specifications, together with the
synthesis of the corresponding optimal controllers. The reach-avoid
specification deals with assessing the likelihood that any finite-horizon
trajectory of the model enters a given goal set, while avoiding a given set of
undesired states. This article newly provides an approximate computational
scheme for the reach-avoid specification based on the Fitted Value Iteration
algorithm, which hinges on random sample extractions, and gives a-priori
computable formal probabilistic bounds on the error made by the approximation
algorithm: as such, the output of the numerical scheme is quantitatively
assessed and thus meaningful for safety-critical applications. Furthermore, we
provide tighter probabilistic error bounds that are sample-based. The overall
computational scheme is put in relationship with alternative approximation
algorithms in the literature, and finally its performance is practically
assessed over a benchmark case study
Least-squares methods for policy iteration
Approximate reinforcement learning deals with the essential problem of applying reinforcement learning in large and continuous state-action spaces, by using function approximators to represent the solution. This chapter reviews least-squares methods for policy iteration, an important class of algorithms for approximate reinforcement learning. We discuss three techniques for solving the core, policy evaluation component of policy iteration, called: least-squares temporal difference, least-squares policy evaluation, and Bellman residual minimization. We introduce these techniques starting from their general mathematical principles and detailing them down to fully specified algorithms. We pay attention to online variants of policy iteration, and provide a numerical example highlighting the behavior of representative offline and online methods. For the policy evaluation component as well as for the overall resulting approximate policy iteration, we provide guarantees on the performance obtained asymptotically, as the number of samples processed and iterations executed grows to infinity. We also provide finite-sample results, which apply when a finite number of samples and iterations are considered. Finally, we outline several extensions and improvements to the techniques and methods reviewed
Volumetric real-time particle-based representation of large unstructured tetrahedral polygon meshes
In this paper we propose a particle-based volume rendering approach for unstructured, three-dimensional, tetrahedral polygon meshes. We stochastically generate millions of particles per second and project them on the screen in real-time. In contrast to previous rendering techniques of tetrahedral volume meshes, our method does not need a prior depth sorting of geometry. Instead, the rendered image is generated by choosing particles closest to the camera. Furthermore, we use spatial superimposing. Each pixel is constructed from multiple subpixels. This approach not only increases projection accuracy, but allows also a combination of subpixels into one superpixel that creates the well-known translucency effect of volume rendering. We show that our method is fast enough for the visualization of unstructured three-dimensional grids with hard real-time constraints and that it scales well for a high number of particles
Imitrob: Imitation Learning Dataset for Training and Evaluating 6D Object Pose Estimators
This paper introduces a dataset for training and evaluating methods for 6D
pose estimation of hand-held tools in task demonstrations captured by a
standard RGB camera. Despite the significant progress of 6D pose estimation
methods, their performance is usually limited for heavily occluded objects,
which is a common case in imitation learning where the object is typically
partially occluded by the manipulating hand. Currently, there is a lack of
datasets that would enable the development of robust 6D pose estimation methods
for these conditions. To overcome this problem, we collect a new dataset
(Imitrob) aimed at 6D pose estimation in imitation learning and other
applications where a human holds a tool and performs a task. The dataset
contains image sequences of three different tools and six manipulation tasks
with two camera viewpoints, four human subjects, and left/right hand. Each
image is accompanied by an accurate ground truth measurement of the 6D object
pose, obtained by the HTC Vive motion tracking device. The use of the dataset
is demonstrated by training and evaluating a recent 6D object pose estimation
method (DOPE) in various setups. The dataset and code are publicly available at
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