1,846 research outputs found
Ultracold collisions of metastable helium atoms
We report scattering lengths for the singlet Sigma g +, triplet Sigma u + and
quintet Sigma g + adiabatic molecular potentials relevant to collisions of two
metastable (n=2 triplet S) helium atoms as a function of the uncertainty in
these potentials. These scattering lengths are used to calculate experimentally
observable scattering lengths, elastic cross sections and inelastic rates for
any combination of states of the colliding atoms, at temperatures where the
Wigner threshold approximation is valid.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX, epsf. Small additions of tex
Variational calculations on the hydrogen molecular ion
We present high-precision non-relativistic variational calculations of bound
vibrational-rotational state energies for the and molecular
ions in each of the lowest electronic states of , , and
symmetry. The calculations are carried out including coupling between
and states but without using the Born-Oppenheimer or any
adiabatic approximation. Convergence studies are presented which indicate that
the resulting energies for low-lying levels are accurate to about .
Our procedure accounts naturally for the lambda-doubling of the state.Comment: 23 pp., RevTeX, epsf.sty, 5 figs. Enhanced data in Table II, dropped
3 figs. from previous versio
Long-range interactions for He()--He and He()--He
The energetically lowest five states of a helium atom are: He(),
He(), He(), He(), and He(). Long-range interaction
coefficients , , , , and for all and
pairs of these states are calculated precisely using correlated wave functions
in Hylleraas coordinates. Finite nuclear isotope mass effects are included
Long-range interactions between a He() atom and a He() atom for like isotopes
For the interactions between a He() atom and a He() atom for
like isotopes, we report perturbation theoretic calculations using accurate
variational wave functions in Hylleraas coordinates of the coefficients
determining the potential energies at large internuclear separations. We
evaluate the coefficient of the first order resonant dipole-dipole
energy and the van der Waals coefficients , , and for
the second order energies arising from the mutual perturbations of
instantaneous electric dipole, quadrupole, and octupole interactions. We also
evaluate the coefficient of the leading contribution to the third order
energy. We establish definitive values including treatment of the finite
nuclear mass for the He()--He() and He()--He() interactions.Comment: This article has been accepted by Physical Review
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