22 research outputs found

    New configurations of housing facilities developed in height. Pico hydraulics, consumption become energy

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    The continuous growth of the population and the increasing demand of urbanization expansion towards the development of high-rise buildings. To meet their energy demand, the European Community is trying to address the designers to nearly zero-energy buildings. It is reasonably simple to produce a small residence totally energy efficient however it will be a real challenge to do the same for high-rise residential buildings. In the general research of the “P\u3e 20” a building of more than 20 floors, equipped with renewable energy systems and with low impact technologies, with complete energy efficiency is studied energy self-sufficient. The first technology introduced in this paper will be the Pico Hydraulics system, a technology for the exploitation of hydro electric potential of grey water to produce electricity. Finally, the economic, environmental and social advantages of P\u3e 20 is to be illustrated, for Albanian and European cities

    Energy Efficiency for a farm company in the Po Valley: NZEFC – Nearly Zero Energy Farm Company

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    Thanks for the cooperation between Sapienza University of Rome and CREA Engineering, the energy consumption of twenty Po Valley’s farms company was diagnosed. The purpose was to determine a Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure (SEDP), for the agricultural sector. In the case of study below, the farm company has decided to adhere to a process of technological renewal, able to reduce to zero, the energy consumption, related to electricity and agricultural naphtha

    A model proposal for the electric energy valorization in a pv power plant equipped with CAES system

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    In this article, an analytical method is evaluated and implemented; to assess the possible electricity sales strate-gies produced by a 3 MW photovoltaic power plant, connected to a 250 kW CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) system, with a storage capacity of 750 kWh. The presented model combines a different numbers of parameters and variables, relevant for the system optimization. Several simulations of various system configu-rations have been carried out, to explore and evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of the plant, spe-cifically it has been valued tow case of study: CASE 1 the system is not incentive; CASE 2 the system is incen-tive. In the end of paper it has been rated the Leveled Cost of Energy (LCOE) and specified how the investment could become affordable in the foreseeable future

    New configurations of housing facilities developed in height. Pico hydraulics, consumption become energy

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    The continuous growth of the population and the increasing demand of urbanization expansion towards the development of high-rise buildings. To meet their energy demand, the European Community is trying to address the designers to nearly zero-energy buildings. It is reasonably simple to produce a small residence totally energy efficient however it will be a real challenge to do the same for high-rise residential buildings. In the general research of the “P\u3e 20” a building of more than 20 floors, equipped with renewable energy systems and with low impact technologies, with complete energy efficiency is studied energy self-sufficient. The first technology introduced in this paper will be the Pico Hydraulics system, a technology for the exploitation of hydroelectric potential of grey water to produce electricity. Finally, the economic, environmental and social advantages of P\u3e 20 is to be illustrated, for Albanian and European cities

    New configurations of housing facilities developed in height. Pico hydraulics, consumption become energy

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    The continuous growth of the population and the increasing demand of urbanization expansion towards the development of high-rise buildings. To meet their energy demand, the European Community is trying to address the designers to nearly zero-energy buildings. It is reasonably simple to produce a small residence totally energy efficient however it will be a real challenge to do the same for high-rise residential buildings. In the general research of the “P\u3e 20” a building of more than 20 floors, equipped with renewable energy systems and with low impact technologies, with complete energy efficiency is studied energy self-sufficient. The first technology introduced in this paper will be the Pico Hydraulics system, a technology for the exploitation of hydro electric potential of grey water to produce electricity. Finally, the economic, environmental and social advantages of P\u3e 20 is to be illustrated, for Albanian and European cities

    Energy Efficiency for a farm company: NZEFC – Nearly Zero Energy Farm Company. Case of Study

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    In this report, the energy consumption of 25 agricultural companies, which produce milk for the Soresina consortium, was evaluated.The purpose was to determine a Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure (SEDP), for the agricultural sector. In the case of study below, the farm company has decided to adhere to a process of technological renewal, able to reduce to zero, the energy consumption, related to electricity and agricultural naphtha. Three are the intervention that the company has decided to adopt: Integration the photovoltaic system with a Storage System (battery); castrating a new biogas plant, with 75 kW electrical power; replacing the unifeed wagon with a robot: Trioliet Triomatic T15, coupled with the kitchen Triomatic T30

    Reformed Methanol Fuel Cells: Proposed Plant for Vehicular Applications

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    Among the various possible applications for a reformed methanol fuel cell, in addition to the portable generation in remote areas and military use, the use in the automotive field is interesting and promising. RMFC is used as range extender in battery-powered electric vehicles. This would increase the driving autonomy of the electric vehicle making it no longer strictly dependent on the capacities of today\u27s batteries, eliminating the problems associated with them, such as the battery pack weight and overall dimensions. Besides, they need for recharge to short-term and are characterized by very high hazard in the event of a car accident (today\u27s lithium ion batteries - if heavily damaged - tend to generate fires difficult to extinguish). In this paper the possibility to design and realize an onboard plant has been studied and evaluated. The various characteristics of the cells are analyzed and a first preliminary system is studied in all its components. The next steps, in addition to optimizing the plant, will be to evaluate the economic feasibility and the various systems of methanol supply

    Project Proposal for the Picoidraulica Laboratory

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    This project-oriented work, is a pre-feasibility study of a pico-hydraulics plant, which has to be installed on an appropriate structure in UBTUniversity for Business and Technology at Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. It begins with the structural analysis of the designed laboratory, moving on through to the technical-economic study of the individual components, concluding with the definition of its effectiveness, based on the actual data of the plant. The purpose of the plant comes from the idea of fully exploiting the energy available in a public building, with special regard to what is daily discarded without being exploited. It will be analyzed the feasibility and the convenience of the recovery of the grey water potential energy from buildings of considerable height (100 – 200 meters) through a hydraulic turbine

    Experimental tests on a pre-heated combustion chamber for ultra micro gas turbine device: air/fuel ratio evaluation

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    Current portable power generators are mainly based on internal combustion engine since they present higher values of efficiency comparing to other engines; the main reason why internal combustion engine is not convenient for micro power generation (5 - 30 kW) is because of their heaviness. Micro and ultra micro gas turbine devices, based on a micro compressor and a micro turbine installed on the same shaft, are more suitable for this scope for several reasons. Micro turbine systems have many advantages over reciprocating engine generators, such as higher power density (with respect to size and weight), extremely low emissions and few, or just one, moving part. Those designed with foil bearings and air-cooling operate without oil, coolants or other hazardous materials. Micro turbines also have the advantage of having the majority of their waste heat contained in their relatively high temperature exhaust. Micro turbines offer several potential advantages compared to other technologies for small-scale power generation, including: a small number of moving parts, compact size, lightweight, greater efficiency, lower emissions, lower electricity costs, and opportunities to utilize waste fuels. The object of this study is the experimental tests on a stand-alone gas turbine device with a pre-heated combustion chamber (CC), to validate the fuel consumption reduction, compared to an actual and commercial device, used on air models

    Computer-aided optical characterization and sensing applications: from minerals to waste

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    Optical based characterization techniques and related analytical methodologies, originally utilized in the mineral sector, can be profitably applied to solid waste streams products as resulting from different recycling processes. This approach, when supported by digital tools allows to perform a full characterization of compositional and textural attributes of the different particulate solids constituting the waste flow streams. To reach this goal specific physical-chemical attributes must be collected, analyzed and processed in order to define, according to market requirements, specific classes of quality to assume as reference to define optimal processing strategies. Computer-assisted optical characterization, coupled with hyperspectral sensing devices and embedding recognition/classification logics, can contribute to reach these goals, dramatically reducing analytical time and costs. In this work an example of this “transfer approach”, from minerals to waste, is presented, analyzed and discussed, with reference to a porphyry copper ore sample and a WEEE product