68 research outputs found

    A Self-Reconfigurable Framework for Context Awareness

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    Urban environments are increasingly pervaded by ICT devices. Soon, citizens and technologies could collaboratively constitute large-scale socio-technical organisms supporting both individual and collective awareness. This paper illustrates a modern awareness framework designed to deal with the complexity of this scenario. The framework is able to collect and classify data streams in a modular way by supporting service oriented, reconfigurable components. Furthermore, we evaluate an innovative meta-classifcation scheme based on state-automata for (i) improving energy efficiency, (ii) improving classification accuracy and (iii) improving software engineering of aware systems, without affecting the overall performance

    Dealing with data and software interoperability issues in digital factories

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    The digital factory paradigm comprises a multi-layered integration of the information related to various activities along the factory and product lifecycle manufacturing related resources. A central aspect of a digital factory is that of enabling the product lifecycle stakeholders to collaborate through the use of software solutions. The digital factory thus expands outside the actual company boundaries and offers the opportunity for the business and its suppliers to collaborate on business processes that affect the whole supply chain. This paper discusses an interoperability architecture for digital factories. To this end, it delves into the issue by analysing the main challenges that must be addressed to support an integrated and scalable factory architecture characterized by access to services, aggregation of data, and orchestration of production processes. Then, it revises the state of the art in the light of these requirements and proposes a general architectural framework conjugating the most interesting features of serviceoriented architectures and data sharing architectures. The study is exemplified through a case study

    Dynamic digital factories for agile supply chains: An architectural approach

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    Digital factories comprise a multi-layered integration of various activities along the factories and product lifecycles. A central aspect of a digital factory is that of enabling the product lifecycle stakeholders to collaborate through the use of software solutions. The digital factory thus expands outside the company boundaries and offers the opportunity to collaborate on business processes affecting the whole supply chain. This paper discusses an interoperability architecture for digital factories. To this end, it delves into the issue by analysing the key requirements for enabling a scalable factory architecture characterized by access to services, aggregation of data, and orchestration of production processes. Then, the paper revises the state-of-the-art w.r.t. these requirements and proposes an architectural framework conjugating features of both service-oriented and data-sharing architectures. The framework is exemplified through a case study

    Self-organized Data Ecologies for Pervasive Situation-Aware Services: the Knowledge Networks Approach

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    Pervasive computing services exploit information about the physical world both to adapt their own behavior in a context-aware way and to deliver to users enhanced means of interaction with their surrounding environment. The technology to acquire digital information about the physical world is increasingly available, making services at risk of being overwhelmed by such growing amounts of data. This calls for novel approaches to represent and automatically organize, aggregate, and prune such growing amounts of data before delivering it to services. In particular, individual data items should form a sort of self-organized ecology in which, by linking and combining with each other into sorts of “knowledge networks”, they can be able to provide to services compact and easy to be managed higher-level knowledge about situations occurring in the environment. In this context, the contribution of this paper is twofold. First, with the help of a simple case study, we motivate the need to evolve from models of “context-awareness” towards models of “situation-awareness” via proper self-organized “knowledge networks” tools, and introduce a general reference architecture for knowledge networks. Second, we describe the design and implementation of a knowledge network toolkit we have developed, and exemplify algorithms for knowledge self-organization integrated within it. Open issues and future research directions are also discussed

    Spotting prejudice with nonverbal behaviours

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    Despite prejudice cannot be directly observed, nonverbal behaviours provide profound hints on people inclinations. In this paper, we use recent sensing technologies and machine learning techniques to automatically infer the results of psychological questionnaires frequently used to assess implicit prejudice. In particular, we recorded 32 students discussing with both white and black collaborators. Then, we identified a set of features allowing automatic extraction and measured their degree of correlation with psychological scores. Results confirmed that automated analysis of nonverbal behaviour is actually possible thus paving the way for innovative clinical tools and eventually more secure societies

    Soil characterization for shallow landslides modeling: a case study in the Northern Apennines (Central Italy)

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    In this paper, we present preliminary results of the IPL project No. 198 \u201cMulti-scale rainfall triggering models for Early Warning of Landslides (MUSE).\u201d In particular, we perform an assessment of the geotechnical and hydrological parameters affecting the occurrence of landslides. The aim of this study is to improve the reliability of a physically based model high resolution slope stability simulator (HIRESSS) for the forecasting of shallow landslides. The model and the soil characterization have been tested in Northern Tuscany (Italy), along the Apennine chain, an area that is historically affected by shallow landslides. In this area, the main geotechnical and hydrological parameters controlling the shear strength and permeability of soils have been determined by in situ measurements integrated by laboratory analyses. Soil properties have been statistically characterized to provide more refined input data for the slope stability model. Finally, we have tested the ability of the model to predict the occurrence of shallow landslides in response to an intense meteoric precipitation

    Intelligent Person-Centric Services for Smart Environments: Where are you?

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    This paper introduces novel techniques for person-centric services in pervasive spaces. These are focused on the support of independent living spaces for people with mild cognitive impairment, for example. We demonstrate from a technical perspective, how such services could be realised based on the emerging concepts of a distributed network of knowledge, facilitating dynamically composable and flexible service provision that engenders service continuity - beyond the home for example

    Gait-Based Diplegia Classification Using LSMT Networks

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    Diplegia is a specific subcategory of the wide spectrum of motion disorders gathered under the name of cerebral palsy. Recent works proposed to use gait analysis for diplegia classification paving the way for automated analysis. A clinically established gait-based classification system divides diplegic patients into 4 main forms, each one associated with a peculiar walking pattern. In this work, we apply two different deep learning techniques, namely, multilayer perceptron and recurrent neural networks, to automatically classify children into the 4 clinical forms. For the analysis, we used a dataset comprising gait data of 174 patients collected by means of an optoelectronic system. The measurements describing walking patterns have been processed to extract 27 angular parameters and then used to train both kinds of neural networks. Classification results are comparable with those provided by experts in 3 out of 4 forms