24,935 research outputs found
Rabi Oscillations in Systems with Small Anharmonicity
When a two-level quantum system is irradiated with a microwave signal, in
resonance with the energy difference between the levels, it starts Rabi
oscillation between those states. If there are other states close, in energy,
to the first two, the Rabi signal will also induce transition to those. Here,
we study the probability of transition to the third state, in a three-level
system, while a Rabi oscillation between the first two states is performed. We
investigate the effect of pulse shaping on the probability and suggest methods
for optimizing pulse shapes to reduce transition probability.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
Retrodiction with two-level atoms: atomic previvals
In the Jaynes-Cummings model a two-level atom interacts with a single-mode
electromagnetic field. Quantum mechanics predicts collapses and revivals in the
probability that a measurement will show the atom to be excited at various
times after the initial preparation of the atom and field. In retrodictive
quantum mechanics we seek the probability that the atom was prepared in a
particular state given the initial state of the field and the outcome of a
later measurement on the atom. Although this is not simply the time reverse of
the usual predictive problem, we demonstrate in this paper that retrodictive
collapses and revivals also exist. We highlight the differences between
predictive and retrodictive evolutions and describe an interesting situation
where the prepared state is essentially unretrodictable.Comment: 15 pages, 3 (5) figure
Frictional quantum decoherence
The dynamics associated with a measurement-based master equation for quantum
Brownian motion are investigated. A scheme for obtaining time evolution from
general initial conditions is derived. This is applied to analyze dissipation
and decoherence in the evolution of both a Gaussian and a Schr\"{o}dinger cat
initial state. Dependence on the diffusive terms present in the master equation
is discussed with reference to both the coordinate and momentum
representations.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
Visualizing the Quantum Interaction Picture in Phase Space
We illustrate the correspondence between the quantum Interaction
Picture-evolution of the state of a quantum system in Hilbert space and a
combination of local and global transformations of its Wigner function in phase
space. To this aim, we consider the time-evolution of a quantized harmonic
oscillator driven by both a linear and a quadratic (in terms of bosonic
creation and annihilation operators) potentials and employ the Magnus series to
derive the exact form of the time-evolution operator. In this case, the
Interaction Picture corresponds to a local transformation of phase
space-reference frame into the one that is co-moving with the Wigner function.Comment: Submitted to New Journal of Physic
On the Quantum Phase Operator for Coherent States
In papers by Lynch [Phys. Rev. A41, 2841 (1990)] and Gerry and Urbanski
[Phys. Rev. A42, 662 (1990)] it has been argued that the phase-fluctuation
laser experiments of Gerhardt, B\"uchler and Lifkin [Phys. Lett. 49A, 119
(1974)] are in good agreement with the variance of the Pegg-Barnett phase
operator for a coherent state, even for a small number of photons. We argue
that this is not conclusive. In fact, we show that the variance of the phase in
fact depends on the relative phase between the phase of the coherent state and
the off-set phase of the Pegg-Barnett phase operator. This off-set
phase is replaced with the phase of a reference beam in an actual experiment
and we show that several choices of such a relative phase can be fitted to the
experimental data. We also discuss the Noh, Foug\`{e}res and Mandel [Phys.Rev.
A46, 2840 (1992)] relative phase experiment in terms of the Pegg-Barnett phase
taking post-selection conditions into account.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Typographical errors and misprints have been
corrected. The outline of the paper has also been changed. Physica Scripta
(in press
Minimum-error discrimination between three mirror-symmetric states
We present the optimal measurement strategy for distinguishing between three
quantum states exhibiting a mirror symmetry. The three states live in a
two-dimensional Hilbert space, and are thus overcomplete. By mirror symmetry we
understand that the transformation {|+> -> |+>, |-> -> -|->} leaves the set of
states invariant. The obtained measurement strategy minimizes the error
probability. An experimental realization for polarized photons, realizable with
current technology, is suggested.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Retrodiction as a tool for micromaser field measurements
We use retrodictive quantum theory to describe cavity field measurements by
successive atomic detections in the micromaser. We calculate the state of the
micromaser cavity field prior to detection of sequences of atoms in either the
excited or ground state, for atoms that are initially prepared in the excited
state. This provides the POM elements, which describe such sequences of
measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 4(8) figure
Many-Body Rate Limit on Photoassociation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
We briefly report on zero-temperature photoassociation of a Bose-Einstein
condensate, focusing on the many-body rate limit for atom-molecule conversion.
An upgraded model that explicitly includes spontaneous radiative decay leads to
an unanticipated shift in the position of the photoassociation resonance, which
affects whether the rate (constant) maximizes or saturates, as well as the
limiting value itself. A simple analytical model agrees with numerical
experiments, but only for high density. Finally, an explicit comparison with
the two-body unitary limit, set by the size of the condensate, finds that the
many-body rate limit is generally more strict.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 59 references. v2: discussion added; to appear in
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