27 research outputs found
Scaled Universe II
In an earlier paper we had pointed out that Quantum Mechanical type effects
are seen at different scales in the macro universe also. In this paper we
obtain a rationale for this, which lies in the picture of bound material
systems, spanning a Compton wavelength type extent, separated by much larger
and relatively much less dense distances.Comment: 4 pages, Te
Planck Oscillators in the Background Dark Energy
We consider a model for an underpinning of the universe: there are
oscillators at the Planck scale in the background dark energy. Starting from a
coherent array of such oscillators it is possible to get a description from
elementary particles to Black Holes including the usual Hawking-Beckenstein
theory. There is also a description of Gravitation in the above model which
points to a unified description with electromagnetism.Comment: 18 pages latex; talk at the Max Born Symposium 2009, Wrocla
Black Holes From Different Perspectives
In this paper we consider black holes from a non general relativistic
perspective as also from a microphysical point of view.Comment: 8 pages, Te
The Unification of Electromagnetism and Gravitation in the Context of Quantized Fractal Space Time
The attempts to unify electromagnetism and gravitation have included the
formulations of Herman Weyl and the Kaluza Klein theory with the fifth
dimension. More recently there have been fruitful attempts in the domain of
Quantum Superstrings and the author's formulation in terms of Quantum
Mechanical Kerr-Newman Black Holes. Though all these appear to be widely
divergent approaches, they are shown to have a unified underpinning in the
context of quantized fractal space time.Comment: 8 pages, Te
Fluctuations in the Quantum Vacuum
We argue that it is a fluctuational underpinning of the Quantum vacuum which
on the one hand gives a stochastic character to the conservation laws, and on
the other is required for explaining the recently observed acceleration of the
universe. This also provides us with the arrow of time, in a consistent
cosmology.Comment: 10 pages, Te
Stochastic Conservation Laws?
We examine conservation laws, typically the conservation of linear momentum,
in the light of a recent successful formulation of fermions as Kerr-Newman type
Black Holes, which are created fluctuationally from a background Zero Point
Field. We conclude that these conservation laws are to be taken in the spirit
of thermodynamic laws.Comment: 5 pages, Te
Non Commutativity, Fluctuations and Unification
We point out that in the non commutativity and breakdown of conventional
spacetime at micro scales lies the seed to the unification of gravitation and
electromagnetism.Comment: 10 pages, Te
The New Cosmos
We review the broad status of cosmology and discuss a model of fluctuational
cosmology in which the universe is created in a phase transition like
phenomenon mimicking inflation, and which further consistently explains latest
observations like the ever expanding and accelerating feature.Comment: 10 pages, TeX,Inaugural address of the Physics Association of the
National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, Indi
From the Neutrino to the Edge of the Universe
Two recent findings necessitate a closer look at the existing standard models
of Particle Physics and Cosmology. These are the discovery of Neutrino
oscillation, and hence a non zero mass on the one hand and, on the other,
observations of distant supernovae which indicate that contrary to popular
belief, the universe would continue to expand for ever, possibly accelerating
in the process. In this paper it is pointed out that relatively recent studies
which indicate a stochastic, quantum vacuum underpinning and a fractal
structure for space time, reconcile both of the recent observations,
harmoniously.Comment: 15 pages, Te
The Fractal Universe
In this talk, we touch upon the chaotic and fractal aspects of the Universe.Comment: 5 pages, Te