212 research outputs found
Magnetic exchange mechanism for electronic gap opening in graphene
We show within a local self-consistent mean-field treatment that a random
distribution of magnetic adatoms can open a robust gap in the electronic
spectrum of graphene. The electronic gap results from the interplay between the
nature of the graphene sublattice structure and the exchange interaction
between adatoms.The size of the gap depends on the strength of the exchange
interaction between carriers and localized spins and can be controlled by both
temperature and external magnetic field. Furthermore, we show that an external
magnetic field creates an imbalance of spin-up and spin-down carriers at the
Fermi level, making doped graphene suitable for spin injection and other
spintronic applications.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Tailoring Graphene with Metals on Top
We study the effects of metallic doping on the electronic properties of
graphene using density functional theory in the local density approximation in
the presence of a local charging energy (LDA+U). The electronic properties are
sensitive to whether graphene is doped with alkali or transition metals. We
estimate the the charge transfer from a single layer of Potassium on top of
graphene in terms of the local charging energy of the graphene sheet. The
coating of graphene with a non-magnetic layer of Palladium, on the other hand,
can lead to a magnetic instability in coated graphene due to the hybridization
between the transition-metal and the carbon orbitals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Surface superconductivity in multilayered rhombohedral graphene: Supercurrent
The supercurrent for the surface superconductivity of a flat-band
multilayered rhombohedral graphene is calculated. Despite the absence of
dispersion of the excitation spectrum, the supercurrent is finite. The critical
current is proportional to the zero-temperature superconducting gap, i.e., to
the superconducting critical temperature and to the size of the flat band in
the momentum space
Adatoms in Graphene
We review the problem of adatoms in graphene under two complementary points
of view, scattering theory and strong correlations. We show that in both cases
impurity atoms on the graphene surface present effects that are absent in the
physics of impurities in ordinary metals. We discuss how to observe these
unusual effects with standard experimental probes such as scanning tunneling
microscopes, and spin susceptibility.Comment: For the Proceedings of the "Graphene Week 2008" at the ICTP in
Trieste, Italy. 8 pages, 8 figure
1/N Expansion in Correlated Graphene
We examine the 1/N expansion, where N is the number of two-component Dirac
fermions, for Coulomb interactions in graphene with a gap of magnitude . We find that for , where is graphene's "fine
structure constant", there is a crossover as a function of distance from
the usual 3D Coulomb law, , to a 2D Coulomb interaction, , for . This effect
reflects the weak "confinement" of the electric field in the graphene plane.
The crossover also leads to unusual renormalization of the quasiparticle
velocity and gap at low momenta. We also discuss the differences between the
interaction potential in gapped graphene and usual QED for different coupling
regimes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; expanded presentation, references adde
Quantum criticality of semi-Dirac fermions in 2 + 1 dimensions
Two-dimensional semi-Dirac fermions are quasiparticles that disperse linearly in one direction and quadratically in the other. We investigate instabilities of semi-Dirac fermions toward charge and spin density wave and superconducting orders, driven by short-range interactions. We analyze the critical behavior of the Yukawa theories for the different order parameters using Wilson momentum shell renormalization group. We generalize to a large number Nf of fermion flavors to achieve analytic control in 2+1 dimensions and calculate critical exponents at one-loop order, systematically including 1/Nf corrections. The latter depend on the specific form of the bosonic infrared propagator in 2+1 dimensions, which needs to be included to regularize divergencies. The 1/Nf corrections are surprisingly small, suggesting that the expansion is well controlled in the physical dimension. The order parameter correlations inherit the electronic anisotropy of the semi-Dirac fermions, leading to correlation lengths that diverge along the spatial directions with distinct exponents, even at the mean-field level. We conjecture that the proximity to the critical point may stabilize novel modulated order phases
Theoretical Aspects of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene
We review the theoretical basis and understanding of electronic interactions
in graphene Landau levels, in the limit of strong correlations. This limit
occurs when inter-Landau-level excitations may be omitted because they belong
to a high-energy sector, whereas the low-energy excitations only involve the
same level, such that the kinetic energy (of the Landau level) is an
unimportant constant. Two prominent effects emerge in this limit of strong
electronic correlations: generalised quantum Hall ferromagnetic states that
profit from the approximate four-fold spin-valley degeneracy of graphene's
Landau levels and the fractional quantum Hall effect. Here, we discuss these
effects in the framework of an SU(4)-symmetric theory, in comparison with
available experimental observations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; review for the proceedings of the Nobel
Symposium on Graphene and Quantum Matte
Tailoring the thermal Casimir force with graphene
The Casimir interaction is omnipresent source of forces at small separations between bodies, which is difficult to change by varying external conditions. Here we show that graphene interacting with a metal can have the best known force contrast to the temperature and the Fermi level variations. In the distance range 50–300 nm the force is measurable and can vary a few times for graphene with a bandgap much larger than the temperature. In this distance range the main part of the force is due to the thermal fluctuations. We discuss also graphene on a dielectric membrane as a technologically robust configuration
Hidden charge order of interacting Dirac fermions on the honeycomb lattice
We consider the extended half-filled Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice for second nearest-neighbor interactions. Using a functional integral approach, we find that collective fluctuations suppress topological states and instead favor charge ordering, in agreement with previous numerical studies. However, we show that the critical point is not of the putative semimetal-Mott insulator variety. Due to the frustrated nature of the interactions, the ground state is described by a novel hidden metallic charge order with semi-Dirac excitations. We conjecture that this transition is not in the Gross-Neveu universality class
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