3 research outputs found
A quark action for very coarse lattices
We investigate a tree-level O(a^3)-accurate action, D234c, on coarse
lattices. For the improvement terms we use tadpole-improved coefficients, with
the tadpole contribution measured by the mean link in Landau gauge.
We measure the hadron spectrum for quark masses near that of the strange
quark. We find that D234c shows much better rotational invariance than the
Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action, and that mean-link tadpole improvement leads to
smaller finite-lattice-spacing errors than plaquette tadpole improvement. We
obtain accurate ratios of lattice spacings using a convenient ``Galilean
quarkonium'' method.
We explore the effects of possible O(alpha_s) changes to the improvement
coefficients, and find that the two leading coefficients can be independently
tuned: hadron masses are most sensitive to the clover coefficient, while hadron
dispersion relations are most sensitive to the third derivative coefficient
C_3. Preliminary non-perturbative tuning of these coefficients yields values
that are consistent with the expected size of perturbative corrections.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe
Flavor Singlet Meson Mass in the Continuum Limit in Two-Flavor Lattice QCD
We present results for the mass of the eta-prime meson in the continuum limit
for two-flavor lattice QCD, calculated on the CP-PACS computer, using a
renormalization-group improved gauge action, and Sheikholeslami and Wohlert's
fermion action with tadpole-improved csw. Correlation functions are measured at
three values of the coupling constant beta corresponding to the lattice spacing
a approx. 0.22, 0.16, 0.11 fm and for four values of the quark mass parameter
kappa corresponding to mpi over mrho approx. 0.8, 0.75, 0.7 and 0.6. For each
beta, kappa pair, 400-800 gauge configurations are used. The two-loop diagrams
are evaluated using a noisy source method. We calculate eta-prime propagators
using local sources, and find that excited state contributions are much reduced
by smearing. A full analysis for the smeared propagators gives
metaprime=0.960(87)+0.036-0.248 GeV, in the continuum limit, where the second
error represents the systematic uncertainty coming from varying the functional
form for chiral and continuum extrapolations.Comment: 9 pages, 19 figures, 4 table