128 research outputs found

    Ground state correlations and mean-field in 16^{16}O

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    We use the coupled cluster expansion (exp(S)\exp(S) method) to generate the complete ground state correlations due to the NN interaction. Part of this procedure is the calculation of the two-body G matrix inside the nucleus in which it is being used. This formalism is being applied to 16O^{16}O in a configuration space of 50 ω\hbar\omega. The resulting ground state wave function is used to calculate the binding energy and one- and two-body densities for the ground state of 16O^{16}O.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Ground state correlations and mean-field in 16^{16}O: Part II

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    We continue the investigations of the 16^{16}O ground state using the coupled-cluster expansion [exp(S)\exp({\bf S})] method with realistic nuclear interaction. In this stage of the project, we take into account the three nucleon interaction, and examine in some detail the definition of the internal Hamiltonian, thus trying to correct for the center-of-mass motion. We show that this may result in a better separation of the internal and center-of-mass degrees of freedom in the many-body nuclear wave function. The resulting ground state wave function is used to calculate the "theoretical" charge form factor and charge density. Using the "theoretical" charge density, we generate the charge form factor in the DWBA picture, which is then compared with the available experimental data. The longitudinal response function in inclusive electron scattering for 16^{16}O is also computed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Neutron Drops and Skyrme Energy-Density Functionals

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    The Jπ^{\pi}=0+^+ ground state of a drop of 8 neutrons and the lowest 1/2^- and 3/2^- states of 7-neutron drops, all in an external well, are computed accurately with variational and Green's function Monte Carlo methods for a Hamiltonian containing the Argonne v18v_{18} two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon potentials. These states are also calculated using Skyrme-type energy-density functionals. Commonly used functionals overestimate the central density of these drops and the spin-orbit splitting of 7-neutron drops. Improvements in the functionals are suggested

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A=9,10A=9,10 nuclei

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    We report on quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the ground and low-lying excited states of A=9,10A=9,10 nuclei using realistic Hamiltonians containing the Argonne v18v_{18} two-nucleon potential alone or with one of several three-nucleon potentials, including Urbana IX and three of the new Illinois models. The calculations begin with correlated many-body wave functions that have an α\alpha-like core and multiple p-shell nucleons, LSLS-coupled to the appropriate (Jπ;T)(J^{\pi};T) quantum numbers for the state of interest. After optimization, these variational trial functions are used as input to a Green's function Monte Carlo calculation of the energy, using a constrained path algorithm. We find that the Hamiltonians that include Illinois three-nucleon potentials reproduce ten states in 9^9Li, 9^9Be, 10^{10}Be, and 10^{10}B with an rms deviation as little as 900 keV. In particular, we obtain the correct 3+^+ ground state for 10^{10}B, whereas the Argonne v18v_{18} alone or with Urbana IX predicts a 1+^+ ground state. In addition, we calculate isovector and isotensor energy differences, electromagnetic moments, and one- and two-body density distributions.Comment: 28 pages, 12 tables, 7 figure

    Deduction of the quantum numbers of low-lying states of 6-nucleon systems based on symmetry

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    The inherent nodal structures of the wavefunctions of 6-nucleon systems have been investigated. The existence of a group of six low-lying states dominated by L=0 has been deduced. The spatial symmetries of these six states are found to be mainly {4,2} and {2,2,2}.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Microscopic calculation of the inclusive electron scattering structure function in O-16

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    We calculate the charge form factor and the longitudinal structure function for 16^{16}O and compare with the available experimental data, up to a momentum transfer of 4 fm1^{-1}. The ground state correlations are generated using the coupled cluster [exp(S}] method, together with the realistic v-18 NN interaction and the Urbana IX three-nucleon interaction. Center-of-mass corrections are dealt with by adding a center-of-mass Hamiltonian to the usual internal Hamiltonian, and by means of a many-body expansion for the computation of the observables measured in the center-of-mass system

    Spin-Isospin Structure and Pion Condensation in Nucleon Matter

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    We report variational calculations of symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter, using the new Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon interactions. At the equilibrium density of 0.16 fm^-3 the two-nucleon densities in symmetric nuclear matter are found to exhibit a short-range spin-isospin structure similar to that found in light nuclei. We also find that both symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter undergo transitions to phases with pion condensation at densities of 0.32 fm^-3 and 0.2 fm^-3, respectively. Neither transtion occurs with the Urbana v14 two-nucleon interaction, while only the transition in neutron matter occurs with the Argonne v14 two-nucleon interaction. The three-nucleon interaction is required for the transition to occur in symmetric nuclear matter, whereas the the transition in pure neutron matter occurs even in its absence. The behavior of the isovector spin-longitudinal response and the pion excess in the vicinity of the transition, and the model dependence of the transition are discussed.Comment: 44 pages RevTeX, 15 postscript figures. Minor modifications to original postin

    Beyond the Shell Model: The Canonical Nuclear Many-Body Problem as an Effective Theory

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    We describe a strategy for attacking the canonical nuclear structure problem ---bound-state properties of a system of point nucleons interacting via a two-body potential---which involves an expansion in the number of particles scattering at high momenta, but is otherwise exact. The required self-consistent solutions of the Bloch-Horowitz equation for effective interactions and operators are obtained by an efficient Green's function method based on the Lanczos algorithm. We carry out this program for the simplest nuclei, d and 3^3He, to contrast a rigorous effective theory with the shell model, thereby illustrating several of the uncontrolled approximations in the latter.Comment: Revtex; two columns; four pages; two figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Pion Scattering from Li

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    We show that the neutron and proton transition densities predicted by recent quantum Monte Carlo calculations for A=6,7 nuclei are consistent with pion scattering from 6Li and 7Li at energies near the Delta resonance. This has provided a microscopic understanding of the enhancement factors for quadrople excitations, which were needed to describe pion inelastic scattering within the nuclear shell model of Cohen and Kurath.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX, 3 postscript figures; added calculation of elastic and inelastic pion scattering from 6Li at multiple energie