11,266 research outputs found
Wave splitting of Maxwell's equations with anisotropic heterogeneous constitutive relations
The equations for the electromagnetic field in an anisotropic media are
written in a form containing only the transverse field components relative to a
half plane boundary. The operator corresponding to this formulation is the
electromagnetic system's matrix. A constructive proof of the existence of
directional wave-field decomposition with respect to the normal of the boundary
is presented.
In the process of defining the wave-field decomposition (wave-splitting), the
resolvent set of the time-Laplace representation of the system's matrix is
analyzed. This set is shown to contain a strip around the imaginary axis. We
construct a splitting matrix as a Dunford-Taylor type integral over the
resolvent of the unbounded operator defined by the electromagnetic system's
matrix. The splitting matrix commutes with the system's matrix and the
decomposition is obtained via a generalized eigenvalue-eigenvector procedure.
The decomposition is expressed in terms of components of the splitting matrix.
The constructive solution to the question on the existence of a decomposition
also generates an impedance mapping solution to an algebraic Riccati operator
equation. This solution is the electromagnetic generalization in an anisotropic
media of a Dirichlet-to-Neumann map.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figure
Stored energies in electric and magnetic current densities for small antennas
Electric and magnetic currents are essential to describe electromagnetic
stored energy, as well as the associated quantities of antenna Q and the
partial directivity to antenna Q-ratio, D/Q, for general structures. The upper
bound of previous D/Q-results for antennas modeled by electric currents is
accurate enough to be predictive, this motivates us here to extend the analysis
to include magnetic currents. In the present paper we investigate antenna Q
bounds and D/Q-bounds for the combination of electric- and magnetic-currents,
in the limit of electrically small antennas. This investigation is both
analytical and numerical, and we illustrate how the bounds depend on the shape
of the antenna. We show that the antenna Q can be associated with the largest
eigenvalue of certain combinations of the electric and magnetic polarizability
tensors. The results are a fully compatible extension of the electric only
currents, which come as a special case. The here proposed method for antenna Q
provides the minimum Q-value, and it also yields families of minimizers for
optimal electric and magnetic currents that can lend insight into the antenna
design.Comment: 27 pages 7 figure
Stored energies for electric and magnetic current densities
Electric and magnetic current densities are an essential part of
electromagnetic theory. The goal of the present paper is to define and
investigate stored energies that are valid for structures that can support both
electric and magnetic current densities. Stored energies normalized with the
dissipated power give us the Q factor, or antenna Q, for the structure. Lower
bounds of the Q factor provide information about the available bandwidth for
passive antennas that can be realized in the structure. The definition that we
propose is valid beyond the leading order small antenna limit. Our starting
point is the energy density with subtracted far-field form which we obtain an
explicit and numerically attractive current density representation. This
representation gives us the insight to propose a coordinate independent stored
energy. Furthermore, we find here that lower bounds on antenna Q for structures
with e.g. electric dipole radiation can be formulated as convex optimization
problems. We determine lower bounds on both open and closed surfaces that
support electric and magnetic current densities.
The here derived representation of stored energies has in its electrical
small limit an associated Q factor that agrees with known small antenna bounds.
These stored energies have similarities to earlier efforts to define stored
energies. However, one of the advantages with this method is the above
mentioned formulation as convex optimization problems, which makes it easy to
predict lower bounds for antennas of arbitrary shapes. The present formulation
also gives us insight into the components that contribute to Chu's lower bound
for spherical shapes. We utilize scalar and vector potentials to obtain a
compact direct derivation of these stored energies. Examples and comparisons
end the paper.Comment: Minor updates to figures and tex
Stored Electromagnetic Energy and Antenna Q
Decomposition of the electromagnetic energy into its stored and radiated
parts is instrumental in the evaluation of antenna Q and the corresponding
fundamental limitations on antennas. This decomposition is not unique and there
are several proposals in the literature. Here, it is shown that stored energy
defined from the difference between the energy density and the far field energy
equals the new energy expressions proposed by Vandenbosch for many cases. This
also explains the observed cases with negative stored energy and suggests a
possible remedy to them. The results are compared with the classical explicit
expressions for spherical regions where the results only differ by ka that is
interpreted as the far-field energy in the interior of the sphere. Numerical
results of the Q-factors for dipole, loop, and inverted L-antennas are also
compared with estimates from circuit models and differentiation of the
impedance. The results indicate that the stored energy in the field agrees with
the stored energy in the Brune synthesized circuit models whereas the
differentiated impedance gives a lower value for some cases. The corresponding
results for the bandwidth suggest that the inverse proportionality between
bandwidth and Q depends on the relative bandwidth or equivalent the threshold
of the reflection coefficient. The Q from the differentiated impedance and
stored energy are most useful for relative narrow and wide bandwidths,
A Solvable 2D Quantum Gravity Model with \GAMMA >0
We consider a model of discretized 2d gravity interacting with Ising spins
where phase boundaries are restricted to have minimal length and show
analytically that the critical exponent at the spin transition
point. The model captures the numerically observed behavior of standard
multiple Ising spins coupled to 2d gravity.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, NBI-HE-94-0
On the Accuracy of Equivalent Antenna Representations
The accuracy of two equivalent antenna representations, near-field sources
and far-field sources, are evaluated for an antenna installed on a simplified
platform in a series of case studies using different configurations of
equivalent antenna representations. The accuracy is evaluated in terms of
installed far-fields and surface currents on the platform. The results show
large variations between configurations. The root-mean-square installed
far-field error is 4.4% for the most accurate equivalent representation. When
using far-field sources, the design parameters have a large influence of the
achieved accuracy. There is also a varying accuracy depending on the type of
numerical method used. Based on the results, some recommendations on the choice
of sub-domain for the equivalent antenna representation are given. In
industrial antenna applications, the accuracy in determining e.g. installed
far-fields and antenna isolation on large platforms are critical. Equivalent
representations can reduce the fine-detail complexity of antennas and thus give
an efficient numerical descriptions to be used in large-scale simulations. The
results in this paper can be used as a guideline by antenna designers or system
engineers when using equivalent sources
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