274 research outputs found
Schwinger pair production in AdS2
We analyze the pair production of charged particles in two-dimensional
Anti-de Sitter space (AdS_2) with a constant, uniform electric field. We
compute the production rate both at a semi-classical level, viewing Schwinger
pair production as a tunneling event, and at the full quantum level, by
extracting the imaginary part of the one-loop amplitude. In contrast to the
usual Schwinger pair production in flat space, pair production in AdS_2
requires a sufficiently large electric field E^2> M^2+1/4 in order to overcome
the confining effect of the AdS geometry -- put in another way, the presence of
an electric field E raises the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound to M^2 > -1/4 +
E^2. For E greater than this threshold, the vacuum is unstable to production of
charged pairs in the bulk. We expect our results to be helpful in constructing
supersymmetric AdS_2 X S^2 perturbative string vacua, which enter in the
near-horizon limit of extremal charged black holes. Although the generalized
Breitenlohner-Freedman bound is obeyed in these cases, production of BPS
particles at threshold is possible and relevant for AdS_2 fragmentation.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, v2:important revision, discussion of one-loop
amplitude extended, several references adde
Automorphic forms: a physicist's survey
Motivated by issues in string theory and M-theory, we provide a pedestrian
introduction to automorphic forms and theta series, emphasizing examples rather
than generality.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of Les Houches Winter School
``Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry'', March 9-21, 2003; v2:
minor changes and clarifications, section 3.5 on pure spinors has been
U-duality and D-brane Combinatorics
We investigate D-brane instanton contributions to R^4 couplings in any
toroidal compactification of type II theories. Starting from the 11D
supergravity one-loop four-graviton amplitude computed by Green, Gutperle and
Vanhove, we derive the non-perturbative O(e^{-1/\lambda}) corrections to R^4
couplings by a sequence of T-dualities, and interpret them as precise
configurations of bound states of D-branes wrapping cycles of the
compactification torus. Dp-branes explicitely appear as fluxes on
D(p+2)-branes, and as gauge instantons on D(p+4)-branes. Specific rules for
weighting these contributions are obtained, which should carry over to more
general situations. Furthermore, it is shown that U-duality in D<=6 relates
these D-brane configurations to O(e^{-1/\lambda^2}) instantons for which a
geometric interpretation is still lacking.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX2e, intro. shortened and minor typos corrected, final
Near-Extremal Correlators and Generalized Consistent Truncation for AdS_{4|7}\times S^{7|4}
We present conjectures for the space-time form and leading large N dependence
of extremal and near-extremal correlation functions in the \N=8 superconformal
Yang-Mills theory in d=3 as well as in the (0,2) superconformal theory in d=6,
using their gravity duals with M-theory on and respectively. As a key part of the conjectures, we argue that the bulk
couplings associated with extremal and near-extremal field configurations in
the corresponding and gauged supergravities vanish. The
vanishing of these couplings constitutes a generalization of the property of
consistent truncation of the Kaluza-Klein modes.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure
High Energy Scattering on Distant Branes
We consider the elastic scattering of two open strings living on two D-branes
separated by a distance . We compute the high-energy behavior of the
amplitude, to leading order in string coupling, as a function of the scattering
angle and of the dimensionless parameter with the center-of-mass energy. The
result exhibits an interesting phase diagram in the plane, with a
transition at the production threshold for stretched strings at . We also
discuss some more general features of the open-string semiclassical
world-sheets, and use T-duality to give a quantum tunneling interpretation of
the exponential suppression at high-energy.Comment: JHEP class, 18 pages, 8 figure
On the short-distance structure of irrational non-commutative gauge theories
As shown by Hashimoto and Itzhaki in hep-th/9911057, the perturbative degrees
of freedom of a non-commutative Yang-Mills theory (NCYM) on a torus are
quasi-local only in a finite energy range. Outside that range one may resort to
a Morita equivalent (or T-dual) description appropriate for that energy. In
this note, we study NCYM on a non-commutative torus with an irrational
deformation parameter . In that case, an infinite tower of dual
descriptions is generically needed in order to describe the UV regime. We
construct a hierarchy of dual descriptions in terms of the continued fraction
approximations of . We encounter different descriptions depending on
the level of the irrationality of and the amount of non-locality
tolerated. The behavior turns out to be isomorphic to that found for the phase
structure of the four-dimensional Villain lattice gauge theories, which
we revisit as a warm-up. At large 't Hooft coupling, using the AdS/CFT
correspondance, we find that there are domains of the radial coordinate
where no T-dual description makes the derivative expansion converge. The radial
direction obtains multifractal characteristics near the boundary of AdS.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, uses JHEP.cl
Interactions for Winding Strings in Misner Space
We compute correlation functions of closed strings in Misner space, a big
crunch big bang universe. We develop a general method for correlators with
twist fields, which are relevant for the investigation on the condensation of
winding tachyon. We propose to compute the correlation functions by performing
an analytic continuation of the results in C/Z_N Euclidean orbifold. In
particular, we obtain a finite result for a general four point function of
twist fields, which might be important for the interpretation as the quartic
term of the tachyon potential. Three point functions are read off through the
factorization, which are consistent with the known results.Comment: 29 pages, no figure; typos corrected, references adde
Closed Strings in Misner Space: Stringy Fuzziness with a Twist
Misner space, also known as the Lorentzian orbifold , is the
simplest tree-level solution of string theory with a cosmological singularity.
We compute tree-level scattering amplitudes involving twisted states, using
operator and current algebra techniques. We find that, due to zero-point
quantum fluctuations of the excited modes, twisted strings with a large winding
number are fuzzy on a scale , which can be much larger than
the string scale. Wave functions are smeared by an operator reminiscent of the Moyal-product of non-commutative
geometry, which, since is real, modulates the amplitude rather
than the phase of the wave function, and is purely gravitational in its origin.
We compute the scattering amplitude of two twisted states and one tachyon or
graviton, and find a finite result. The scattering amplitude of two twisted and
two untwisted states is found to diverge, due to the propagation of
intermediate winding strings with vanishing boost momentum. The scattering
amplitude of three twisted fields is computed by analytic continuation from
three-point amplitudes of states with non-zero in the Nappi-Witten plane
wave, and the non-locality of the three-point vertex is found to diverge for
certain kinematical configurations. Our results for the three-point amplitudes
allow in principle to compute, to leading order, the back-reaction on the
metric due to a condensation of coherent winding strings.Comment: 29 pages, Latex2e, uses JHEP3.cls; v3: minor corrections, final
version to appear in JCA
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