166 research outputs found

    Effect of start injection toward combustion, performances and emision characteristic of B20 biodiesel fuel

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    The utilization of the palm oil-based fuel in biodiesel fuel as alternative fuel for diesel engine has been implemented in Malaysia. However, the utilization of biodiesel is problematic because the low output power is due to incomplete combustion and incorrect vaporization characteristic. In this research, a small compression ignition engine with 320 cc four strokes direct injection has been used to carry out to characterize the combustion of biodiesel fuel. The performance and exhaust emission have been tested with blended B10 biodiesel (10% POME and 90% pure diesel) and compared with B20 biodiesel (20% POME and 80% pure diesel). The engine was tested under full load steady-state conditions at 1800rpm to 3400rpm with variable start of injection strategy (SOI). Experimental performance measurements including exhaust emissions, cylinder pressure, heat release rate, and ignition delay were conducted. As a result, the use of B20 fuel showed a reduction on engine performances; BT (0.3%), BTE (1.44%), increase of BSFC (up to 3.75%) in comparison with B10 fuels at 2400rpm engine speed. Advancing 1°CA BTDC of SOI strategy in B20 fuel is recommended, where observed an improvement of approximately 3.32% (BTE), 3.23% (BSFC) has been recorded. However, advancing the SOI in B20 fuel increases the Rate of Heat Release (ROHR). The in-cylinder pressure value is also reduced with rise of ROPR. The experimental results prove that the start of injection (SOI) strategy of the fuel has an effect on performance and emission where by advancing SOI by 1°CA bTDC improved 3.3% of BTE. Meanwhile, BSFC is reduced by 3.2% with advancing SOI by 1°CA bTDC. The NOX emission was decreased by 35.67% (approximately 10.21 g/kWh) with advancing SOI by 1°CA bTDC compared to the default SOI which is at 14°CA bTDC. Therefore, advancing the SOI has the potential to improve the engine performances compared to B10 fuels

    Kajian Semula Tapak 23, Kompleks Percandian Pengkalan Bujang, Kedah

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    The archaeological research at the Kompleks Percandian Pengkalan Bujang especially at site 23 aims to resolve issues related to function and cronometric dating, while complementing this complex dat

    Spiroketals as natural product mimics and progress toward the total synthesis of milbemcyin beta14

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    A modular synthesis of spiroketals is herein reported. The synthesis allows for stereocontroled introduction of substituents in strategic positions about the pyran rings. The modular approach provides quick synthetic access to stereodefined fragments which can be coupled in various combinations to provide the carbon backbone of a library of spiroketals. Goals of the project include predictable and specified vector relationships between functionalized substituents about the spiroketal scaffold. Spiroketals were chosen as scaffolds due to the three dimensional rigidity resulting from the energetic stabilization called the anomeric effect. The synthetic route to spiroketals is adapted to the synthesis of the spiroketal fragment of the natural product milbemycin beta14. Progress toward the total synthesis is reported

    Modelling dynamic connectedness between oil price shocks and exchange rates in ASEAN+3 economies

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    This study analyses the impact of the oil price shocks (demand, supply, and risk) on the exchange rates of a unique group of developed and emerging economies that comprise the ASEAN +3 countries. We combine a novel approach to decomposing the oil price shocks at a higher (daily) frequency with the dynamic network connected approach to analyse the connectedness of the oil shocks and exchange rates from January 2006 to July 2020, enabling us to cover various phases of the business cycle in these economies. Our results show that demand and risk shocks are the main contributors to the connectedness. We document that the Singapore dollar and the Malaysian Ringgit are the main transmitters of shocks in the ASEAN +3 group, whereas the role of the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen is rather limited despite the bigger size of these two economies. Our results have important policy implications for investors, regulators, and policymakers

    Bus Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things

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    Pagoh Campus Bus Monitoring System is a system that monitors bus movement and the distance along its route to reach allocated stop area. Tracking system includes installing a digital device in the bus, with Blynk application installed on a smartphone to allow the user to monitor the bus real-time location. The project is a GPS tracking implementation based on Internet of Things. The real-time data will be sent to server and it will update the bus location periodically. The Blynk application will indicate where the vehicles are on their smartphone by using the Blynk application which is to provide the updated data to student at anywhere as long as both users and the bus have an internet connection. The Blynk server will track the position and store its information in the database. It is a real-time system as this technique transfers the data on the tracking system to the smartphone automatically. Students can use the application to get flexible in scheduling travel and decide when to board the bus. NodeMCU with built in ESP8266 microcontroller and Arduino IDE is used for both hardware and software module programming.  Both of it is linked to the Blynk server and follows through the Blynk application that need to be installed in the smartphone. The user\u27s waiting period can be minimized. This application can be used for main monitoring program to maintain tracking of all Pagoh campus buses. The effective route management can be performed effectively through the Pagoh Campus Bus Monitoring System

    Potential materials for food packaging from nanoclay/natural fibres filled hybrid composites

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    The increasing demand for new food packaging materials which satisfy people requirements provided thrust for advancement of nano-materials science. Inherent permeability of polymeric materials to gases and vapours; and poor barrier and mechanical properties of biopolymers have boosted interest in developing new strategies to improve these properties. Research and development in polymeric materials coupled with appropriate filler, matrix-filler interaction and new formulation strategies to develop composites have potential applications in food packaging. Advancement in food packaging materials expected to grow with the advent of cheap, renewable and sustainable materials with enhanced barrier and mechanical properties. Nanoparticles have proportionally larger surface area and significant aspect ratio than their micro-scale counterparts, which promotes the development of mechanical and barrier properties. Nanocomposites are attracting considerable interest in food packaging because of these fascinating features. On the other hand, natural fibres are susceptible to microorganisms and their biodegradability is one of the most promising aspects of their incorporation in polymeric materials. Present review article explain about different categories of nanoclay and natural fibre based composite with particular regard to its applications as packaging materials and also gives an overview of the most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology for development of hybrid composites for environmentally compatible food packaging materials

    Design Concept of a Motorcycle Secondary Electronic Lock

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    Design process of a motorcycle secondary electronic lock system is reported in this paper. The design of a smart lock was established based on an available conventional lock in the market. The process began with design generation to gather related idea and design concept. The design then was subjected to concept evaluation through a design matrix to determine the best option. In addition, selection of internal component and mechanism were evaluated through a morphological chart. The design and component were selected based on the highest score in term of functionality, fabrication, safety and marketability. The chosen design was then converted to a 3D model using computer aid design (CAD) and a simulation strength test was applied to the model by using a commercial software. The simulation using common hacking tool used by theft was successfully conducted and showing positive results on its robustness

    An Embedded Machine Learning-Based Spoiled Leftover Food Detection Device for Multiclass Classification

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    Food waste’s negative environmental repercussions are causing it to become a global concern. Several studies have examined the factors influencing food waste behaviour and management. This work was motivated by the lack of previous research on machine learning and electronic noses to detect contamination from leftover cooked food. This work proposes using machine learning algorithms and electronic nose technology to recognise and forecast the contamination in leftover cooked food. After five days of storage, the freshness of cooked leftovers was evaluated using an electronic nose combined with machine learning algorithms. Most food samples used in this work were from Malaysian’s leftover lunch and dinner dishes. Four (4) gas sensors—MQ- 2, MQ-136, MQ-137, and MQ-138—are used in developing the electronic nose to identify the presence of gas in the food sample. The data from the gas sensors was analysed using machine learning methods, namely Random Forest, k-nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, and Linear Discriminant Analysis. Based on the results, a multi-classification technique yielded a greater accuracy rate in classifying and identifying the level of contamination in the cooked food leftovers, with average accuracy ranging from 90 percent to 100 percent. In conclusion, the work demonstrates a novel method for using machine learning algorithms to classify, identify, and predict the contamination level of leftover cooked food, contributing to reducing food waste generated primarily by Malaysian

    Evaluation of carrageenan gel properties at different concentrations of calcium chloride dihydrate salt

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    Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) to relieve mild depression in individuals. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of incorporating calcium chloride dihydrate in carrageenan gel to increase stability property. The gel formulation was produced from a mixture of semi-refined carrageenan, sodium benzoate, alginic acid, polyethene glycol (PEG) and sorbitan monolaurate (Span 20) followed by the inclusion of calcium chloride dehydrate (CCD) at 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% concentrations. The effects of CCD concentration on rheology, gel Bloom strength, morphology, and thermal properties were investigated. The viscosity and shear stress decreased on incorporating of CCD in the carrageenan gel formulation. The highest viscosity of the control gel was 597.84 mPa.s. The intersection of G' and G" at various concentrations of CCD salts in the gel formulation demonstrated that the increment of salt concentration resulted in a faster gelation process in the range 56.6 to 50.43 °C. The gel Bloom strength increased from 830.04 g at 0.5% CCF salt to 1331.39 g at 2% CCD. The highest gel strength of 1324.59 g was achieved with 2% CCD and a melting temperature of 194.4 °C. The weight loss rate for the control gel was 28.88%, the lowest weight loss rate for 2% CCD gel was 11.82%. The residual gel weight was also highest for 2% CCD: 16.74% after 21 days. A high residual gel weight reflects the stability of the carrageenan gel formulation to retain the product and last as aromatherapy gel product. The morphology images showed a highly porous gel structure on addition of CCD salts. In conclusion, CCD salt is capable of forming a strong interaction with the gel matrix to produce a stable gel