15 research outputs found

    MARC Bib Framework Guideline

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    Garis Panduan Audit Akreditasi : Bidang Kejuruteraan dan Senibina

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    Coating performance in high speed micro machining of H13 tool steel

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    The development and application of Titanium Aluminium Nitrate (TiAlN) coatings for cutting tools has led to dramatic tool life extension and the realisation of high speed machining for hardened materials. This results in longer tool life and makes it possible to employ higher cutting speeds and feed rates. In this study, a series of different TiAlN based coatings on micro grains solid carbides were tested on H13 Tool Steel. These advanced coatings are commercially available by coating manufacturer which are trade marks of Balzers UK. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the performance of micro tools coated with these coatings and compare with uncoated tools. The results will be used to determine whether coatings for micro tools will have any impact on the performance of the tools such as reducing cutting forces or improving machining quality. This will be achieved by means of analysing the cutting force data and 3-D surface roughness respectively. Result obtained shows that different coating had different performance, hence can be applied to specifically targeted machining operation. The results also highlight some of the differences in wear mechanism of micro tools

    Improved maintenance for energy optimization in the calcium compound processing industry

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    Malaysian industries, in general consider energy management a burden and non-profitable. Energy management initiatives are also viewed as a Cost-Centre. An Excel spreadsheet was therefore tailor-designed, which meets the requirements of the plant for energy optimization and management. The spreadsheet is grouped to reflect four parts, namely: plan, do, check and commit. This Plan-Do-Check-Commit cycle is based on the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. This spreadsheet has been developed with the objective of developing a tool that would be comprehensive, simple and flexible, open to be modified and tailored for the industries. The results indicated that there are opportunities for a more effective and structured approach to energy management in industry. An initial reduction of 5% in energy consumption has been recorded and it is the company’s responsibility to ensure that their energy management becomes part of their corporate culture

    Metal matrix composites: solidification parameters of aluminium-11.8% silicon alloy reinforced with titanium carbide particulates

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    In this study, solidification analysis of metal matrix composite, aluminium-11.8% silicon alloy matrix reinforced with titanium carbide particulates is performed. Sand casting method is used as the manufacturing method to produce the specimens. Thermal measurements during the casting process are captured and solidification graphs are plotted to represent the solidification characteristic. Solidification analysis is performed by interpreting the solidification graphs. Parameters such as; the nucleation of primary alpha phase temperature, liquidus arrest temperature, liquidus undercooling, eutectic growth temperature and solidification time are presented. The results show that introduction of second phase particulates into a matrix alloy have affected the various time and temperature parameters of its solidification properties

    Visual feedback and pseudo–haptic feedback improve manual lifting performance

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    This paper investigates the effect of visual feedback and pseudo-haptic feedback to enhance participant performance in virtual lifting simulation. The aim of this study was to reduce lower back pain by enabling participants to monitor their lower back condition in terms of Lifting Index (LI) values, whilst moving an object from one location to another. This work examines various types of visual feedback techniques to support lifting operation in Virtual Environments (VEs). Several factors were analysed and used to identify the appropriateness of each visual feedback technique. The results showed that the addition of visual feedback did introduce an improvement in manual lifting tasks. The results also revealed that the combined visual feedback techniques performed better than singular feedback techniques. This paper also studies the effect of introducing pseudo-haptic feedback (or tactile augmentation) to increase participant performance in virtual environments. It was found that the introduction of a real weight provides the participant with pseudo-haptic feedback without affecting their performance

    Permasalahan etika Zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka: Kajian kes Sultan Mahmud Syah (1488 – 1511)

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    Kajian ini menyentuh tentang falsafah etika pada zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dengan memfokuskan kepada keperibadian Sultan Mahmud sebagai subjek kajian. Dalam konteks ini, perbahasan berkenaan persoalan etika dalam memahami sejarah politik tradisional belum begitu meluas diwacanakan dan memerlukan kajian terperinci serta bersifat kekinian untuk dilakukan. Perkara ini semakin mendesak sifatnya memandangkan permasalahan etika era Kesultanan Melayu Melaka sering dikonotasikan sebagai suatu yang bersifat negatif khususnya yang melibatkan keperibadian Sultan Mahmud. Oleh sebab itu, satu kajian terbaharu perlu dijalankan bagi mendapatkan gambaran keseluruhan yang lebih adil agar pemaknaan sedia ada dapat dibenarkan atau ditolak bersandarkan fakta serta interpertasi baharu. Atas keperluan ini menyebabkan tiga objektif telah dimunculkan antaranya (i)membahaskan falsafah etika semasa pemerintahan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, (ii)mengenal pasti permasalahan etika yang disandarkan kepada Sultan Mahmud Syah dan (iii)menjelaskan pandangan sarjana berkenaan permasalahan etika Sultan Mahmud Syah. Matlamat ini berusaha dicapai dengan menggunakan metodologi kajian bersifat kualitatif bersandarkan kajian kepustakaan yang mengumpulkan sumber primer dan sekunder sejarah. Misalnya sumber primer seperti Sulalatus Salatin atau Sejarah Melayu atau sumber daripada Portugis. Pengkaji juga mendapatkan bahan sekunder seperti buku atau artikel yang ditulis sarjana sains sosial dan kemanusiaan yang diperolehi secara atas talian atau di perpustakaan. Penyelidikan juga dilakukan dengan melakukan kaedah temu bual terhadap salah seorang sarjana sains sosial dan kemanusiaan. Hasil dapatan kajian ini ialah, falsafah etika Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dipengaruhi oleh pengaruh feudalisme dan raja berkuasa mutlak. Kedua, masyarakat Melayu diikat dengan daulat dan derhaka, patriotisme, kesetiaan dan ketaatan kepada raja dan sifat malu. Panduan etika terhadap Sultan sebenarnya wujud, seperti pematuhan terhadap waadat, wasiat para sultan, Undang-Undang Melaka, dan pengaruh agama dan adat. Namun, kewujudannya tidak menghalang permasalahan etika berlaku pada zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, terutama Sultan Mahmud Syah. Permasalahan etika Sultan Mahmud Syah dapat dibahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian seperti masalah keperibadian, keobesesan terhadap wanita, menghukum secara tidak adil dan lain-lain. Permasalahan etika ini akhirnya membentuk saintis sains sosial dan kemanusiaan kepada dua golongan. Pertama ialah golongan revolusioner yang menjustifikasikan etika baginda. Mereka juga menolak kejatuhan kota Melaka kerana etika baginda. Golongan kedua ialah tradisionalis, yang mengkritik etika baginda serta mengaitkan kejatuhan Melaka dengan etika baginda