34 research outputs found


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    Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda dalam kegiatan belajar mengajarnya biasanya ditandai dengan bermacam kegiatan salah satunya program persyaratan sebelum kenaikan kelas, yang dimana persyaratan tersebut dibuat oleh pihak yayasan  langsung dan didistribusikan oleh kepala madrasah. Fokus analisis bagaimana upaya kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa melalui persyaratan kenaikan kelas di Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda Al-Banat Peleyan Kapongan Situbondo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskritif, dengan menggunakan dua jenis sumber data, yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi kuesioner/angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kepala Madrasah Nurul Huda Al-Banat mempunyai tugas yaitu sebagai educator, manager, adminitrator, leader. Kepala Madrasah juga sudah memenuhi tugasnya yakni membuat perencanaan program, menempatkan tenaga pendidik sesuai kemampuannya. Strategi yang digunakan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda Peleyan Kapongan Situbondo sebagai berikut : 1. Melakukan pengontrolan terhadap berjalannya proses persyaratan baik pihak yang sudah dibebankan menjadi penanggung jawab atau peserta didik agar persyaratan mencapai target. 2. Kepala madrasah memberikan kewajiban kepada setiap guru pembimbing untuk mencapai target yang telah ditentukan Melakukan evaluasi program dan memberikan arahan kepada guru pembimbing

    Analisis Kontrastif Struktur Bahasa Madura Dan Bahasa Arab

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    Contrastive analysis is a systematic study by comparing two languages ​​to identify similarities and differences between the two languages, whether synchronous or not, including syntactic, phonetic and morphemic elements. With the aim of finding some differences and similarities in the two languages ​​that are the object of study. It is recognized that this method has shortcomings in terms of its predictive assumptions in the world of foreign language teaching. Therefore, in applying linguistic analysis, researchers should use more than one method. In this way, it is hoped that there will be complementarity between the methods in the analysis process carried out. In the end, in responding to this, one is able to assess and determine whether or not to accept it academically and rationally on the importance or not of contrastive analysis, its relevance or not in the world of foreign language teaching. Keywords: Contrastive Analysis, Madura Language and Arabic

    At Tahlil At Taqabuli (Contrastive Analysis) Vocabulary in Indonesian and Arabic

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    Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the differences between Indonesian vocabulary and Arabic based on time, number, persona and sentence structure. The method in this study is synchronous plosive. The research is based on three stages, namely (1) The data provision phase, (2) The data analysis stage, and (3) the presentation stage of the data analysis results. This research Data is a vocabulary that shows the meaning of time, number, persona, and sentence structure in Bahasa Indonesia and Arabic. The results of the study are the difference forms between Indonesian vocabulary and Arabic based on times, numbers, and persona. At the level of time, there is a difference in the past, nowadays, and times will come. At the level of the number there are differences in the number of singularist and pluralist numbers. Then, at the persona, there is a difference of first-person persona, a second-person persona, and a third-person persona. In the sentence structure there are differences that generally located in the subject/Fa'il. The subject is ahead in the sentence structure in B1, but the subject or Fa'il in B2 is located in the second order (in the past) and in the first order (in the medium).   Abstrak   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsi perbedaan bentuk kosakata bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab berdasarkan kala, jumlah, persona dan struktur kalimat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sinkronis kontrastif. Kemudian, penelitian ini didasarkan pada tiga tahap, yaitu (1) tahap penyediaan data, (2) tahap analisis data, dan (3) tahap penyajian hasil analisis data. Data penelitian ini adalah kosakata yang menunjukkan makna kala, jumlah, persona dan struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian berupa perbedaan bentuk kosakata bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab berdasarkan kala, jumlah, dan persona. Pada tataran kala terdapat perbedaan kala lampau, kala sekarang, dan kala akan datang. Pada tataran jumlah terdapat perbedaan jumlah singularis dan jumlah pluralis. Kemudian, pada tataran persona terdapat perbedaan persona orang pertama, persona orang kedua, dan persona orang ketiga. Dalam struktur kalimat terdapat perbedaan yang pada umumnya terletak pada subyek/fa’il. Subyek berada di depan dalam struktur kalimat dalam B1, namun subyek atau fa’il dalam B2 terletak di susunan kedua (dalam kala lampau) dan pada susunan yang pertama (dalam kala sedang).   Kata kunci: kala, kata, persona, struktur kalimat, analisis kontrasti

    NU AND NATIONALISM: A Study of KH. Achmad Shiddiq's Trilogy of Ukhuwah as an Effort to Nurture Nationalism Spirit of Indonesian Muslims

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    ABSTRACT This article examines how the principles of Nahdlatul Ulama are related to the spirit of nationalism by analyzing the concept of the ukhuwah trilogy that was initiated by KH. Ahmad Siddiq, Jember. The ukhuwah trilogy consists of ukhuwah islamiyyah (to establish brotherhood with fellow Muslims), ukhuwah wathaniyyah (to establish brotherhood with fellow citizens), and ukhuwah basyariyyah (to establish brotherhood on the basis of fellow humans). The research method used in this research was qualitative descriptive analysis by utilizing primary and secondary literature sources. The analytical knife in this article borrowed Alvin L. Bertrand’s role theory, where the role of Kiai Achmad Shiddiq was so great in instilling brotherhood, nationalism or the spirit of nationalism in Indonesia without discriminating against culture, ethnicity, race, language, and even religion. The results of this study shows that the trilogy concept of ukhuwah is in accordance with Islamic principles, but is also important to be presented to the public in order to improve the quality of harmonious religion while instilling nationalism towards Indonesian Muslims. The prime goal is the common good. The benefit of this research is that it serves as an additional sub-material for academia (lecturers, students), religious leaders, and even the general public to further explore the excellent thoughts of an NU figure named KH. Ahmad Siddiq.   ABSTRAK Artikel ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana prinsip Nahdlatul Ulama terkait semangat nasionalisme dengan menganalisis konsep trilogi ukhuwah yang dicetuskan oleh KH. Achmad Shiddiq, Jember. Trilogi ukhuwah terdiri dari ukhuwah islamiyyah (menjalin persaudaraan dengan sesama pemeluk Islam), ukhuwah wathaniyyah (menjalin persaudaraan dengan sesama anak bangsa), serta ukhuwah basyariyyah (menjalin persaudaraan atas dasar sesama manusia). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif analisis deskriptif dengan memanfaatkan sumber literatur primer dan sekunder. Pisau analisis dalam artikel ini meminjam teori peran Alvin L. Bertrand, di mana peran Kiai Achmad Shiddiq begitu besar dalam menanamkan sikap persaudaraan, nasionalisme atau spirit kebangsaan di Indonesia tanpa membeda-bedakan budaya, suku, ras, bahasa, bahkan agama. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu konsep trilogi ukhuwah selain sesuai dengan prinsip Islam, namun juga penting untuk dimunculkan ke muka publik dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas beragama yang harmonis sekaligus menanamkan sikap nasionalisme terhadap muslim Indonesia. Tujuan besarnya bermuara pada kemaslahatan bersama. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah sebagai tambahan sub materi bahan ajar dan belajar bagi para akademisi (dosen, mahasiswa), agamawan, bahkan masyarakat umum, untuk lebih lanjut menggali pemikiran KH. Achmad Shiddiq

    A comparative study of thanking strategies used by the selected American and British Actors in their Oscar acceptance speech

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    Studies on the major dialects of English, American and British English, have always been focused on the comparisons of both dialects in the syntactic and semantic level. However, their differences and similarities can occur not only in those levels but also in the pragmatic level. Thus, this study aims to compare American and British English on how they express their gratitude to others. The objects of this study are taken from selected Oscar acceptance speeches for the reason that those situations are likely to include many thanking strategies of the actors/actresses to those who have benefited them. In order to find the differences and similarities of both dialects, the research questions of this study are constructed to find what thanking strategies are used by the American and British actors/actresses and how they are different or similar in the use of those strategies. The theory for thanking strategies is taken from Aijmer (2014). This study uses comparative qualitative method in analyzing the data. The results show that the Americans only use 5 thanking strategies (strategies A, B, F, H, and combination), while the British use 8 thanking strategies (strategies A, B, D, E, F, G, H, and combination). In terms of the types of strategies, the British clearly use more strategies than the Americans. In modifying their gratitude expressions, the Americans and the British have both similarities and differences. Both of them use the intensifier “so much” the most to intensify their grateful feelings to others, but there are some intensifiers that are used either only in the Americans or the British data. Even so, their use of specification is a little bit different because the Americans are more varied in constructing their specification than the British. They are similar in this matter because both the Americans and the British mostly used for-complement to specify their gratitude expressions

    Interpreting Dancing as Symbols of Freedom in Remy Sylado’s Namaku Mata Hari from Its Protagonist Personality

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    This study interprets the ‘dancing’ as symbols of freedom expressed by a Dutch dancer, Mata Hari (alias Margaretha Geertruida Zelle) in Remy Sylado’s Namaku Mata Hari, a protagonist novel.  The data in this study are sentences or paragraphs containing dancing as symbols of freedom.  Those sentences or paragraphs were collected by conducting library research through reading carefully the novel Namaku Mata Hari, coding each part of the novel showing the dancing as a symbols of freedom and the role of her id, ego and super ego, classifying data into symbols proposed by Hayek’s (1960) and Hospers’ (1984) theories, and analysing the data simultaneously.  The result shows that the dancing as freedom symbols is interpreted in a lot of expressions: dancing expressing her freedom of being life, of taking back her rights, of avoiding Western aesthetic principles, of being peaceful state of mind, of finding her desire, of gaining a deep hypnotic trance, of gaining humanity instead of being prejudice of her nationality, and of avoiding Western civilization

    Konsep Kematian dalam Perspektif Agama Buddha Theravada

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    This article examines the concept of death in the Theravada Buddhist perspective. Where the teachings show the stages in addressing or even the state after death. When facing death in Theravada Buddhism, it is very fearful to avoid fear and doubt, instead you have to be happy by preparing for life's good deeds. The existence of punarbawa / rebirth is one of the concepts carried on as a hereditary belief from Buddhist scriptures. By using a qualitative approach in analyzing, analyzing data from relevant literature / literature studies, so that they can be arranged with related material. This article is important to study further, by looking at how the perspective implanted in Theravada Buddhism, especially the concept of death, will be a source of knowledge which will become a source of insight and learning. The goal is a category that can be consumed by scientific studies of religious studies and academics or the general public related to themes that are expected to be useful for many circles. That way the purpose of life in every religion is the goal of others and still instills virtue

    Hubungan Agama dan Magi dalam Fenomenologi Agama

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana agama dan magi dalam fenomenologi agama. Dalam praktiknya, keduanya merupakan hal yang berbeda satu sama lain, akan tetapi keduanya memiliki keterkaitan dengan adanya ketidakmampuan nalar manusia dalam menyelesaikan masalah dan mencari jalan praktis. Dengan menggunakan langkah library research dalam mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan mengkritisi data-data, artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan agama dan magi dalam fenomenologi agama dari berbagai perspektif tokoh. Dengan begitu, hasil penelitian ini bisa menjadi salah satu rujukan akademisi dalam bidang terkait maupun masyarakat umum yang tertarik dengan kajian ini


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    Limited face-to-face meetings are a new phase in learning Arabic after the number of victims of COVID-19. The blended learning model that integrates face-to-face learning with online learning becomes a learning model that is applied in schools. To assist teachers in maximizing students' Arabic learning outcomes, the use of social media is the most recommended alternative media. The purpose of this article is to describe the use of social media in learning Arabic with a blended learning model and its advantages and disadvantages in learning. This article is included in qualitative research with the type of literature review that produces descriptive data regarding the use of social media in learning Arabic with a blended learning model. This study explains that various social media applications can be developed to learn Arabic. Social media encourages students' interest in learning Arabic through its refreshing display and features. Its easy and practical use makes learning can be done from anywhere and anytime so that the objectives of learning Arabic will be achieved

    Agama dan Altruisme: Studi Analisis Pengaruh Religiusitas Komunitas Posko Bersama Relawan dalam Aksi Kemanusiaan di Surabaya

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between religion and altruism, namely the relationship between the religious attitudes of members of the Posko community and volunteers throughout the city of Surabaya in helping the community. Attitudes possessed by every human being must be different, not a few humans who have a voluntary attitude, are generous, like to help and have a human spirit. As a volunteer who helps in a particular service or organization without wanting or involving money in return for his work. The research method in this article uses a descriptive qualitative analysis approach. By using the literature, observation and interviews are the main components of the preparation of this research. With the attitude of religiosity, volunteers are increasingly convinced that what they are doing is good and God likes good things. Because it is a form of attention that someone has with the aim of increasing helping others without being selfish. Volunteer actions are closely related to religious elements and altruism as human nature, so the urge to take part in humanitarian action grows by itself. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between the religiosity and altruism of the posko community members and volunteers throughout the city of Surabaya in their contribution to helping the community, which means that the higher the religiosity the higher the human spirit, religiosity contributes effectively to the attitudes of community members