178 research outputs found

    High-dimensional approximate nearest neighbor: k-d Generalized Randomized Forests

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    We propose a new data-structure, the generalized randomized kd forest, or kgeraf, for approximate nearest neighbor searching in high dimensions. In particular, we introduce new randomization techniques to specify a set of independently constructed trees where search is performed simultaneously, hence increasing accuracy. We omit backtracking, and we optimize distance computations, thus accelerating queries. We release public domain software geraf and we compare it to existing implementations of state-of-the-art methods including BBD-trees, Locality Sensitive Hashing, randomized kd forests, and product quantization. Experimental results indicate that our method would be the method of choice in dimensions around 1,000, and probably up to 10,000, and pointsets of cardinality up to a few hundred thousands or even one million; this range of inputs is encountered in many critical applications today. For instance, we handle a real dataset of 10610^6 images represented in 960 dimensions with a query time of less than 11sec on average and 90\% responses being true nearest neighbors

    Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation without External Data

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    Multi-target unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to learn a unified model to address the domain shift between multiple target domains. Due to the difficulty of obtaining annotations for dense predictions, it has recently been introduced into cross-domain semantic segmentation. However, most existing solutions require labeled data from the source domain and unlabeled data from multiple target domains concurrently during training. Collectively, we refer to this data as "external". When faced with new unlabeled data from an unseen target domain, these solutions either do not generalize well or require retraining from scratch on all data. To address these challenges, we introduce a new strategy called "multi-target UDA without external data" for semantic segmentation. Specifically, the segmentation model is initially trained on the external data. Then, it is adapted to a new unseen target domain without accessing any external data. This approach is thus more scalable than existing solutions and remains applicable when external data is inaccessible. We demonstrate this strategy using a simple method that incorporates self-distillation and adversarial learning, where knowledge acquired from the external data is preserved during adaptation through "one-way" adversarial learning. Extensive experiments in several synthetic-to-real and real-to-real adaptation settings on four benchmark urban driving datasets show that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art solutions, even in the absence of external data. Our source code is available online (https://github.com/YonghaoXu/UT-KD)

    PowMix: A Versatile Regularizer for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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    Multimodal sentiment analysis (MSA) leverages heterogeneous data sources to interpret the complex nature of human sentiments. Despite significant progress in multimodal architecture design, the field lacks comprehensive regularization methods. This paper introduces PowMix, a versatile embedding space regularizer that builds upon the strengths of unimodal mixing-based regularization approaches and introduces novel algorithmic components that are specifically tailored to multimodal tasks. PowMix is integrated before the fusion stage of multimodal architectures and facilitates intra-modal mixing, such as mixing text with text, to act as a regularizer. PowMix consists of five components: 1) a varying number of generated mixed examples, 2) mixing factor reweighting, 3) anisotropic mixing, 4) dynamic mixing, and 5) cross-modal label mixing. Extensive experimentation across benchmark MSA datasets and a broad spectrum of diverse architectural designs demonstrate the efficacy of PowMix, as evidenced by consistent performance improvements over baselines and existing mixing methods. An in-depth ablation study highlights the critical contribution of each PowMix component and how they synergistically enhance performance. Furthermore, algorithmic analysis demonstrates how PowMix behaves in different scenarios, particularly comparing early versus late fusion architectures. Notably, PowMix enhances overall performance without sacrificing model robustness or magnifying text dominance. It also retains its strong performance in situations of limited data. Our findings position PowMix as a promising versatile regularization strategy for MSA. Code will be made available.Comment: Preprin

    Keep It SimPool: Who Said Supervised Transformers Suffer from Attention Deficit?

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    Convolutional networks and vision transformers have different forms of pairwise interactions, pooling across layers and pooling at the end of the network. Does the latter really need to be different? As a by-product of pooling, vision transformers provide spatial attention for free, but this is most often of low quality unless self-supervised, which is not well studied. Is supervision really the problem? In this work, we develop a generic pooling framework and then we formulate a number of existing methods as instantiations. By discussing the properties of each group of methods, we derive SimPool, a simple attention-based pooling mechanism as a replacement of the default one for both convolutional and transformer encoders. We find that, whether supervised or self-supervised, this improves performance on pre-training and downstream tasks and provides attention maps delineating object boundaries in all cases. One could thus call SimPool universal. To our knowledge, we are the first to obtain attention maps in supervised transformers of at least as good quality as self-supervised, without explicit losses or modifying the architecture. Code at: https://github.com/billpsomas/simpool.Comment: ICCV 2023. Code and models: https://github.com/billpsomas/simpoo

    Fusing MPEG-7 visual descriptors for image classification

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    This paper proposes three content-based image classification techniques based on fusing various low-level MPEG-7 visual descriptors. Fusion is necessary as descriptors would be otherwise incompatible and inappropriate to directly include e.g. in a Euclidean distance. Three approaches are described: A “merging” fusion combined with an SVM classifier, a back-propagation fusion combined with a KNN classifier and a Fuzzy-ART neurofuzzy network. In the latter case, fuzzy rules can be extracted in an effort to bridge the “semantic gap” between the low-level descriptors and the high-level semantics of an image. All networks were evaluated using content from the repository of the aceMedia project1 and more specifically in a beach/urban scene classification problem

    Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning

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    Few-shot learning addresses the issue of classifying images using limited labeled data. Exploiting unlabeled data through the use of transductive inference methods such as label propagation has been shown to improve the performance of few-shot learning significantly. Label propagation infers pseudo-labels for unlabeled data by utilizing a constructed graph that exploits the underlying manifold structure of the data. However, a limitation of the existing label propagation approaches is that the positions of all data points are fixed and might be sub-optimal so that the algorithm is not as effective as possible. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm that adapts the feature embeddings of the labeled data by minimizing a differentiable loss function optimizing their positions in the manifold in the process. Our novel algorithm, Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation}, outperforms the standard label propagation algorithm by as much as 7% and 2% in the 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively. We provide experimental results highlighting the merits of our algorithm on four widely used few-shot benchmark datasets, namely miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CUB and CIFAR-FS and two commonly used backbones, ResNet12 and WideResNet-28-10. The source code can be found at https://github.com/MichalisLazarou/A2LP.Comment: published in ICIP 202

    Opti-CAM: Optimizing saliency maps for interpretability

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    Methods based on class activation maps (CAM) provide a simple mechanism to interpret predictions of convolutional neural networks by using linear combinations of feature maps as saliency maps. By contrast, masking-based methods optimize a saliency map directly in the image space or learn it by training another network on additional data. In this work we introduce Opti-CAM, combining ideas from CAM-based and masking-based approaches. Our saliency map is a linear combination of feature maps, where weights are optimized per image such that the logit of the masked image for a given class is maximized. We also fix a fundamental flaw in two of the most common evaluation metrics of attribution methods. On several datasets, Opti-CAM largely outperforms other CAM-based approaches according to the most relevant classification metrics. We provide empirical evidence supporting that localization and classifier interpretability are not necessarily aligned.Comment: This work is under consideration at "Computer Vision and Image Understanding

    CA-Stream: Attention-based pooling for interpretable image recognition

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    Explanations obtained from transformer-based architectures in the form of raw attention, can be seen as a class-agnostic saliency map. Additionally, attention-based pooling serves as a form of masking the in feature space. Motivated by this observation, we design an attention-based pooling mechanism intended to replace Global Average Pooling (GAP) at inference. This mechanism, called Cross-Attention Stream (CA-Stream), comprises a stream of cross attention blocks interacting with features at different network depths. CA-Stream enhances interpretability in models, while preserving recognition performance.Comment: CVPR XAI4CV workshop 202