16,046 research outputs found

    A Direct Reputation Model for VO Formation

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    We show that reputation is a basic ingredient in the Virtual Organisation (VO) formation process. Agents can use their experiences gained in direct past interactions to model other’s reputation and deciding on either join a VO or determining who is the most suitable set of partners. Reputation values are computed using a reinforcement learning algorithm, so agents can learn and adapt their reputation models of their partners according to their recent behaviour. Our approach is especially powerful if the agent participates in a VO in which the members can change their behaviour to exploit their partners. The reputation model presented in this paper deals with the questions of deception and fraud that have been ignored in current models of VO formation

    Columnar defects acting as passive internal field detectors

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    We have studied the angular dependence of the irreversible magnetization of several YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 and 2H-NbSe2_2 single crystals with columnar defects tilted off the c-axis. At high magnetic fields, the irreversible magnetization Mi(ΘH)M_i(\Theta_H) exhibits a well known maximum when the applied field is parallel to the tracks. As the field is decreased below H∼0.02Hc2H \sim 0.02 H_{c2}, the peak shifts away from the tracks' direction toward either the c-axis or the ab-planes. We demonstrate that this shift results from the misalignment between the external and internal field directions due to the competition between anisotropy and geometry effects.Comment: 5 figure

    Cage-size control of guest vibration and thermal conductivity in Sr8Ga16Si30-xGex

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    We present a systematic study of thermal conductivity, specific heat, electrical resistivity, thermopower and x-ray diffraction measurements performed on single-crystalline samples of the pseudoquaternary type-I clathrate system Sr8Ga16Si30-xGex, in the full range of 0 < x < 30. All the samples show metallic behavior with n-type majority carriers. However, the thermal conductivity and specific heat strongly depend on x. Upon increasing x from 0 to 30, the lattice parameter increases by 3%, from 10.446 to 10.726 A, and the localized vibrational energies of the Sr guest ions in the tetrakaidekahedron (dodecahedron) cages decrease from 59 (120) K to 35 (90) K. Furthermore, the lattice thermal conductivity at low temperatures is largely suppressed. In fact, a crystalline peak found at 15 K for x = 0 gradually decreases and disappears for x > 20, evolving into the anomalous glass-like behavior observed for x = 30. It is found that the increase of the free space for the Sr guest motion directly correlates with a continuous transition from on-center harmonic vibration to off-center anharmonic vibration, with consequent increase in the coupling strength between the guest's low-energy modes and the cage's acoustic phonon modes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Drastic annealing effects in transport properties of single crystals of the YbNi2B2C heavy fermion system

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    We report temperature dependent resistivity, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and thermoelectric power measurements made on the heavy fermion system YbNi2B2C, for both as grown and annealed single crystals. Our results demonstrate a significant variation in the temperature dependent electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power between as grown crystals and crystals that have undergone optimal (150 hour, 950 C) annealing, whereas the thermodynamic properties: (c_p(T) and chi(T)) remain almost unchanged. We interpret these results in terms of redistributions of local Kondo temperatures associated with ligandal disorder for a small (~ 1%) fraction of the Yb sites.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Anomalous infrared spectra of hybridized phonons in type-I clathrate Ba8_8Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30}

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    The optical conductivity spectra of the rattling phonons in the clathrate Ba8_8Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30} are investigated in detail by use of the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. The experiment has revealed that the lowest-lying vibrational mode of a Ba(2)2+^{2+} ion consists of a sharp Lorentzian peak at 1.2 THz superimposed on a broad tail weighted in the lower frequency regime around 1.0 THz. With decreasing temperature, an unexpected linewidth broadening of the phonon peak is observed, together with monotonic softening of the phonon peak and the enhancement of the tail structure. These observed anomalies are discussed in terms of impurity scattering effects on the hybridized phonon system of rattling and acoustic phonons.Comment: Submitted to JPS

    Anisotropic superconducting properties of aligned MgB2 crystallites

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    Samples of aligned MgB2 crystallites have been prepared, allowing for the first time the direct identification of an upper critical field anisotropy Hc2^{ab}/Hc2^{c}= xi_{ab}/xi_{c} ~ 1.73; with xi_{o,ab} ~ 70 A, xi_{o,c} ~ 40 A, and a mass anisotropy ratio m_{ab}/m_{c} ~ 0.3. A ferromagnetic background signal was identified, possibly related to the raw materials purity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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