61 research outputs found
The Implementation of Phonic Method in Teaching Vocabulary in Speaking to Visually Impaired Students of SLB A Surakarta
ABSTRACT Intan Aulia Nastiti. S891508017. “The Implementation of Phonic Method in Teaching Vocabulary in Speaking to Visually Impaired Students of SLB A Surakarta”. Thesis. Consultant: I. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., II. Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. English Education Department, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University. This research aims at describing (1) the implementation of phonic method in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta; (2) the difficulties faced by the students and English teacher in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta; and (3) the solutions proposed by the English teacher to solve the difficulties in teaching vocabulary in speaking to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta. This study was a qualitative research with case study as the research design. Data was obtained through observation, interview, and document analysis. Observation was used to collect data from events. Interview was used to collect data from informants. Documentation was used to collect documents. Data in this study was analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model of analysis. It consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The result of this research showed that: (1) teaching documents used in the teaching-learning process of English to visually impaired students of SLB A Surakarta are curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan; (2) the problems faced by the students are disturbing sound from outside, spelling words too fast, and using words; and the teacher argues that the allotted time was too short, unsuitable teaching method used to teach sentences, and noisy sound become problems faced by the teacher; and (3) The solutions proposed by the teacher are providing students with Braille printed English textbook, providing students with language laboratory, and using other teaching methods or models to complement phonic method. Keywords: Visually impaired students, vocabulary teaching, phonic metho
This study aims to examine the factors that influence the disclosure of carbon emissions. The population in this study are mining sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2020. By using the purposive side technique, the number of samples obtained is 64 companies. The results of this study indicate that size, media exposure, and profitability have a significant positive effect on Disclosure of Carbon Emissions, leverage has an insignificant positive effect on Disclosure of Carbon Emissions, the type of industry has an insignificant negative effect on Disclosure of Carbon Emissions
The Analysis of Development Disparities Inter Districts/ City in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province 2003-2013
One of the objectives of regional economic development is to increase the economic sector, in which the increasing of economics sector will be beneficial for society. This indicator is important to recognize the condition of the economy in particular region in given period indicated by GDRP (Gross Domestic Regional Product) data of the region or area. Since the enactment of the autonomy then the local Government has bigger role in managing regional economic potential that exists in its territory. Economic growth is one of indicators that affect economic development. Economic development in substance aims to increase public welfare. Yogyakarta province is one of cities on the island of Java with the level of GDRP that keeps increasing each year since 2003 until 2013.In the development process there are also regions that have abundant of natural resources but lacking in human resources, and yet there are also regions that are otherwise lacking in terms of natural resources however have abundant in human resources, both in quality and quantity. This situation then leads to the distinction in development that resulted in the economic growth and disparities welfare in each region. The research also aims to identify the patterns of economic growth according to Klassen Typology and describe the level of regional disparities between districts/cities in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province. The methods of analysis used covers analysis of the Klassen Typology, inequality Williamson Index, and inequality Theil Entropy Index. The results showed classifications according to Klassen Typology, Yogyakarta is concluded in the category of advanced and fast growing area. The index disparities show a pattern of increasing. This implies that development in district / cities in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province are increasingly uneven
Suatu sektor yang sangat potensial dapat berpengaruh pada perkembangan kota, baik
secara makro maupun mikro. Pengaruh tersebut juga dialami oleh sektor-sektor lainnya. Tidak
sedikit pengaruh dari keberadaan sektor potensial dapat merubah fungsi suatu kawasan yang ada
di dalam suatu kota. Hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh yang kuat serta terjadi dalam waktu yang
lama. Artinya, jika sektor potensial tersebut dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya maka pengaruh
yang terjadi juga akan semakin besar
Research on developments in Islamic museums in Indonesia today can still be counted on the fingers. It is inversely proportional to the growth of Islamic-themed museums that are increasingly being established in Indonesia. As one of the pioneering Islamic organization museums in Indonesia, namely the Nahdlatul Ulama Museum in Surabaya, of course the NU Museum has had developments that have been obtained from the beginning of the museum's establishment until now. In the research entitled "The Development of the Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya Museum in 2004-2010", the researcher applied the historical research method using the basic concept of change and sustainability in history which was focused with the aim of describing the process of museum development and analyzing the influence that emerged in the development of the NU Museum. The results of research on the development of this museum consist of three main stages, namely change, problems, and sustainability caused by interactions in the operational activities of the Nahdlatul Ulama Museum which involve museum managers, museum visitors, and the general public involved in museum development. The importance of research on developments that occur in the museum illustrates how wide the opportunity for the museum to always develop and grow like a sustainable life over time changes that become the limit.
Keywords: Nahdlatul Ulama Museum, Development, Change, Sustainabilit
Which One Is The Most Important In Bank: Liquidity Or Capital Resiliency?
This research aims to examine the fulfillment of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of banks towards bank credit growth in Indonesia. The researchers included macroeconomic factors (GDP and BI Rate) as control variables and bank size (core capital category) to support the research testing. The influence of LCR and CAR on bank credit growth with KBMI categories 2, 3, and 4 during quarterly periods (Q4 2018 - Q2 2023) is tested using multiple linear regression. The study findings indicate that banks that enhance liquidity management by increasing the LCR can lead to a reduction in credit distribution. However, the CAR does not have a major influence on credit growth. This is because bank capital in Indonesia is very robust. The relationship between the LCR and credit growth in all KBMI categories is not significantly influenced by the core capital category of banks. In addition, the KBMI has a little impact on the correlation between CAR and credit growth in KBMI banks 2 and 3, but it does have a moderating effect on KBMI 4 bank
Pengembangan Permainan Maze Elektronik Untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Naturalis pada Anak Usia Dini di TK Idhata Unesa
Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui keefektifan Media pembelajaran tentang kecerdasan naturalis berbasis aplikasi yang dapat digunakan melalui Smartphone, aplikasi tersebut yaitu Maze elektronik Kecerdasan Naturalis perlu dikembangkan dalam diri anak sejak usia dini, tujuan pengembangan media Maze elektronik yaitu untuk mengetahui pengembangan, efektivitas dan kelayakan media Maze elektronik terhadap stimulus pembelajaran kecerdasan Naturalis untuk anak usia dini. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek penelitian pengembangan 30 anak usia dini di TK Idhata Unesa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik penyebaran kuesioner online melalui google form disertai video pendukung prosedur penggunaan media Maze elektronik. Teknik analisis kelayakan dan keefektifan media Maze elektronik menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan persentase penilaian yang sudah ditentukan. Diperoleh hasil bahwa media Maze elektronik dikatakan layak dalam pembelajaran kecerdasan naturalis anak usia dini. Kelayakan uji coba ahli media diperoleh hasil dengan kriteria “baik” keterangan “layak” (79%), uji coba ahli materi diperoleh hasil dengan kriteria “baik” keterangan “layak” (80%), uji coba oleh orang tua diperoleh hasil dengan kriteria “sangat baik” keterangan “sangat layak” (94%). Penelitian ini memberi inovasi baru dibidang pendidikan yaitu media pembelajaran untuk anak usia dini yang dapat membantu dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran kecerdasan naturalis. Anak dapat memperoleh pengalaman menyaksikan kenampakan flora dan fauna dengan berdiam diri dirumah guna menjaga keaman dan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media Maze Elektronik layak dan efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran kecerdasan naturalis untuk anak usia dini.
kata kunci : Maze Elektronik, kecerdasan Naturalis, Anak Usia dini.
Naturalist intelligence is the intelligence that everyone has at the beginning of his life. Early childhood children have better naturalist intelligence that adults because children can enjoy the natural environment in depth and do not think that heir surroundings are just the bacground of every event they experience. Naturalis intelligence needs to be developed in children from an early age. The aim of developing electronic Maze media is to determine the development, effectivieness, and feasibility of electronic Maze media against naturalist intelligence learning stimuli for early childhood. This type of research uses Research an Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model. The subjects of development research were 30 early childhood students at TK Idhata Unesa. The data was collected using the online questionnaire distribution technique via google form accompanied by a video supporting the use of electronic Maze media. The method of analyzing the fasibility and effectivenes of the electronic Maze media uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a predetermined percentage of the assessment. The results show that the electronic Maze media is feasible in learning naturalist intelligence in early childhood. The feasibility of teasting by media experts obtained results with the criteria “good”, and the informations was “feasible” (79%), the material expert trial obtained results with the criteria “good”, the information was “feasible (80%), the attempt by parents brough the results with the criteria “very good” description “very feasible” (94%). This research provides innovations in education, namely learning media for early childhood, that can help achieve the learning objectives of naturalis intelligence. Children can gain experience witnessing the appearance of flora and fauna by staying at home to maintain safety and comply with health protocols established by the government. Based on the results of this study, the electronic Maze media is feasible and effective to use in naturalist intelligence learning for early childhood.
Keywords: Electronic Maze, Naturalist Intelligence, Early Childhood.
Analysis of Factors Related to The Mother’s Behavior to Increase Breastmilk Production
The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia has not reached the national target set by the government. Problems that may inhibit exclusive breastfeeding include insufficient breast milk production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to maternal behavior in facilitating the production of breast milk based on the precede-proceed model. This study used a descriptive analytical design with a cross-sectional approach. The respondents consisted of 143 mothers collected with cluster sampling. The dependent variable in this research was the mother’s behavior in facilitating breast milk production. The independent variables in this research were knowledge, attitude, culture, the availability of health facilities, family support and health worker support. The data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Spearman rho’ with a significance level of α≤ 0.05. The results showed that almost all of the factors had a significant correlation with the mother’s behavior in facilitating breast milk production (knowledge p=0.039, attitude p=0.013, culture p=0.024, health facilities availability p=0.023, family support p=0.000). The factor of health worker support showed as having no correlation with the mother’s behavior in facilitating breast milk production (p=0.177). It is expected that the health workers at public health centers should increase their supports to mothers and their families about exclusive breastfeeding.
Keywords: breastfeeding, breastmilk production, precede-proceed model
Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Pteridophyta Di Kawasan Hutan Bagian Timur Lereng Gunung Merapi Jawa Tengah Via Selo Boyolali
Mount Merapi’s Forest area is located at an altitude of 1700 - 2930 meters above sea level. The average of temperature of 27 ° C and an average humidity of 80%, making it suitable for the growth of ferns. The aim of this study was to determine the types of ferns in the Forest of Mount Merapi Via Selo, Boyolali. This study was exploratory with Cruise Methods, exploring the hiking trail from height of 1800-2020 meters above sea level. Sampling of pteridophyta was carried out each time encounter and do not again when it found the same pteridophyta. Identification is done by recording the morphological characteristics, habitus, and way of life and were analyzed by qualitative description. The result of research was found 13 species of ferns belonging to Polypodiaceae Family. The species were Athyriummacrocarpum, Adiantumcapillus-veneris, Adiantum hispidulum, Pityrogramma austroamericana, Pityrogramma sp., Lindsaeaa lucida, Davalia trichomanoides, Nephrolepis sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Athyrium filix-femina, Adiantum tenerum, Lindsaea microphyla, and Belvisia sp.
Keywords: pteridophyta, exploration, inventory, cruise methods, Forest of Merap
The tofu industry, especially small industries, still has a low awareness of the environmental impacts caused by the production process. Reduction of environmental impact and production efficiency in tofu industry activities can be solved by applying cleaner production. This study aims to examine the applications of cleaner production in tofu processing SMEs in Indonesia. The method used is an exploratory approach to review the contents of several articles from national and international journals. Reviews on articles can be in the form of identification of the tofu processing, problems, CP reccomendations, results of technical, financial and environmental analysis and the priorities for cleaner production. CP opportunities that can be recommended for tofu processing SMEs in Indonesia are 1) The washing process in stages, 2) Making water recycling installations, 3) Making additional funnels on the milling machine, 4) Making energy-saving stoves, 5) Substitution of firewood with coconut shells, 6) Utilization of tofu dregs for animal feed, 7) Making Nata de Soya from whey, 8) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) application.
Keywords: cleaner production, small and medium industry, tofu industr
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