70 research outputs found
New Regime for Dense String Networks
We uncover a new transient regime that reconciles the apparent inconsistency
of the Martins Shellard one scale damped string evolution model with the
initial conditions predicted by the Kibble mechanism for string formation in a
second order phase transition. This regime carries (in a short cosmic time
) the dense string network created by the Kibble {\it{mechanism}}
to the (dilute) Kibble {\it{regime}} in which friction dominated strings remain
till times . This is possible beacause the cosmic
time at the phase transition () is much larger than the damping time scale
. Our result has drastic implications for various non-GUT
scale string mediated mechanisms.}Comment: Talk presented at COSMO99, Trieste, Sept. 26- Oct. 2, 1999. Based on
work done in collaboration with Michiyasu Nagasawa and Vikram Son
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