81 research outputs found

    DNA Methylation in hypoxia in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis is one of the most lethal contagious diseases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), in many cases, the infected did not show any symptoms, because the bacilli entered the dormant stage in granulomas. The dormant stage of MTB is also associated with higher resistance to drugs and the immune system. Among multiple epigenetic regulations critical to MTB stress responses, DNA methylation is necessary for the survival of MTB in hypoxic conditions, which is a common stress event during granuloma formation. This review gathers previous findings and demonstrates a meta-analysis by collecting hypoxia gene expression data from several articles and perform association analysis between those genes and methylation site profiles across whole genomes of representative strains pf lineage 2 and 4. While more data is required for more conclusive support, our results suggest that methylation sites in the possible promoter regions may induce differential gene regulation in hypoxia.Comment: 20 pages, 9 table

    Contact Mixing Patterns and Population Movement among Migrant Workers in an Urban Setting in Thailand.

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    Data relating to contact mixing patterns among humans are essential for the accurate modeling of infectious disease transmission dynamics. Here, we describe contact mixing patterns among migrant workers in urban settings in Thailand, based on a survey of 369 migrant workers of three nationalities. Respondents recorded their demographic data, including age, sex, nationality, workplace, income, and education. Each respondent chose a single day to record their contacts; this resulted in a total of more than 8300 contacts. The characteristics of contacts were recorded, including their age, sex, nationality, location of contact, and occurrence of physical contact. More than 75% of all contacts occurred among migrants aged 15 to 39 years. The contacts were highly clustered in this age group among migrant workers of all three nationalities. There were far fewer contacts between migrant workers with younger and older age groups. The pattern varied slightly among different nationalities, which was mostly dependent upon the types of jobs taken. Half of migrant workers always returned to their home country at most once a year and on a seasonal basis. The present study has helped us gain a better understanding of contact mixing patterns among migrant workers in urban settings. This information is useful both when simulating disease epidemics and for guiding optimal disease control strategies among this vulnerable section of the population

    Enhanced Susceptibility of Nasal Polyp Tissues to Avian and Human Influenza Viruses

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza viruses bind and infect respiratory epithelial cells through sialic acid on cell surface. Differential preference to sialic acid types contributes to host- and tissue-tropism of avian and seasonal influenza viruses. Although the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 can infect and cause severe diseases in humans, it is not efficient in infecting human upper respiratory tract. This is because of the scarcity of its receptor, α2,3-linked sialic acid, in human upper airway. Expression of sialic acid can be influenced by various factors including inflammatory process. Allergic rhinitis and nasal polyp are common inflammatory conditions of nasal mucosa and may affect expression of the sialic acid and susceptibility to influenza infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: To test this hypothesis, we detected α2,3- and α2,6-linked sialic acid in human nasal polyp and normal nasal mucosal tissues by lectin staining and infected explants of those tissues with avian influenza viruses H5N1 and seasonal influenza viruses. We show here that mucosal surface of nasal polyp expressed higher level of α2,3- and α2,6-linked sialic acid than normal nasal mucosa. Accordingly, both H5N1 avian influenza viruses and seasonal influenza viruses replicated more efficiently in nasal polyp tissues explants. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest a role of nasal inflammatory conditions in susceptibility to influenza infection, especially by avian influenza viruses, which is generally inefficient in infecting human upper airway. The increased receptor expression may contribute to increased susceptibility in some individuals. This may contribute to the gradual adaptation of the virus to human population

    Comparative genome analysis between Southeast Asian and South American Zika viruses

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    Objective: To understand the cause for the differences between potentially mild Southeast Asian and the more pathogenic ZIKV in South America. Methods: A comparative genomic analysis was performed to determine putative causations stemming from ZIKV. Results: Phylogenetic analyses integrating geographical and time factors revealed that Southeast Asian ZIKV might not be the direct source of South American outbreaks as previously speculated. Amino acid residues unique to South American ZIKV isolates at the envelope, pr and NS1 proteins are listed and shown in the structural context. These unique residues on external viral proteins are not found in Southeast Asian ZIKV and could be responsible for the ongoing outbreak either via an intrinsic property of the virus or interactions with human immunity. Only a selected few primer/probe sets currently in clinical use were identified of being capable of detecting ZIKV strains worldwide. The envelope proteins of dengue virus (DENV) and ZIKV also showed a remarkable degree of similarity especially at the surface residues. Conclusions: These findings may help explain the cross-reactivity of DENV antibodies to ZIKV. Thus, major caveats must be exercised in using existing diagnostic tools for ZIKV

    Serological Response to the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus for Disease Diagnosis and Estimating the Infection Rate in Thai Population

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals infected with the 2009 pandemic virus A(H1N1) developed serological response which can be measured by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) and microneutralization (microNT) assays. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MicroNT and HI assays for specific antibody to the 2009 pandemic virus were conducted in serum samples collected at the end of the first epidemic wave from various groups of Thai people: laboratory confirmed cases, blood donors and health care workers (HCW) in Bangkok and neighboring province, general population in the North and the South, as well as archival sera collected at pre- and post-vaccination from vaccinees who received influenza vaccine of the 2006 season. This study demonstrated that goose erythrocytes yielded comparable HI antibody titer as compared to turkey erythrocytes. In contrast to the standard protocol, our investigation found out the necessity to eliminate nonspecific inhibitor present in the test sera by receptor destroying enzyme (RDE) prior to performing microNT assay. The investigation in pre-pandemic serum samples showed that HI antibody was more specific to the 2009 pandemic virus than NT antibody. Based on data from pre-pandemic sera together with those from the laboratory confirmed cases, HI antibody titers ≥ 40 for adults and ≥ 20 for children could be used as the cut-off level to differentiate between the individuals with or without past infection by the 2009 pandemic virus. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Based on the cut-off criteria, the infection rates of 7 and 12.8% were estimated in blood donors and HCW, respectively after the first wave of the 2009 influenza pandemic. Among general population, the infection rate of 58.6% was found in children versus 3.1% in adults

    Influenza A H5N1 Replication Sites in Humans

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    Tissue tropism and pathogenesis of influenza A virus subtype H5N1 disease in humans is not well defined. In mammalian experimental models, H5N1 influenza is a disseminated disease. However, limited previous data from human autopsies have not shown evidence of virus dissemination beyond the lung. We investigated a patient with fatal H5N1 influenza. Viral RNA was detected by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction in lung, intestine, and spleen tissues, but positive-stranded viral RNA indicating virus replication was confined to the lung and intestine. Viral antigen was detected in pneumocytes by immunohistochemical tests. Tumor necrosis factor-α mRNA was seen in lung tissue. In contrast to disseminated infection documented in other mammals and birds, H5N1 viral replication in humans may be restricted to the lung and intestine, and the major site of H5N1 viral replication in the lung is the pneumocyte

    A Novel Pathogenic Mechanism of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Viruses Involves Hemagglutinin Mediated Resistance to Serum Innate Inhibitors

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    In this study, the effect of innate serum inhibitors on influenza virus infection was addressed. Seasonal influenza A(H1N1) and A(H3N2), 2009 pandemic A(H1N1) (H1N1pdm) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) viruses were tested with guinea pig sera negative for antibodies against all of these viruses as evaluated by hemagglutination-inhibition and microneutralization assays. In the presence of serum inhibitors, the infection by each virus was inhibited differently as measured by the amount of viral nucleoprotein produced in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The serum inhibitors inhibited seasonal influenza A(H3N2) virus the most, while the effect was less in seasonal influenza A(H1N1) and H1N1pdm viruses. The suppression by serum inhibitors could be reduced by heat inactivation or treatment with receptor destroying enzyme. In contrast, all H5N1 strains tested were resistant to serum inhibitors. To determine which structure (hemagglutinin (HA) and/or neuraminidase (NA)) on the virus particles that provided the resistance, reverse genetics (rg) was applied to construct chimeric recombinant viruses from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1) (PR8) plasmid vectors. rgPR8-H5 HA and rgPR8-H5 HANA were resistant to serum inhibitors while rgPR8-H5 NA and PR8 A(H1N1) parental viruses were sensitive, suggesting that HA of HPAI H5N1 viruses bestowed viral resistance to serum inhibition. These results suggested that the ability to resist serum inhibition might enable the viremic H5N1 viruses to disseminate to distal end organs. The present study also analyzed for correlation between susceptibility to serum inhibitors and number of glycosylation sites present on the globular heads of HA and NA. H3N2 viruses, the subtype with highest susceptibility to serum inhibitors, harbored the highest number of glycosylation sites on the HA globular head. However, this positive correlation cannot be drawn for the other influenza subtypes