7,579 research outputs found
Comment on ``A new efficient method for calculating perturbative energies using functions which are not square integrable'': regularization and justification
The method recently proposed by Skala and Cizek for calculating perturbation
energies in a strict sense is ambiguous because it is expressed as a ratio of
two quantities which are separately divergent. Even though this ratio comes out
finite and gives the correct perturbation energies, the calculational process
must be regularized to be justified. We examine one possible method of
regularization and show that the proposed method gives traditional quantum
mechanics results.Comment: 6 pages in REVTeX, no figure
Critical densities for the Skyrme type effective interactions
We use the stability conditions of the Landau parameters for the symmetric
nuclear matter and pure neutron matter to calculate the critical densities for
the Skyrme type effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. We find that the
critical density can be maximized by adjusting appropriately the values of the
enhancement factor associated with isovector giant dipole resonance,
the quantity which is directly related to the slope of the symmetry energy
and the Landau parameter . However, restricting , and
to vary within acceptable limits reduces the maximum value for the
critical density by . We also show that among the
various quantities characterizing the symmetric nuclear matter,
depends strongly on the isoscalar effective mass and
surface energy coefficient . For realistic values of and we
get to (fm).Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Physicsl Review C (in press
Generalized Supersymmetric Perturbation Theory
Using the basic ingredient of supersymmetry, we develop a simple alternative
approach to perturbation theory in one-dimensional non-relativistic quantum
mechanics. The formulae for the energy shifts and wave functions do not involve
tedious calculations which appear in the available perturbation theories. The
model applicable in the same form to both the ground state and excited bound
states, unlike the recently introduced supersymmetric perturbation technique
which, together with other approaches based on logarithmic perturbation theory,
are involved within the more general framework of the present formalism.Comment: 13 pages article in LaTEX (uses standard article.sty). No Figures.
Sent to Ann. Physics (2004
Adaptive homodyne measurement of optical phase
We present an experimental demonstration of the power of real-time feedback
in quantum metrology, confirming a theoretical prediction by Wiseman regarding
the superior performance of an adaptive homodyne technique for single-shot
measurement of optical phase. For phase measurements performed on weak coherent
states with no prior knowledge of the signal phase, we show that the variance
of adaptive homodyne estimation approaches closer to the fundamental quantum
uncertainty limit than any previously demonstrated technique. Our results
underscore the importance of real-time feedback for reaching quantum
performance limits in coherent telecommunication, precision measurement and
information processing.Comment: RevTex4, color PDF figures (separate files), submitted to PR
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidelines: How evidence-based are they?
Evidence-based medicine aims to translate scientific research into good medical practice. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists publishes recommendations and guidelines to guide clinicians in decision-making. In this study, the evidence base underlying the âGreen-top Guidelinesâ has been analysed in order to establish the quality of research underlying recommendations. During this descriptive study of 1,682 individual recommendations, the authors found that only 9â12% of the guidelines were based on the best quality (Grade A) evidence. The authors believe that this type of analysis serves to provide greater clarity for clinicians and patients using guidelines and recommendations in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology to make collaborative clinical decisions
Impact of Seismic Risk on Lifetime Property Values
This report presents a methodology for establishing the uncertain net asset value, NAV, of a real-estate investment opportunity considering both market risk and seismic risk for the property. It also presents a decision-making procedure to assist in making real-estate investment choices under conditions of uncertainty and risk-aversion. It is shown that that market risk, as measured by the coefficient of variation of NAV, is at least 0.2 and may exceed 1.0. In a situation of such high uncertainty, where potential gains and losses are large relative to a decision-maker's risk tolerance, it is appropriate to adopt a decision-analysis approach to real-estate investment decision-making. A simple equation for doing so is presented. The decision-analysis approach uses the certainty equivalent, CE, as opposed to NAV as the basis for investment decision-making. That is, when faced with multiple investment alternatives, one should choose the alternative that maximizes CE. It is shown that CE is less than the expected value of NAV by an amount proportional to the variance of NAV and the inverse of the decision-maker's risk tolerance, [rho].
The procedure for establishing NAV and CE is illustrated in parallel demonstrations by CUREE and Kajima research teams. The CUREE demonstration is performed using a real 1960s-era hotel building in Van Nuys, California. The building, a 7-story non-ductile reinforced-concrete moment-frame building, is analyzed using the assembly-based vulnerability (ABV) method, developed in Phase III of the CUREE-Kajima Joint Research Program. The building is analyzed three ways: in its condition prior to the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, with a hypothetical shearwall upgrade, and with earthquake insurance. This is the first application of ABV to a real building, and the first time ABV has incorporated stochastic structural analyses that consider uncertainties in the mass, damping, and force-deformation behavior of the structure, along with uncertainties in ground motion, component damageability, and repair costs. New fragility functions are developed for the reinforced concrete flexural members using published laboratory test data, and new unit repair costs for these components are developed by a professional construction cost estimator. Four investment alternatives are considered: do not buy; buy; buy and retrofit; and buy and insure. It is found that the best alternative for most reasonable values of discount rate, risk tolerance, and market risk is to buy and leave the building as-is. However, risk tolerance and market risk (variability of income) both materially affect the decision. That is, for certain ranges of each parameter, the best investment alternative changes. This indicates that expected-value decision-making is inappropriate for some decision-makers and investment opportunities. It is also found that the majority of the economic seismic risk results from shaking of S[subscript a] < 0.3g, i.e., shaking with return periods on the order of 50 to 100 yr that cause primarily architectural damage, rather than from the strong, rare events of which common probable maximum loss (PML) measurements are indicative.
The Kajima demonstration is performed using three Tokyo buildings. A nine-story, steel-reinforced-concrete building built in 1961 is analyzed as two designs: as-is, and with a steel-braced-frame structural upgrade. The third building is 29-story, 1999 steel-frame structure. The three buildings are intended to meet collapse-prevention, life-safety, and operational performance levels, respectively, in shaking with 10%exceedance probability in 50 years. The buildings are assessed using levels 2 and 3 of Kajima's three-level analysis methodology. These are semi-assembly based approaches, which subdivide a building into categories of components, estimate the loss of these component categories for given ground motions, and combine the losses for the entire building. The two methods are used to estimate annualized losses and to create curves that relate loss to exceedance probability. The results are incorporated in the input to a sophisticated program developed by the Kajima Corporation, called Kajima D, which forecasts cash flows for office, retail, and residential projects for purposes of property screening, due diligence, negotiation, financial structuring, and strategic planning. The result is an estimate of NAV for each building. A parametric study of CE for each building is presented, along with a simplified model for calculating CE as a function of mean NAV and coefficient of variation of NAV. The equation agrees with that developed in parallel by the CUREE team.
Both the CUREE and Kajima teams collaborated with a number of real-estate investors to understand their seismic risk-management practices, and to formulate and to assess the viability of the proposed decision-making methodologies. Investors were interviewed to elicit their risk-tolerance, r, using scripts developed and presented here in English and Japanese. Results of 10 such interviews are presented, which show that a strong relationship exists between a decision-maker's annual revenue, R, and his or her risk tolerance, [rho is approximately equal to] 0.0075R[superscript 1.34]. The interviews show that earthquake risk is a marginal consideration in current investment practice. Probable maximum loss (PML) is the only earthquake risk parameter these investors consider, and they typically do not use seismic risk at all in their financial analysis of an investment opportunity. For competitive reasons, a public investor interviewed here would not wish to account for seismic risk in his financial analysis unless rating agencies required him to do so or such consideration otherwise became standard practice. However, in cases where seismic risk is high enough to significantly reduce return, a private investor expressed the desire to account for seismic risk via expected annualized loss (EAL) if it were inexpensive to do so, i.e., if the cost of calculating the EAL were not substantially greater than that of PML alone.
The study results point to a number of interesting opportunities for future research, namely: improve the market-risk stochastic model, including comparison of actual long-term income with initial income projections; improve the risk-attitude interview; account for uncertainties in repair method and in the relationship between repair cost and loss; relate the damage state of structural elements with points on the force-deformation relationship; examine simpler dynamic analysis as a means to estimate vulnerability; examine the relationship between simplified engineering demand parameters and performance; enhance category-based vulnerability functions by compiling a library of building-specific ones; and work with lenders and real-estate industry analysts to determine the conditions under which seismic risk should be reflected in investors' financial analyses
Determination of the parameters of a Skyrme type effective interaction using the simulated annealing approach
We implement for the first time the simulated annealing method (SAM) to the
problem of searching for the global minimum in the hyper-surface of the
chi-square function which depends on the values of the parameters of a Skyrme
type effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. We undertake a realistic case of
fitting the values of the Skyrme parameters to an extensive set of experimental
data on the ground state properties of many nuclei ranging from normal to
exotic ones. The set of experimental data used in our fitting procedure
includes the radii for the valence and neutron orbits in
the O and Ca nuclei, respectively, and the breathing mode
energies for several nuclei, in addition to the typically used data on binding
energy, charge radii and spin-orbit splitting. We also include in the fit the
critical density and further constrain the values of the Skyrme
parameters by requiring that (i) the quantity ,
directly related to the slope of the symmetry energy , must be positive for
densities up to (ii) the enhancement factor , associated with
the isovector giant dipole resonance, should lie in the range of
and (iii) the Landau parameter is positive at . We
provide simple but consistent schemes to account for the center of mass
corrections to the binding energy and charge radii.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press
Enhancing heart disease prediction using a self-attention-based transformer model
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continue to be the leading cause of more than 17 million mortalities worldwide. The early detection of heart failure with high accuracy is crucial for clinical trials and therapy. Patients will be categorized into various types of heart disease based on characteristics like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart rate, and other characteristics. With the use of an automatic system, we can provide early diagnoses for those who are prone to heart failure by analyzing their characteristics. In this work, we deploy a novel self-attention-based transformer model, that combines self-attention mechanisms and transformer networks to predict CVD risk. The self-attention layers capture contextual information and generate representations that effectively model complex patterns in the data. Self-attention mechanisms provide interpretability by giving each component of the input sequence a certain amount of attention weight. This includes adjusting the input and output layers, incorporating more layers, and modifying the attention processes to collect relevant information. This also makes it possible for physicians to comprehend which features of the data contributed to the model's predictions. The proposed model is tested on the Cleveland dataset, a benchmark dataset of the University of California Irvine (UCI) machine learning (ML) repository. Comparing the proposed model to several baseline approaches, we achieved the highest accuracy of 96.51%. Furthermore, the outcomes of our experiments demonstrate that the prediction rate of our model is higher than that of other cutting-edge approaches used for heart disease prediction
A Three-dimensional Printed Low-cost Anterior Shoulder Dislocation Model for Ultrasound-guided Injection Training.
Anterior shoulder dislocations are the most common, large joint dislocations that present to the emergency department (ED). Numerous studies support the use of intraarticular local anesthetic injections for the safe, effective, and time-saving reduction of these dislocations. Simulation training is an alternative and effective method for training compared to bedside learning. There are no commercially available ultrasound-compatible shoulder dislocation models. We utilized a three-dimensional (3D) printer to print a model that allows the visualization of the ultrasound anatomy (sonoanatomy) of an anterior shoulder dislocation. We utilized an open-source file of a shoulder, available from embodi3DÂź (Bellevue, WA, US). After approximating the relative orientation of the humerus to the glenoid fossa in an anterior dislocation, the humerus and scapula model was printed with an Ultimaker-2 Extended+ 3DÂź (Ultimaker, Cambridge, MA, US) printer using polylactic acid filaments. A 3D model of the external shoulder anatomy of a live human model was then created using Structure SensorÂź(Occipital, San Francisco, CA, US), a 3D scanner. We aligned the printed dislocation model of the humerus and scapula within the resultant external shoulder mold. A pourable ballistics gel solution was used to create the final shoulder phantom. The use of simulation in medicine is widespread and growing, given the restrictions on work hours and a renewed focus on patient safety. The adage of see one, do one, teach one is being replaced by deliberate practice. Simulation allows such training to occur in a safe teaching environment. The ballistic gel and polylactic acid structure effectively reproduced the sonoanatomy of an anterior shoulder dislocation. The 3D printed model was effective for practicing an in-plane ultrasound-guided intraarticular joint injection. 3D printing is effective in producing a low-cost, ultrasound-capable model simulating an anterior shoulder dislocation. Future research will determine whether provider confidence and the use of intraarticular anesthesia for the management of shoulder dislocations will improve after utilizing this model
Lean manufacturing culture: The role of human perceptions of standardized work
The final publication is available at IOS Press through http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-902-7-523.Lean implementation and its sustainability are strongly coupled with organizational culture and consequently the culture defines success. Organizational culture is strongly linked with organizational dynamics. Work standardization is one of the lean tools whose role in terms of organizational performance improvement has been claimed in the literature; however, its implications in terms of employee's perceptions are still controversial. This study aims at investigating the effect of position on employee's perception about the standardized work. Four textile manufacturing companies in Pakistan were selected for the purpose of data collection, where the implementation level of the tool and organizational maturity towards lean adoption were initially measured. A questionnaire was administered to 326 employees from these organizations. The overall data sample was divided into two categories (white-collar and blue-collar). Data analysis was by F-tests (for identifying significance levels) and separate regression analyses (for identifying variables associated with negative perceptions of employees). A significant difference was found between white-collar employees, who were generally positive about the standardization of work, and the blue-collar employees that had negative perceptions. Moreover, the study concluded that positive perceptions about standardized work are directly linked with job satisfaction and inversely linked with job stress
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