28 research outputs found
ABSTRAKStrategi ‘promosi’ rumah sakit yang tidak melanggar etika namun efektif, adalah menggunakan media komunikasi dari mulut ke mulut (word-of-mouth-WOM). WOM positif berhubungan erat dengan citra rumah sakit, kepuasan pasien, dan kepercayaan pasien. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain survey, dengan populasi adalah pasien yang berobat di sebuah rumah sakit swasta. Sampel berukuran 200 responden ditentukan dengan teknik penyampelan purposive. Hipotesis penelitian diuji menggunakan metode Pemodelan persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa WOM positif dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh citra rumah sakit dan kepercayaan pasien. Citra rumah sakit disamping berpengaruh langsung juga berpengaruh tidak langsung pada WOM positif melalui mediasi kepercayaan pasien.Kata kunci: WOM positif, kepuasan pasien, kepercayaan pasien, citra rumah sakitABSTRACTHospital ‘promotion’ strategy that did not break over the ethial codes but effective,it is using word of mouth (WOM) communication media. Positive WOM tight correspondence to hospital image, patient satisfaction, and patient trust. Reseach conducted by using survey design with the population were patients of the private hospital. Sample sized were 200 respondents, determined by purposive sampling tecnique.Research hypothesis tested by using Structural equation modelling. The results of the research showing that positive WOM directly influenced by hospital image and patient trust. Hospital image beside it has been influenced diretly topositive WOM, it had indirectly influenced to postive WOM through patient trust mediation.Keywords: positive WOM, patient satisfaction, patient trust, hospital imag
Solo City is one of the cities for observing children. This is evidenced by the changes and achievements of the City of Solo as a Child-friendly City. Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 25 of 2021 concerning Child Friendly Regency/City Policies, with the Law on assisting Child Friendly Cities which has 6 main indicators (institutional, basic health and welfare, civil rights and freedoms, family environment and alternative care, special protection, and education, use of leisure time and cultural activities) with 24 sub-indicators making progress in the process of achieving Child Friendly Cities certainly has value that is felt by the community. A service quality is said to be successful if the value of satisfaction is higher than the value of dissatisfaction. This study aims to examine the service quality variable in the City of Solo in implementing the Child Friendly City program. By using a service quality model that includes 5 spaces, a simple research model concept and using a simple regression analysis hypothesis testing in this study, the results obtained indicate that the satisfaction value is lower than the dissatisfaction value. This study found that there were things that were missed during the service quality process so that community satisfaction had a low value. What is expected by the community is not in accordance with the expected reality. So that these results provide an indication that the achievement of service quality in Solo City as a Child Friendly City has not been categorized as a maximum service quality even though all forms of processes have been carried out to implement Solo City as a Child Friendly City according to the indicators
Solo City is one of the cities for observing children. This is evidenced by the changes and achievements of the City of Solo as a Child-friendly City. Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 25 of 2021 concerning Child Friendly Regency/City Policies, with the Law on assisting Child Friendly Cities which has 6 main indicators (institutional, basic health and welfare, civil rights and freedoms, family environment and alternative care, special protection, and education, use of leisure time and cultural activities) with 24 sub-indicators making progress in the process of achieving Child Friendly Cities certainly has value that is felt by the community. A service quality is said to be successful if the value of satisfaction is higher than the value of dissatisfaction. This study aims to examine the service quality variable in the City of Solo in implementing the Child Friendly City program. By using a service quality model that includes 5 spaces, a simple research model concept and using a simple regression analysis hypothesis testing in this study, the results obtained indicate that the satisfaction value is lower than the dissatisfaction value. This study found that there were things that were missed during the service quality process so that community satisfaction had a low value. What is expected by the community is not in accordance with the expected reality. So that these results provide an indication that the achievement of service quality in Solo City as a Child Friendly City has not been categorized as a maximum service quality even though all forms of processes have been carried out to implement Solo City as a Child Friendly City according to the indicators
This study aims to examine the mediating role of the implementation plan in the relationship between medical intention and treatment decisions, examine the role of moderation of actual behavioral control in the relationship between implementation plans and treatment decisions, and examine the role of situational context moderation in the relationship between treatment plans and treatment decisions. The decision to treat a patient is important for the hospital because it determines the number of patients who will seek treatment at the hospital. Data obtained through questionnaires distributed to patient or someone who want to be a patient. The research sample used amounted 200. This research use purposive sampling in Solo Raya. Hypothesis testing used regression logistic for mediating and moderating role. First hypothesis are supported but second and third hypothesis was not supported
The study of success information system organized is still a study important in researchs systems information. It is caused by existence of the diversity of the results of research on the success of the the information system in organizations on various research an object that impact on variable user and the weapons of the analysis that adapted to the purposes of research (Delone & Mclean, 2003; Wu & Wang, 2006; Holsapple & Le-post, 2006). The purpose of this research is to test antaseden in the form of satisfaction in building intention use the information at RSUD Dr .Moewardi Surakarta. Research sample areas are employees at RSUD Dr .Moewardi as many as 200 respondents. Sampling technique use two stage clusters random sampling, a measuring instrument use testing spss and the testing of hypotheses use SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with software AMOS. Based on the results of the analysis showed that all hypothesis supported that is significant the connection between satisfaction with the intention to continue, a significant relation between quality information with satisfaction user, a significant relation between quality the system with satisfaction users, and a significant relation exists between the quality of services with satisfaction users information systemThe study of success information system organized is still a study important in researchs systems information. It is caused by existence of the diversity of the results of research on the success of the the information system in organizations on various research an object that impact on variable user and the weapons of the analysis that adapted to the purposes of research (Delone & Mclean, 2003; Wu & Wang, 2006; Holsapple & Le-post, 2006). The purpose of this research is to test antaseden in the form of satisfaction in building intention use the information at RSUD Dr .Moewardi Surakarta. Research sample areas are employees at RSUD Dr .Moewardi as many as 200 respondents. Sampling technique use two stage clusters random sampling, a measuring instrument use testing spss and the testing of hypotheses use SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with software AMOS. Based on the results of the analysis showed that all hypothesis supported that is significant the connection between satisfaction with the intention to continue, a significant relation between quality information with satisfaction user, a significant relation between quality the system with satisfaction users, and a significant relation exists between the quality of services with satisfaction users information syste
Determinan Gaya Hidup Minimalis: Apakah Berpengaruh Terhadap Gaya Hidup Minimalis
Gaya hidup minimalis telah diakui luas mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan hidup dan keberlanjutan lingkungan alam (Bradshaw, 2019). Oleh karena itu, gaya hidup minimalis sangat penting dalam upaya menciptakan kebahagiaan hidup seseorang. Namun,dalam kenyataannya, konsumerisme semakin meningkat.Hal ini diindikasikan dengan semakin tingginya intensitas kesakitan yang dialami manusia, serta kerusakan lingkungan alam yang semakin luas. Segala akibat negative ini berakar pada konsumsi berlebihan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal, untuk menguji hubungan sebab akibat antar variabel yang diteliti ( masalah kelebihan harta benda, belanja hati hati, usia produk dan kemandirian) Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Regresi berganda.penelitian menggunakan desain survei. Teknik penyampelan yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, dengan Obyek penelitian adalah perilaku belanja masyarakat yang tercermin dari barang dan jasa yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari.Persamaan regresi di atas menjelaskan bahwa variabel masalah kelebihan harta benda belanja hati hati, usia produk. Kemandirian. Maka hipotesis variabel independent terhadap variabel dependent tidak terdukung.karena pada hakikatnya manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang tidak akan pernah merasa puas dan selalu berkeinginan untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhanya.Peneliti disini berharap nantinya khalayak dapat memahami makna-makna dari gaya hidup minimalis. Selain itu peneliti juga berharap melalui penelitian ini, setiap orang dapat memanfaatkan uang yang dimilikinya dengan baik, tidak hanya untuk keinginan dan memuaskan hasratnya terus menerus namun juga memikirkan kebutuhan yang lain didalam kehidupan nyata
Pengaruh Kenyaman Pada Komunikasi Getok Tular Daring
This study aims to examine the effect of online consumer satisfaction on online word-of-mouth, the effect of convenience of access on online consumer satisfaction, the effect of transaction convenience on online consumer satisfaction and the effect of service convenience on online consumer satisfaction. Online word of mouth or electronic word of mouth is currently a trend that is proven to be able to influence the buying behavior of a consumer.The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires distributed to the general public. The sample used is 200. The sampling technique used is purpose sampling. Testing the validity and reliability used SPSS. Hypothesis testing is done by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis.The results in this study indicate that the four hypotheses are supported. The online consumer satisfaction variable has a positive effect on online word-of-mouth. Access convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The transaction convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. And the service convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The results of this study mean that the convenience provided by an online application will give a sense of satisfaction to the individual and be able to have a positive impact on the individual doing word-of-mouth online.This study aims to examine the effect of online consumer satisfaction on online word-of-mouth, the effect of convenience of access on online consumer satisfaction, the effect of transaction convenience on online consumer satisfaction and the effect of service convenience on online consumer satisfaction. Online word of mouth or electronic word of mouth is currently a trend that is proven to be able to influence the buying behavior of a consumer.The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires distributed to the general public. The sample used is 200. The sampling technique used is purpose sampling. Testing the validity and reliability used SPSS. Hypothesis testing is done by using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis.The results in this study indicate that the four hypotheses are supported. The online consumer satisfaction variable has a positive effect on online word-of-mouth. Access convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The transaction convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. And the service convenience variable has a positive effect on online consumer satisfaction. The results of this study mean that the convenience provided by an online application will give a sense of satisfaction to the individual and be able to have a positive impact on the individual doing word-of-mouth online
Modifikasi Perilaku Menurunkan Konsumsi Daging Merah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel perilaku mengurangi konsumsi daging merah. Perilaku mengurangi konsumsi daging merah disebabkan oleh niat mengurangi konsumsi dahing merah. Niat mengurangi konsumsi daging merah dipengaruhi oleh sikap terhadap konsumsi daging merah, pengalaman masa lalu, kesadaran terhadap akibat mengonsumsi daging merah, dan keyakinan prokelingkunganan. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang telah dibagikan kepada masyarakat. Teknik penyampelan yang digunakan yaitu Purposive Sampling sebanyak 200 responden. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis permodelan persamaan structural (Structural Equation Modelling – SEM) dan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan hasil perilaku mengurangi konsumsi daging tidak berpengaruh pada niat mengurangi konsumsi daging merah, niat menurunkan konsumsi daging merah tidak berpengaruh pada sikap terhadap konsumsi daging merah, niat terhadap konsumsi daging merah tidak berpengaruh positing pada pengalaman masa lalu, dan kesadaran terhadap akibat mengonsumsi daging merah berpengaruh positih pada keyakinan prokelingkungana
Modifikasi Perilaku Menurunkan Konsumsi Kopi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel perilaku menurunkan konsumsi kopi dipengaruhi pengalaman masa lalu dan dimoderasi iklan menurunkan konsumsi kopi. . Data diperoleh melalui Eksperimen yang dilakukan di Karanganyar. Teknik eksperimen yang digunakan sebanyak 60 partisipan. Uji hipotesis menggunakan teknik analisis regresi dengan variabel moderator dan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengalaman masa lalu berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku menurunkan konsumsi kopi, rangsangan iklan memoderasi hubungan antara pengalaman masa lalu dan perilaku menurunkan konsumi kop