5,072 research outputs found
Excision for deformation K-theory of free products
Associated to a discrete group , one has the topological category of
finite dimensional (unitary) -representations and (unitary) isomorphisms.
Block sums provide this category with a permutative structure, and the
associated -theory spectrum is Carlsson's deformation -theory of G. The
goal of this paper is to examine the behavior of this functor on free products.
Our main theorem shows the square of spectra associated to (considered as
an amalgamated product over the trivial group) is homotopy cartesian. The proof
uses a general result regarding group completions of homotopy commutative
topological monoids, which may be of some independent interest.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure. Final version: The title has changed, and the
paper has been substantially revised to improve clarit
Topological Order and the Quantum Spin Hall Effect
The quantum spin Hall (QSH) phase is a time reversal invariant electronic
state with a bulk electronic band gap that supports the transport of charge and
spin in gapless edge states. We show that this phase is associated with a novel
topological invariant, which distinguishes it from an ordinary insulator.
The classification, which is defined for time reversal invariant
Hamiltonians, is analogous to the Chern number classification of the quantum
Hall effect. We establish the order of the QSH phase in the two band
model of graphene and propose a generalization of the formalism applicable to
multi band and interacting systems.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX. Added reference, minor correction
Real secondary index theory
In this paper, we study the family index of a family of spin manifolds. In
particular, we discuss to which extend the real index (of the Dirac operator of
the real spinor bundle if the fiber dimension is divisible by 8) which can be
defined in this case contains extra information over the complex index (the
index of its complexification). We study this question under the additional
assumption that the complex index vanishes on the k-skeleton of B. In this
case, using local index theory we define new analytical invariants \hat c_k\in
H^{k-1}(B;\reals/\integers). We then continue and describe these invariants in
terms of known topological characteristic classes. Moreover, we show that it is
an interesting new non-trivial invariant in many examples.Comment: LaTeX2e, 56 pages; v2: final version to appear in ATG, typos fixed,
statement of 4.5.5 improve
A path integral derivation of -genus
The formula for the Hirzebruch -genus of complex manifolds is a
consequence of the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula. The classical index
formulae for Todd genus, Euler number, and Signature correspond to the case
when the complex variable 0, -1, and 1 respectively. Here we give a {\it
direct} derivation of this nice formula based on supersymmetric quantum
mechanics.Comment: 5 page
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