304 research outputs found

    Opinion mining of Phone Sitting Feature

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    This report aims to evaluate opinion mining of customers about phone sitting features in cell phones in different brands across the world by using data mining techniques. Therefore, Data for the report has been collected from data scrapping in Qoura which collects opinion of customers. The collected information from the data base has evaluated by using sentiment analysis. The collected information from Qoura transforms the content and extracts data from API’s. In relation to this, information obtains from the research contributed for providing useful information for these features. The collected information from application scrapping has been analysed through sentiment analysis. The application used in this project is python for analysing the data. This working contributed for developing understanding of customer’s feedback on this features through which they get benefited from it. The outcomes of the project provide information that most of the customer provides positive sentiments about Mobile phone sitting features by using data scraping method as this method provide the process of having data in addition On the other hand, negative sentiments of customers specify that they prefer not limit screen time as it support for managing their work. This contributed for developing an understanding of mobile phone sitting feature and to know users consumptions

    Physical activities for moral forming football athletes

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    Aim: to determine the level of implementation of physical activity in the formation of moral football athletes.Material and methods. The method used in this research is descriptive research, with a quantitative approach. The research instrument used interviews, observation and observation sheets, as well as documentation. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with survey research forms. The population in this study amounted to 16 athletes. This research uses a Likert scale.Results. Based on the results of research and discussion of physical activities for moral forming football athletes, it can be concluded that: (1) Moral Knowing, it can be concluded into 4 categories, namely very good at 3.2%, good at 53.2%, enough for 39.2%, and less at 4.3%. The category difference between very good and good is 50%. Meanwhile, the moderate and insufficient categories had a difference of 34.9%. There is absolutely no or 0% lack for the category. (2) Moral Action can be concluded into 3 categories, namely very good at 26.9%, both 53.2% and 19.9% sufficient. Meanwhile, for the less and less category, it was 0%. (3) Moral Feeling can be concluded into 3 categories, namely very good at 41.4%, good at 48.4% and quite 10.2%. Meanwhile, for the category of less and less at 0%. So the results of this study can be concluded that to form a person's character through sports, one of which is through football. Then it can be seen in the results of the study that physical activity to shape the character of soccer athletes in Pontianak is in the good category. If athletes want to develop into professional athletes, they must be able to form good personal character.Conclusions. Athletes must have morals that are formed when doing physical activities such as branching sports that is having knowledge about morals, having feelings about morals and having good moral habits. This can be demonstrated by carrying out physical activities according to the trainer's direction, having a special schedule to carry out physical activity, teamwork, self-knowledge, the spirit of fairplay competence, decision making, and an attitude of empathy

    Konsentrasi, Dehidrasi Setelah Latihan Bertahan Pada Permainan Sepak Bola

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    This study has the objective of knowing the status of concentration, dehydration after endurance training in soccer games. The specific target of this research is to help provide information and knowledge to athletes and coaches in preparing athletes' performance in paying attention to athlete's fluid consumption in each training concentration and performance in training, competing. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with survey techniques with the results of the research. The results showed that the average male athlete had a concentration of 10 in the good category with a percentage of 43%, in the medium category there were 7 players with a percentage of 30% and in the sufficient category there were 6 athletes, there were 26%. dehydration of 23 athletes as many as 8 people (17.30%) had good hydration status, 8 people (34.60%) had moderate dehydration status, 5 people (39.2%) had dehydration status and 2 people (8.7% ) have a severely dehydrated status. The conclusion of the research is the status of dehydration after doing man to man exercises is very dehydrated as much as 39.2% and dehydrated as much as 34.80%.  Keywords : Concentration, Dehydration, Football, Survival Training

    Analisis Latihan Keterampilan Teknik Dasar Sepak Bola untuk Atlet Pemula

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    This study aims to analyze the basic technical skills training of football, especially for novice athletes. This research was conducted in the city of Pontianak. The research population is football clubs or schools in the city of Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The results of this study indicate that every soccer athlete, in this case beginners, still has a high weakness of 30%, 20% excess, 10% strength, and 40% chance. The conclusion of this study shows that the basic technical skills of novice football athletes in the city of Pontianak have a great opportunity to develop basic technical skills to the advanced level. If each athlete can provide competitiveness with the skills possessed by each athlete with a comprehensive, measurable, patterned and sustainable training program, this novice athlete will be good. Keywords: Analysis, Skills, Basic Techniques, Footbal


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model latihan teknik dasar heading sepakbola dengan berbasis bermain. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan produk berupa model latihan tehnik dasar heading sepak bola mengunakan borg and gall. Intrumens heading bola yang dimodifikasi untuk atlet pemula dan divalidasi oleh ahli atau pakar sepak bola dengan hasil bahwa setelah divalidasi oleh ahli yang berawal dari 20 variasi model latihan dribling gugur 5 menjadi 15 variasi model latihan dribbling untuk atlet pemula usia 8-12 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil tes 9,9815 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan adalah 9,9270. Hasil tes menunjukkan peningkatan hasil heading sehingga teknik dasar heading atlet meningkat., sehingga bahwa kesimpulan dari pengembangan model latihan tehnik dasar heading bola sepak bola berbasis bermain untuk atlet pemula bisa diterima sesuai karakter pemain yang berusia 8-12 tahun.Kata Kunci: Latihan Teknik Dasar, Sepak Bola, Headin

    Pengaruh Media Gawang Mini terhadap Lompat Jauh Siswa SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau

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    The purpose of the reserach to determine the effect of media mini wicket against long jump junior high school students PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. The research method is a method of quantitative research with experimental research form. Population are 87 people, using purposive sampling technique to sample amounted are 28 people. Data analysis was performed using t-test analysis. based on the results, the average long jump study results showed an increase that occurred between the initial test test (pretest) is 18.93 and the average final test (posttest) is 22.07 with a difference or an increase is 3.14. Value of ttest = 14.518 is greater than the value table = 2,052, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted there are significant media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. Percentage increase in the influence of the media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau the percentage increase amounts to 16.60%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of mini wicket media have a positive influence on the student's long jump


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    AbstractThe mujahidin high school stands firmly on the side of ahmad yani road which is directly oppsite the largest mosque in west Kalimantan province, but from that it is not yet visible to the naked eye whether or not there is sports coaching in mujahidin schools, especially football, so it is important to know the student’s interest in mujahidin school Pontianak the research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a surve reseach from, the population in the his study using purposive sampling. The research results obtained in following the football extracurricular activities.Keywords:Interest of students, football extracurricula