65 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Media Gawang Mini terhadap Lompat Jauh Siswa SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau

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    The purpose of the reserach to determine the effect of media mini wicket against long jump junior high school students PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. The research method is a method of quantitative research with experimental research form. Population are 87 people, using purposive sampling technique to sample amounted are 28 people. Data analysis was performed using t-test analysis. based on the results, the average long jump study results showed an increase that occurred between the initial test test (pretest) is 18.93 and the average final test (posttest) is 22.07 with a difference or an increase is 3.14. Value of ttest = 14.518 is greater than the value table = 2,052, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted there are significant media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. Percentage increase in the influence of the media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau the percentage increase amounts to 16.60%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of mini wicket media have a positive influence on the student's long jump

    Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jangkit Siswa XI Ips2 Sman 6 Pontianak

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    The problem is there any research on the influence of the traditionalgame triple jump results XI IPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak. The purpose ofthe study the influence of the traditional game against the triple jump results XIIPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak. The method used is an experimentalmethod to form a pre-experimental design. Population class XI students of SMAN6 students Pontianak 120. Sampling is purposive sampling technique that is classXI IPS2 SMAN 6 Pontianak, amounting to 28 students. Data analysis wasperformed using t-test analysis. The results of the initial test average 15.54 and anaverage final test 17.68, an increase of 2.11. The results of the t-test t-test valueof 9.899 is greater than the value of 2.052 ttable, influences of traditional gamesagainst triple jump results XI IPS 2 students of SMAN 6 Pontianak significant.The percentage increase amounts to 13.77%

    Pembelajaran Passing Atas Media Bola Karet pada Siswa Sdn 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas

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    This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomespassing over volleyball mini via media approach to learning a rubber ball. Thisresearch method is quantitative descriptive method with techniques percentage.Subjects were fifth grade students of SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh, who totaled 16students . While the study sample is to use the technique of test actions(performance ). Data collection techniques used on the sample test is a techniquethat is equipped with instrument ratings as a measurement tool, which is used totest the skills of passing over . Passing the above test results are known in cycle 2pesentase mastery learning students by 87.50 % resulting in a very good criterion.So there is an increase of implementation of the test results with the test cycle 2cycle 1 was 87.50 % - 43.75 % = 43.75 % , so improvement results learning ofstudents passing SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas is 43,75%

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddle dengan Modifikasi Alat Tali Karet di Sdn

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    About problem in this research is problem up to learning process jumpstyled tall bolster belly amongst those teacher in processes learning to utilizecommando method that insufficiently gets menstimulus student. To the effect thisresearch is subject to be increasing ability jumps styled tall straddle by modifiesstring tool. This observational form is Observational action braze (classroomaction research) with subject that total 16 students consisting of 7 male studentsand 9 female students. learned yielding step-up high jump stradel\u27s style that justfine, which is on i. cycle with average value 73. 59 , so step-up it as big as 14,44%. whereas average values on cycle II. is 80. 31 , so step-up it as big as 24,89 %.What one that did by teacher in increase to high Jump stradel\u27s style was plottedwith every consideration so can make active student because supported by markssense motivation in do rubber string tool modification

    Pengaruh Metode Modeling terhadap Hasil Belajar Passing Sepak Bola

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    The research problem is there any influence on learning outcomes of the modeling method of passing football at SMA Negeri 01 Nanga Taman. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of modeling methods to the learning outcomes passing. The research method is a method of experimentation with form pre-experimental design. The population is the entire class X of SMAN 01 Nanga Taman totaling 171. The sampling technique used purposive sampling took samples XB grade students of SMAN 01 Nanga Taman that its population is 31 students . Data analysis was performed using t-test analysis. The results of the analysis of data obtained by the result of learning the average pretest and posttest 20.22 16.87 increased by 4.00 percentage increase of 23.71 %. Test analysis the effect obtained is equal to 15.748 ttest value greater than the value ttable 2,042. Based on the research results it can be concluded that there are significant modeling method to the learning outcomes of passing football in the National High School 01 Nanga Taman
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