13 research outputs found

    Entretien avec Jean-Claude Carrière et Atiq Rahimi

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    Mercredi 18 septembre 2013, rendez-vous a été fixé chez Jean-Claude Carrière dans le quartier Pigalle. Depuis la cour, magnifique petit îlot de verdure, on peut voir l’immense salon auquel on accède de plain-pied, immédiatement à gauche de l’entrée : Jean-Claude Carrière et Atiq Rahimi y discutent avec l’acteur Louis Garrel. Au moment où j’entre, son épouse, Nahal Tajadod (écrivaine d’origine iranienne, auteur d’une thèse sur le manichéisme et de plusieurs ouvrages consacrés au poète perse Rû..

    An international survey of the structure and process of care for traumatic spinal cord injury in acute and rehabilitation facilities : lessons learned from a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: To describe the key findings and lessons learned from an international pilot study that surveyed spinal cord injury programs in acute and rehabilitation facilities to understand the status of spinal cord injury care. METHODS: An online survey with two questionnaires, a 74-item for acute care and a 51-item for rehabilitation, was used. A subset of survey items relevant to the themes of specialized care, timeliness, patient-centeredness, and evidence-based care were operationalized as structure or process indicators. Percentages of facilities reporting the structure or process to be present, and percentages of indicators met by each facility were calculated and reported separately for facilities from high-income countries (HIC) and from low and middle-income countries (LMIC) to identify "hard to meet" indicators defined as those met by less than two-thirds of facilities and to describe performance level. RESULTS: A total of 26 acute and 26 rehabilitation facilities from 25 countries participated in the study. The comparison of the facilities based on the country income level revealed three general observations: 1) some indicators were met equally well by both HIC and LMIC, such as 24-hour access to CT scanners in acute care and out-patient services at rehabilitation facilities; 2) some indicators were hard to meet for LMIC but not for HIC, such as having a multidisciplinary team for both acute and rehabilitation settings; and 3) some indicators were hard to meet by both HIC and LMIC, including having peer counselling programs. Variability was also observed for the same indicator between acute and rehabilitation facilities, and a wide range in the total number of indicators met among HIC facilities (acute 59-100%; rehabilitation 36-100%) and among LMIC facilities (acute: 41-82%; rehabilitation: 36-93%) was reported. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this international pilot study found that the participating acute and rehabilitation facilities on average adhered to 74% of the selected indicators, suggesting that the structure and processes to provide ideal traumatic spinal cord injury care were broadly available. Recruiting a representative sample of SCI facilities and incorporating regional attributes in future surveys will be helpful to examine factors affecting adherence to indicators.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Earth abd Ashes

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    Batu Kesabaran Singge Sabur

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    viii, 178 hlm.; 19 cm

    Batu Kesabaran: Singge Sabur

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    viii, 178 hlm.; iI.; 19 c

    Batu Kesabaran: Singge Sabur

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    Singge Sabur adalah kata benda berjenis feminin yang berasal dari bahasa Persia syngue "batu", dan sabour "kesabaran". Batu Kesabaran. Dalam legenda Persia, Singge Sabur adalah sebuah batu hitam bertuah. Sebuah batu kesabaran yang diletakan orang-orang di hadapan mereka untuk mengungkapkan kemalangan-kemalangan mereka. Penderitaan-penderitaan mereka. Kesusahan-kesusahan mereka. kesengsaraan-kesengsaraan mereka. Mereka menceritakan kepada batu itu segala hal yang tak berani mereka ungkapkan kepada orang lain.. Bagaikan sebuah spons, batu itu mendengarkan, menyerap semua kata, semua rahasia hingga suatu hari batu ini meledak.. Dan pada hari itulah kita terbebaskan. Namun dalam kisah ini, "batu kesabaran" itu adalah seorang laki-laki yang terbaring. Setelah sebuah peluru bersarang di tengkuknya tanpa membunuhnya. Istrinya merawat dan mendampinginya sepanjang waktu. Perempuan itu tetap merawat dan berbicara kepada sang suami meski ia memendam kepahitan akan kehidupan pernikahannya. Ia bahkan semakin sering berbicara padanya, dan mengungkapkan hasrat, kepedihan, dan rahasia dari lubuk hatinya yang paling dalam. Kala perang antara dua kubu berkecamuk di jalanan, perempuan itu terus berbicara dan berzikir, tanpa benar-benar tahu apakah suaminya memang mendengarkan perkataanya..

    Batu Kesabaran Singge sabur

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    Batu Kesabaran - Singge Sabur

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    xiii, 165 hlm.; 19 x 12 c

    Batu kesabaran : singge sabur

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    viii, 178 p.; 19 c