9 research outputs found


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    This research discusses a model of the Nidzamiyah madarasah institutional system during the reign of the Seljuq dynasty. The system model includes characteristics, mission, curriculum, remuneration system for teachers, students and teachers, and socio-political aspects. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The type of research is library research. Data collection techniques in this study used the documentation method to review madrasah documents related to the learning process of child labor. The results of this study indicate that madrasas in the Saljuk Dynasty were the highest educational institutions. However, madrasas cannot be equated with universities, because madrasah have different characteristics. The characteristics of madrasah that differentiate them from universities can be seen from the curriculum, conditions of teachers and students, as well as socio-political nuances.Keywords: Model, Madrasah Nidzamiyah, Seljuq Dynast


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    This study aims to know and explain; 1) implementation of Islamic religious education for mental retardation children in Extraordinary school C YPAC Semarang; and 2) explain the implications of the implementation of Islamic religious education for mental retardation children in Extraordinary school C YPAC Semarang. This research is a qualitative research type of field research by taking the background of Special School C Foundation for Disabled Children Development Semarang. Mental retardation children are entitled to a religious education worthy in accordance with their respective religions. In this case, Muslim children are given Islamic religious education services to instill Islamic aqidah correctly. Implementation of Islamic education can provide a positive implication for the mental retardation childrens, they can better understand the theory and practice of Islamic religion well. With the knowledge he possesses, he will realize that Allah is Almighty to his creation, so that the mental retardation children are not protracted bemoaning their deficient circumstances. They can be well aware of the situation and can provide stability to the mental

    Pemberdayaan Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an untuk Mencetak Kader Ulama seperti Lulusan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Pesantren

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    Masyarakat Lemah Mendak, Mijen, Semarang menghadapi permasalahan di bidang pendidikan islam bagi anak-anak. Mereka berharap Taman Pendidikan al-Qur`an (TPQ) dapat menjadi solusinya. Akan tetapi, harapan ini belum terpenuhi, meskipun sudah ada TPQ yang berjalan. Selain karena pengaruh pandemi, tenaga pengajar dan kurikulum adalah dua masalah terbesar yang dihadapi, karena sering terjadi pergantian pengajar dan ketidakpastian pedoman pelajaran. Pengabdian ini hadir dengan tujuan untuk memberikan sebuah konsep pendidikan TPQ yang meliputi persiapan SDM, termasuk guru pengajar dan kurikulum agar dapat berjalan dan memenuhi harapan masyarakat. Selain itu, pengabdian ini bermanfaat untuk menjadi media yang mempertemukan keinginan kuat  antara mitra pengabdian yang terdiri dari para pengusaha Muslim dengan para pakar pendidikan Islam untuk mengembangkan TPQ reguler menjadi sebuah TPQ-PK (Program Khusus). Menariknya, target output dan outcome program ini tidak hanya akan melahirkan generasi pembaca al-Qur`an, namun juga penghafal al-Qur`an 30 juz, hadis, dan literatur Islam.  Pengabdian ini mengacu pada metode diskriptif fenomenologis. Hasil nyata dari pengabdian ini adalah konsep pengembangan kurikulum TPQ yang meliputi grand design,mata pelajaran, metode, dan pendekatan pembelajaran. The Lemah Mendak community, Mijen, Semarang faces problems in the field of Islamic education for children. They hope that the Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) can be the solution. However, this expectation has not been met, even though there is already a TPQ running. Apart from the impact of the pandemic, teaching staff and curriculum are the two biggest problems faced, due to frequent teacher changes and uncertainty in lesson guidelines. This service is here with the aim of providing a TPQ education concept which includes the preparation of human resources, including teaching teachers and curriculum so that it can run and meet community expectations. In addition, this devotion is useful to become a medium that brings together the strong desire between service partners consisting of Muslim entrepreneurs and Islamic education experts to develop regular TPQ into a TPQ-PK (Special Program)


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    Revolusi Industri 4.0 adalah munculnya kombinasi teknologi diantaranya fisik, biologis dan digital disebut juga Cyber Physical System (CPS). Dari perkembangan tersebut mengkonversi tatanan kehidupan baik dari segi ekonomi, social, budaya dan termasuk Pendidikan. Perubahan dunia Pendidikan tersebut menuntut pendidik untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kecakapan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi. Banyak guru menghadapi tantangan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan teknologi untuk mengintegrasikan alat dan platform digital dalam pembelajaran. Namun realitanya masih banyak guru mungkin tidak memiliki akses yang memadai ke pelatihan atau sumber daya dalam peroleh keterampilan tersebut. Selain itu guru juga masih kesulitan mengakses perangkat digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesiapan guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti dalam meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Metode yang digunakan adalah korelasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sedangkan pada variabel terdapat dua variabel yaitu kesiapan guru PAI dan budi pekerti (X) dan revolusi industri 4.0 (Y). Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistic menunjukkan bahwa Kesiapan guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti di tingkat SMP Kota Semarang mayoritas berada di kategori tinggi yaitu sejumlah 26 guru PAI (81,3%), kategori rendah yaitu sejumlah 4 guru PAI (12,5%) dan kategori rendah sejumlah 2 guru PAI (6,3%). Upaya guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti di tingkat SMP Kota Semarang mayoritas berada di kategori tinggi yaitu sejumlah 21 guru PAI (65,6%), kemudian kategori sedang sejumlah 7 guru PAI (21,9%), dan kategori rendah sejumlah 4 guru PAI (12,5%). Maka dalam hal ini dapat dinyatakan bahwa kesiapan guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti di Tingkat Kota Semarang mempunyai kesiapan yang baik dalam menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0.  Kata Kunci: Kesiapan, Guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti, Revolusi Industri 4.

    Inovasi Penilaian Hasil Belajar Model POT di Era Merdeka Belajar

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    Assessment is an important thing in the curriculum. Because with the assessment, the learning carried out can be seen the results and follow-up. Assessment will always be developed in accordance with the curriculum. At present, the government has decided to implement an independent curriculum, starting from elementary school to tertiary level. An innovative assessment model can be a solution to the declining quality of education. This type of research is included in the systematic literature review. The results of this study are that the construction of the assessment model in the independent curriculum is very varied, ranging from project-based assessment, authentic assessment to summative research. All of this was done in order to form a Pancasila student profile

    Global Halal Center - Unissula mengabdi untuk menyelamatkan umat melalui penyusunan istrumen Muslim Friendly

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    AbstrakIndonesia adalah negara dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama Islam, dengan jumlah lebih dari 87 % total penduduknya. Jumlah yang tidak kecil ini merupakan sasaran yang harus diselamatkan dari fasilitas pelayanan barang dan jasa yang merugikan dari sisi peribadatan mereka. Memberikan jaminan aman dari sisi penyedia jasa adalah langkah yang akan ditempuh oleh pusat studi Global Halal Center-UNISSULA(PS GHCU), melalui upaya penciptaan instrumen Muslim Friendly berbagai sektor jasa. Tujuan dari aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh GHCU adalah membuat instrumen yang bisa digunakan untuk mengkualifikasikan tingkat keamanan menurut nilai-nilai Islam (Muslim Friendly) dari suatu unit/lembaga yang memberikan pelayanan jasa pada konsumen/pelanggan muslim, dalam kategori pratama, utama dan paripurna. Proses penyusunan dilakukan melalui kegiatan seminar dan workshop yang mengikutkan peserta masyarakat umum, akademisi dan mahasiswa dengan narasumber dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal, Institute Pengkajian Halal Malaysia, dan Majelis Upaya Kesehatan Syariah Indonesia. Hasil dari aktivitas kegiatan ini adalah lima instrumen pokok dalam sektor jasa yang meliputi Muslim Friendly for Dental Clinic Rating System, Muslim Friendly for Pharmacy Rating System, Muslim Friendly for Aesthetic Clinic Rating System, Muslim Friendly for Microfinance Rating System, dan Muslim Friendly for Slaughterhouse Rating System.Kata kunci: Apotek; keuangan mikro; klinik; Muslim Friendly; pemotongan hewanAbstractIndonesia is a country with a majority of the population of Islam, with more than 87% of the total population. This population must be saved from the service facilities of goods and services that harm their worship. Providing safe guarantees from the service provider side is a step that will be taken by the Global Halal Center-UNISSULA (PS GHCU) study center, through efforts to create a "Muslim Friendly " instrument in various service sectors. The purpose of the activities carried out by GHCU is to create instruments that can be used to qualify the level of security according to Muslim Friendly values of a unit / institution that provides services to Muslim consumers / customers, in the pre-primary, primary and plenary categories. The drafting process was carried out through seminars and Workshops that included general public participants, academics and students with speakers from the Indonesian Ulema Council, Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency, Malaysian Halal Assessment Institute, and Indonesian Sharia Health Effort Assembly. The results of these activities are the five main instruments in the service sector which include Muslim Friendly for Dental Clinic Rating System, Muslim Friendly Pharmacy Rating System, Muslim Friendly for Aesthetic Clinic Rating System, Muslim Friendly for Microfinance Rating System, and Muslim Friendly for Slaughterhouse Rating System.Keywords: Pharmacy; microfinance; clinics; Muslim Friendly; animal slaughte


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    The government's policy to change Curriculum 13 to an independent learning curriculum has an effect on changing paradigms and learning objectives in general, including Islamic learning. The measure of success between students cannot be equated but instead must be independent in accordance with the independent learning curriculum concept. it is important for teachers who teach PAI subjects to be able to develop learning evaluations according to the principles and objectives of the independent learning curriculum. This study aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing Islamic Education learning instruments in the Freedom to Learn era. The results of the study show that there are implications for the independent curriculum for student assessment, namely the teacher must develop the three types of instruments needed, namely at the beginning of learning, during learning and at the end of learning. The types of assessment instruments developed at the beginning of learning can be in the form of written tests in the form of descriptions, multiple choice and checklists. Assessment instruments during learning are in the form of observation, oral and performance, while instruments for final assessment of learning can be in the form of multiple choices, descriptions and oral tests

    Model E-Asesmen Berbasis Aplikasi pada Sekolah Menengah Atas di Era Digital: Systematic Literature Review

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    Education in today's digital era is required to be adaptive and accommodating to the development of information and communication technology. The education process is carried out dynamically according to civilisation. One of the significant changes that occur today is the transfer of assessment practices from conventional-traditional to electronic assessment practices which are then called E-Assessment. This electronic assessment is developed with various variants, starting from web-based, applications, and so on. Internet access has been massive and widespread throughout the region, making most people assume that E-assessment is relevant to be applied in today's learning world. This research is a type of qualitative research with a systematic literature review (SLR) approach. Data sources come from research journal articles and books that are in accordance with the theme of the discussion. The data analysis technique uses content analysis. The findings or results of the study are that E-assessment is relevant to be implemented in senior high schools because of their skills in accessing and operating various applications. The digital literacy possessed by today's millennial generation greatly supports the E-assessment process in schools. Application-based E-Assessment can be developed with several applications, such as kahoot, quizizz, moodle, and others. The application of E-assessment has several advantages, such as saving money, reducing time for correction, feedback and evaluation results can be received in real time, and improving the digital skills of educators and student